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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 17 : Reuni�n�2015-04-08�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 17� TD�(2015-04-08)�



Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2015-04-08 al 2015-04-17

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2016-08-292016-03-142015-09-08� [ 2015-04-08 ]� 2014-09-172014-01-152013-08-262013-04-17

Resultados :386 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1787-PLEN ]
LS/o on the deletion of work item for common project on X.scim-use [to ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG17 Q10/17 2015-04-15
[ 1786-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on work to step up protocol related to ITU-T X.1254 [to OASIS] � ITU-T SG17 Q10/17 2015-04-15
[ 1785-PLEN ]

N/A N/A 2015-04-15
[ 1784-PLEN ]
LS/o to Focus Group on Digital Financial Services (FG - DFS) � ITU-T SG17 Q10/17 2015-04-15
[ 1783-PLEN ]
Connecting, Promoting & Enabling Collaborative Cyber Situational Awareness � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2015-04-15
[ 1782-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the terminating network of VoLTE [to IETF STIR] � ITU-T SG17 Q5/17 2015-04-15
[ 1781-PLEN ]

N/A N/A 2015-04-15
[ 1780-PLEN ]
Draft text for new work item for revising X.1601 � Editors Q8/17 2015-04-15
[ 1779-PLEN ]
Draft text for Recommendation ITU-T X.CSCDataSec: Guidelines for cloud service customer data security � Editors Q8/17 2015-04-15
[ 1778-PLEN ]
NWI "Privacy-Based Access Control in Telebiometrics" [PBACT] � Rapporteur Q9/17 Q9/17 2015-04-15
[ 1777-PLEN ]
Draft ToR for Correspondence Group on Response to ITU-D Q3/2 (CG-Response) � Rapporteur Q1/17 QALL/17 2015-04-15
[ 1776-PLEN ]
LS/o on proposed work on procedures for developing ITU-T documents in collaboration with other bodies [to TSAG] � Rapporteur Q1/17 Q1/17 2015-04-15
[ 1775-PLEN ]
The 1st draft of X.ticsc: Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the terminating network of VoLTE � Editors X.ticsc Q5/17 2015-04-14
[ 1774-PLEN ]
LS/o on allocation of an OID dedicated to intelligent transportation systems [to CITS] � Rapporteurs Q11/17 Q11/17 2015-04-14
[ 1773-PLEN ]
The 1st revised baseline text for X.websec-7: A reference monitor for online analytics services � Editors Q7/17 2015-04-14
[ 1772-PLEN ]
LS/o on SG16's Guidelines for Organizing Rapporteur Group Meetings [to TSAG] � ITU-T SG17 Q1/17 2015-04-14
[ 1771-PLEN ]
LS/o on vertical study groups to TSAG and RevCom � ITU-T SG17 Q1/17 2015-04-14
[ 1770-PLEN ]
New baseline document: Secure software update for ITS communications devices (X.itssec-1) � Editors Q6/17 2015-04-14
[ 1769-PLEN ]
Revised second draft text for X.sgsm � Editors Q3/17 2015-04-14
[ 1768-PLEN ]
LS/o on simple encryption procedure for IoT device security and on security issues related to the future Networked Car for SG17 to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC27/WG2 � ITU-T SG17 Q6/17 2015-04-14
[ 1767-PLEN ]
ITU-T SG 17 comments on common text of 2nd CD of ISO/IEC 27011 � Editors X.1051rev Q3/17 2015-04-14
[ 1766-PLEN ]
Template for new work item on "Security Requirements and reference architecture for Software-Defined Networking" � Editor Q2/17 2015-04-14
[ 1765-PLEN ]
Proposal for new baseline text of work item: X.gsiiso � Editors Q2/17 2015-04-14
[ 1764-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on new work item on Technical Framework for Countering Mobile in-application Advertising Spam [to MAAWG and GSMA FASG] � ITU-T SG17 Q5/17 2015-04-14
[ 1763-PLEN ]
Recommendation X.1500 (2011) Amendment 7, Overview of cybersecurity information exchange (CYBEX), (for approval) � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2015-04-14
[ 1762-PLEN ]
Proposal for new baseline text of work item: X.sbb � Editors Q4/17 2015-04-14
[ 1761-PLEN ]
New work item template for Technical Framework for Countering Mobile in-application Advertising Spam (X.tfcma) � Editors Q5/17 2015-04-14
[ 1760-PLEN ]
Revised draft text for X.cspim: Technical Requirements for Countering Instant Messaging Spam (SPIM) � Editors Q5/17 2015-04-14
[ 1759-PLEN ]
Agenda for Q11/17 and Q10/17 joint meeting � Rapporteur Q10/17 , Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17, Q10/17 2015-04-14
[ 1758-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new X.p2p-3 � Editors Q7/17 2015-04-14
[ 1757-PLEN ]
The 1st revised baseline text for X.iotsec-1 � Editor Q6/17 2015-04-14
[ 1756-PLEN ]
Revised draft text for X.1051-rev � Editors Q3/17 2015-04-14
[ 1755-PLEN ]
New work item proposal X.samtn � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2015-04-14
[ 1754-PLEN ]
Presentation PPT made for the proposed NWI on "Credit Assurance Framework for Online Services" � Editors Q10/17 2015-04-14
[ 1753-PLEN ]
Request to change approval process to AAP for draft Recommendation ITU-T X.cc-control � TSB PLEN/17 2015-04-14
[ 1752-PLEN ]
Revised document of the draft Recommendation X.sgsec-2 � Editors Q6/17 2015-04-14
[ 1751-PLEN ]
Revision of the draft Recommendation ITU-T X.sgsec-1: Security functional architecture for smart grid services using telecommunication networks (consent) � Editors Q6/17 2015-04-14
[ 1750-PLEN ]
LS/i on draft new Recommendation "Architecture and requirements of DRM for cable television multiscreen (J.drm-req)" [from ITU-T SG9] � ITU-T SG9 Q6/17 2015-04-14
[ 1749-PLEN ]
Revised Draft text for Recommendation X.goscc: Guidelines of operational security for cloud computing � Editors Q8/17 2015-04-14
[ 1748-PLEN ]
C364 (Proposal for a new work item: Security requirements for monitoring services in cloud) with revision marks � Editor Q8/17 2015-04-14
[ 1747-PLEN ]
LS/o on Security Framework for Internet of Things [to SG13, ETSI TC ITS WG2, 3GPP SA3, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 SG on IoT, JCA-IoT, GSMA, oneM2M] � ITU-T SG17 Q6/17 2015-04-14
[ 1746-PLEN ]
C326 (A proposal for the baseline text for ITU-T X.tigsc, Technical implementation guidelines for X.805) with revision marks � Editor Q2/17 2015-04-14
[ 1745-PLEN ]
C325 (A proposal for the baseline text for the ITU-T X.sup-gpim: Code of practice for personally identifiable information protection for telecommunications organizations) with revision marks � Editor Q3/17 2015-04-14
[ 1744-PLEN ]
C322 (A proposal for the 6th revised text for common text ITU-T X.gpim | ISO/IEC 29151) with revision marks � Editor Q3/17 2015-04-14
[ 1743-PLEN ]
Template for new work item on ITU-T X.iotsec-2, Security Framework for Internet of Things � Rapporteur Q6/17 , Acting Editor Q6/17 2015-04-14
[ 1742-PLEN ]
Revised proposal: Security Requirements and Framework for Big Data Analysis in Mobile Internet Services � Rapporteur Q7/17 Q7/17 2015-04-14
[ 1741-PLEN ]
The 1st revised baseline text for X.itssec-2 � Editors Q6/17 2015-04-13
[ 1740-PLEN ]
The 1st revised text for ITU-T X.simef: Session Information Message Exchange Format � Editors Q4/17 2015-04-13
[ 1739-PLEN ]
LS/o on Security Area about Cryptographic Message Syntax [to ITEF Security Area] � Rapporteurs Q11/17 Q11/17 2015-04-13
[ 1738-PLEN ]
Text for Recommendation ITU-T X.1525 (X.cwss) (for approval) � Editor Q4/17 2015-04-13
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