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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 11 : Reuni�n�2019-03-06�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 11� C�(2019-03-06)�


Protocols and test specifications

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2019-03-06 al 2019-03-15

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2021-12-012021-07-152021-03-172020-12-182020-12-042020-11-192020-07-222020-03-042019-10-162019-06-262018-10-312018-07-182017-11-082017-07-122017-02-06

Resultados :65 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 240 ]
Proposals for summary, scope, references and modifications of chapter number of reference document in Q.731.5 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/11 2019-02-14
[ 239 ]
Proposals for summary, scope, references and modifications of chapter number of reference document in Q.731.4 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/11 2019-02-14
[ 238 ]
Proposals for editorial changes of the Q.731.3 amendment 1 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/11 2019-02-14
[ 237 ]
Proposal on modifying signalling procedures for multi-device emergency calls of Q.suppl.Multi_Device_ETS � China Telecommunications Corporation Q3/11 2019-02-11
[ 236 ]
Proposal on A.5 justification information for draft new Q.VCNSA � China Telecommunications Corporation Q1/11 2019-02-11
[ 235 ]
Proposal on consenting draft Recommendation Q.VCNSA at March 2019 SG11 meeting � China Telecommunications Corporation Q1/11 2019-02-11
[ 234 ]
Proposal for an amendment to the Recommendation ITU-T Q.850 "Usage of cause and location in the Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. 1 and the Signalling System No. 7 ISDN user part" � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q2/11 2019-02-05
[ 233 ]
Contribution to clause 6.1, chapter 7 and 8, appendix I.1 of Q.vbng-ios-reqst � China Telecommunications Corporation Q14/11 2019-01-30
[ 232 ]
The chapter 9 and modification of chapter 7 and 8 of QSFD � China Telecommunications Corporation Q4/11 2019-01-30
[ 231 ]
A new work item on Signalling Requirement of telemetry for virtual broadband network services � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q4/11 2019-01-30
[ 230 ]
Withdrawn � N/A (no se aplica) � 2019-01-29
[ 229 ]
Impact of Google Loon on Internet coverage in the Niger � Minist�re des Postes, des T�l�communications et de l'Economie Num�rique (Niger) QALL/11 2019-01-21
[ 228 ]
Impact of ICN technology to current and future networks as well as service scenarios. � Minist�re des Postes et T�l�communications, charg� de la Promotion des Nouvelles Technologies d'Information et de Communication (Central African Rep.) Q8/11 2019-01-16
[ 227 ]
Management of IMEIs and counterfeiting of mobile phones Management of IMEIs and counterfeiting of mobile phones Management of IMEIs and counterfeiting of mobile phones Management of IMEIs and counterfeiting of mobile phones � Minist�re des Postes, des T�l�communications et de l'Economie Num�rique (Niger) Q15/11 2019-01-09
[ 226 ]
Counterfeit mobile phones and Quality of Service � Minist�re des Postes, des T�l�communications et de l'Economie Num�rique (Niger) Q15/11 2018-12-06
Resultados :65 documentos
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