Documentos Temporales
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[ 72-GEN ]
(Rev.1-11)� |
Ad hoc group, drafting group and informal consultation meetings scheduled for Tuesday, 1 November 2016
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2016-10-30 |
[ 71-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proyecto de Nueva Resoluci�n [RCC-4] - Mejora del acceso a un dep�sito electr�nico de informaci�n sobre planes de numeraci�n publicados por el UIT-T
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2016-10-30 |
[ 70-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 65 de la AMNT- comunicaci�n del n�mero de la parte llamante, identificaci�n de la l�nea llamante e informaci�n sobre la Identificaci�n del Origen
sobre la identificaci�n del origen
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2016-10-30 |
[ 69-GEN ]
+Corr.1� |
Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 60 - Evoluci�n de los sistemas de identificaci�n y numeraci�n en respuesta a las nuevas tendencias tecnol�gicas, incluida la Internet de las cosas (IoT)
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2016-10-30 |
[ 68-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 29 de la AMNT - procedimientos alternativos de llamada en las redes internacionales de lecomunicaciones
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2016-10-30 |
[ 67-GEN ]
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Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 20 procedimientos para la atribuci�n y gesti�n de los recursos de numeraci�n, denominaci�n, direccionamiento e identificaci�n Internacionales de Telecomunicaciones
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2016-10-30 |
[ 66-GEN ]
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Report of WG4A Ad Hoc Group on numbering Resolutions: Res. 20, 29. 40, 60, 61, 65 and new Resolution RCC-4
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2016-10-30 |
[ 65-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proyecto Revisado de la Resoluci�n 22 - Autorizaci�n para que el Grupo Asesor de Normalizaci�n de las telecomunicaciones act�e en el periodo entre asambleas mundiales de normalizaci�n
de las telecomunicaciones
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2016-10-30 |
[ 64-GEN ]
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Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 68 - Evoluci�n del papel de la industria en el UIT-T
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2016-10-30 |
[ 63-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proyecto de Nueva Resoluci�n [APT-1] - Fortalecimiento de las actividades de normalizaci�n del UIT-T sobre otros aspectos de las telecomunicaciones m�viles internacionales distintos de las radiocomunicaciones
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2016-10-30 |
[ 62-GEN ]
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Resoluci�n 49 - ENUM
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2016-10-30 |
[ 61-GEN ]
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Proyecto de Nueva Resoluci�n [RCC-5] - Interconexi�n de redes 4G, 5G/IMT-2020 y posteriores
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2016-10-30 |
[ 60-GEN ]
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Report of Adhoc Group on Internet related Resolutions (Saturday 29 October and Sunday 30 October)
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2016-10-30 |
[ 59-GEN ]
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Proyecto Derevisi�n de la Resoluci�n 69 - Acceso y utilizaci�n no discriminatorios de los recursos de Internet y de telecomunicaciones/TIC
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2016-10-30 |
[ 58-GEN ]
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Report of COM4 Ad Hoc Group on SG3 mandate and scope of work
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2016-10-30 |
[ 57-GEN ]
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Report of the Ad hoc group on Resolution 2 "ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector Study Group responsibility and mandates"
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2016-10-30 |
[ 56-GEN ]
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Draft consolidated text of a New Proposed WTSA Resolution on Enhancing the standardization of Internet of Things and smart cities & communities for global development
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Focal point/Informal Consult.
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2016-10-30 |
[ 55-GEN ]
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Convener's report of drafting group on draft new Resolution [ARB-5] enable open source as a work methodology in ITU-T
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2016-10-30 |
[ 54-GEN ]
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Propuesta de nueva Resoluci�n [IAP-4] - Itinerancia (Roaming) M�vil Internacional (IMR)
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2016-10-30 |
[ 53-GEN ]
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Preliminary draft financial impact of the Decisions and Resolutions of WTSA-16
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Chairman, COM2
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2016-10-30 |
[ 52-GEN ]
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Expenses estimates of WTSA-16
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2016-10-30 |
[ 51-GEN ]
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M�todo propuesto para la revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 67 - Utilizaci�n en el Sector de Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones de la UIT de los idiomas de la Uni�n en pie de igualdad
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2016-10-29 |
[ 50-GEN ]
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Report of the third meeting of Committee 3 (Friday, 28 October 2016)
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2016-10-30 |
[ 49-GEN ]
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Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 35 - Nombramiento y duraci�n m�xima del mandato de los presidentes y vicepresidentes de las comisiones de estudio del Sector de Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones de la uit y del Grupo Asesor de Normalizaci�n
de las telecomunicaciones
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2016-10-29 |
[ 48-GEN ]
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Report of WG4A ad hoc group on IMT related resolutions: New Res. APT-1, New Res. RCC-5, Res. 49
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2016-10-29 |
[ 47-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Report of the fourth meeting of Committee 4 (Saturday, 29 October 2016)
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2016-10-29 |
[ 46-GEN ]
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Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 64 - asignaci�n de direcciones IP y medidas encaminadas a facilitar la transici�n a IPV6 y su implantaci�n
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2016-10-30 |
[ 45-GEN ]
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Second report of COM4 ad hoc group on SG9 restructuring
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2016-10-28 |
[ 44-GEN ]
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Output of second and third Working Group 4B meetings to Committee 4
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2016-10-28 |
[ 43-GEN ]
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Final Report of Convenor of Drafting Group on New Resolution for Consumer Protection
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Convenor of Drafting Group
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2016-10-28 |
[ 42-GEN ]
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Resultados de la tercera reuni�n del Grupo de Trabajo 4A presentados a la Comisi�n 4 (Res.40)
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2016-10-28 |
[ 41-GEN ]
(Rev.1-11)� |
Meeting scheduled for Sunday 30 October 2016
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2016-10-28 |
[ 40-GEN ]
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Report of the third meeting of Committee 4 (Friday, 28 October 2016)
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2016-10-28 |
[ 39-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 44 - Reducci�n de la disparidad entre los pa�ses en desarrollo y desarrollados en materia de normalizaci�n
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2016-10-28 |
[ 38-GEN ]
(Rev.1-3)� |
Schedule of ongoing ad-hoc groups and drafting groups activities agreed by Committee 3
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2016-10-28 |
[ 37-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
List of ad hoc groups and drafting groups established by Working Group 4A
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2016-10-28 |
[ 36-GEN ]
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Report on activities relevant to Resolution 48 on Internationalized (multilingual) domain names
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2016-10-28 |
[ 35-GEN ]
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Draft revised Resolution 40 - Regulatory aspects of the work of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector
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2016-10-28 |
[ 34-GEN ]
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Proyecto de Revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 76 - Estudios relacionados con las pruebas de conformidad e interoperabilidad, la asistencia a los pa�ses en desarrollo1 y un posible futuro programa
relativo a la Marca UIT
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Convener of drafting group
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2016-10-27 |
[ 33-GEN ]
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Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 72 - Problemas de medici�n y evaluaci�n relativos a la exposici�n de las personas a los campos electromagn�ticos
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Convener, Res.72 and Res.73
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2016-10-27 |
[ 32-GEN ]
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Draft report of drafting group for new Resolution on studies concerning the protection of users of telecommunication/ICT services
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Convener of drafting group
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2016-10-27 |
[ 31-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Report of COM4 ad hoc group on allocation of blocks of work - Transfer of Q10/11 and Q15/11 to SG12
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Chairman, ADHOC
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2016-10-27 |
[ 30-GEN ]
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Report of COM4 ad hoc group on SG9 restructuring
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2016-10-27 |
[ 29-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Report of COM4 ad hoc group on allocation of block of work - Management work (WP2/2)
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2016-10-27 |
[ 28-GEN ]
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Proyecto de revisi�n de la Resoluci�n 73 tecnolog�as de la informaci�n y la comunicaci�n, medio ambiente y cambio clim�tico
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2016-10-27 |
[ 27-GEN ]
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Draft report of the first meeting of Committee 2 (Budget Control Committee)
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2016-10-27 |
[ 26-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Report of the second meeting of Committee 4 (Thursday, 27 October 2016)
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2016-10-27 |
[ 25-GEN ]
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Proyecto De Resoluci�n 32 Revisada - Fortalecimiento de los m�todos de trabajo electr�nicos del Sector de Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones de la UIT (UIT-T)
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2016-10-27 |
[ 24-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Report of the meetings of Working Group 3B (27 and 31 October 2016)
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2016-10-27 |
[ 23-GEN ]
(Rev.1-4)� |
Draft report of Working Group 4A (Wednesday, 26 October 2016; Thursday, 27 October 2016; Friday, 28 October 2016; Monday, 31 October 2016)
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2016-10-27 |
Resultados :122 documentos Resultados :�
1 -
2 -
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Telecarga de m�ltiples documentos:�Formatos e idiomas que hay que tener en cuenta (si est�n disponibles):