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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 17 : Reuni�n�2021-08-24�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 17� C�(2021-08-24)�



Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2021-08-24 al 2021-09-03

Lugar : E-Meeting

Otras reuniones : 2022-01-072021-04-202021-01-072020-08-242020-05-292020-03-172019-08-272019-01-222018-08-292018-03-202017-08-292017-03-22

Resultados :98 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1128 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security requirements for decentralized identity management systems using distributed ledger technology � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2021-08-11
[ 1127 ]
3rd Revised baseline text for X.5Gsec-vs: Security requirements for vertical services supporting ultra reliable and low latency communication (URLLC) in the 5G non-public networks � Korea (Rep. of) Q2/17 2021-08-11
[ 1126 ]
6th Revised baseline text for X.strvms: security threats and requirements for video management system (for determination) � Korea (Rep. of) Q6/17 2021-08-11
[ 1125 ]
3rd revised baseline text for X.pet_auth: Entity authentication service for pet animals using telebiometrics � Korea (Rep. of) Q10/17 2021-08-11
[ 1124 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.hybsec-qkdn: Technical Report on hybrid security approaches applicable to QKD networks � Korea (Rep. of) Q15/17 2021-08-11
[ 1123 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sg-rat: Security guidelines for use of remote access tools in Internet-connected control systems (for determination) � Korea (Rep. of) Q6/17 2021-08-11
[ 1122 ]
Revised baseline text for TR-XAASL: Framework for Security Standardization for Virtualized Services � United Kingdom Q8/17 2021-08-10
[ 1121 ]
Revised baseline text for X.gecds: Guideline on edge computing data security (chapter 8.1) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/17 2021-08-10
[ 1120 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sa-ec: Security architecture of edge cloud (chapter 7) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/17 2021-08-10
[ 1119 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1080.0: Access control for telebiometrics data protection � Danish Energy Agency (Denmark) Q10/17 1753-01-01
[ 1118 ]
Final baseline text for X.ssp-iot: Security Requirements for IoT Service Platform (for determination) � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q6/17 2021-08-10
[ 1117 ]
Final baseline text for X.sgos: Security Guidelines of Web-based Online Customer Service (for consent) � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q7/17 2021-08-10
[ 1116 ]
Revised baseline text for X.5gsec-message: Security Requirements for 5G Message Service � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q2/17 2021-08-10
[ 1115 ]
4th Revised baseline text for X.tf-mpc: Technical Guidelines for Secure Multi-Party Computation (for consent) � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q15/17 2021-08-10
[ 1114 ]
Proposed new work item on: Security guidelines for implementation of lifecycle management of e-commerce business data � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q8/17 2021-08-10
[ 1113 ]
Proposal of update for 5G security standardization roadmap and its publishment as Technical Paper � KDDI Corporation (Japan) Q2/17 2021-08-10
[ 1112 ]
Proposal to initiate discussion on new procedures for efficient virtual meeting management � Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan) , KDDI Corporation (Japan) , National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan) , NEC Corporation (Japan) QALL/17 2021-08-10
[ 1111 ]
Revised baseline text for X.gecds: Guideline on edge computing data security (Chapter 7) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/17 2021-08-10
[ 1110 ]
Revised baseline text for X.tecwes: Technologies in countering website spoofing for telecommunication organizations (for determination) � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q4/17 2021-08-10
[ 1109 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security Guidelines for radio access network of 5G multi-operator core network architecture � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/17 2021-08-10
[ 1108 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sgdc: Security guidelines for distributed cloud (chapter 8.2) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/17 2021-08-10
[ 1107 ]
Revised baseline text for X.nssa-cc: Requirements of network security situational awareness platform for cloud computing (chapter 8.4) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/17 2021-08-10
[ 1106 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security Guidelines for Hybrid Core Networks of 5G Non-Public Networks � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/17 2021-08-10
[ 1105 ]
Revised baseline text for X.ztd-iot: Security Methodology for Zero-Touch Deployment in Massive IoT � China Information Communication Technologies Group , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) Q6/17 2021-08-10
[ 1104 ]
Revised baseline text for X.srcd: Security Requirements of Categorized Data in V2X Communication � KDDI Corporation (Japan) Q13/17 2021-08-10
[ 1103 ]
Revised baseline text for X.fstiscv: Guidelines for sharing security threat information on connected vehicles � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q13/17 2021-08-10
[ 1102 ]
Revised baseline text for X.sa-dsm: Security architecture of data sharing management based on the distributed ledger technologies � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q14/17 2021-08-10
[ 1101 ]
Revised baseline text X.srip-dlt: Security requirements for digital integrity proofing based on distributed ledger technology (for Determination) � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q14/17 2021-08-10
[ 1100 ]
1st Revised baseline text for TR.sec-ai: Guidelines for security management of using artificial intelligence technology � China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q15/17 2021-08-10
[ 1099 ]
Proposed Survey "Assessment Cyber Defence Centres in Africa" � Ghana , Kenya , Senegal Q3/17, Q1/17 2021-08-09
[ 1098 ]
Implementation of Cybersecurity Defence Centre Framework X.1060 � Ghana , Kenya , Senegal Q3/17 2021-08-09
[ 1097 ]
Final baseline text for X.sup-csc: Supplement to ITU-T X.1051 - Critical security controls for telecommunication organization � NEC Corporation (Japan) Q3/17 2021-08-09
[ 1096 ]
Proposal for new work item: security risk analysis methodology for IoT devices � Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan) Q6/17 2021-08-07
[ 1095 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1373rev: Secure software update capability for intelligent transportation system communication devices (Appendix I) � Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan) Q13/17 2021-08-07
[ 1094 ]
Revised baseline text for X.tec-idms: Management and protection techniques for user data in distributed identity systems � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2021-08-04
[ 1093 ]
Revised baseline text for X.gpwd: Threat Analysis and guidelines for securing password and password-less authentication solutions � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2021-08-04
[ 1092 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1251rev: A framework for user control of digital identity � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2021-08-04
[ 1091 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1250rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced global identity management and interoperability � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2021-08-04
[ 1090 ]
Revised baseline text for X.eivnsec: Security guidelines for the Ethernet-based in-vehicle networks (clause 10) � Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany) Q13/17 2021-08-04
[ 1089 ]
Revised baseline text for X.eivnsec: Security guidelines for the Ethernet-based in-vehicle networks (clause 7.1) � Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany) Q13/17 2021-08-04
[ 1088 ]
Revised baseline text for X.eivnsec: Security guidelines for the Ethernet-based in-vehicle networks (clause 7) � Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany) Q13/17 2021-08-04
[ 1087 ]
Revised baseline text for X.eivnsec: Security guidelines for the Ethernet-based in-vehicle networks (clause 6.2) � Robert Bosch GmbH (Germany) Q13/17 2021-08-04
[ 1086 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1712 (ex X.sec_QKDN_km): Security requirements and measures for QKD networks - key management (for consent) � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q15/17 2021-07-23
[ 1085 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.hybsec-qkdn: Technical Report on overview of hybrid security approaches applicable to QKD networks � ID Quantique (Switzerland) , SK Telecom (Korea (Rep. of)) Q15/17 2021-07-23
[ 1084 ]
Initial proposals towards the creation of a New Work Item to formalize the architecture model proposed by CG-SECAD � Broadcom Corporation (United States) Q1/17 2021-07-22
[ 1083 ]
Proposal for new work item: Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies � Aetna (United States) Q14/17 2021-07-13
[ 1082 ]
Proposal for new work item: Implementation of Secure Authentication Technologies for Digital Financial Services � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2021-07-13
[ 1081 ]
Proposal for new work item e-KYC use cases in digital financial services � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2021-07-13
Resultados :98 documentos
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