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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 9 : Reuni�n�2015-06-10�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 9� TD-GEN�(2015-06-10)�


Broadband cable and TV

Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2015-06-10 al 2015-06-17

Lugar : China [Beijing]

Otras reuniones : 2016-08-292016-01-21� [ 2015-06-10 ]� 2014-09-082013-12-032013-01-14

Resultados :174 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 707-GEN ]
Report of Question 7/9 meeting "Cable television delivery of digital services and applications that use Internet protocol (IP) and/or packet-based data" � Rapporteur Q7/9 Q7/9 2015-06-12
[ 706-GEN ]
Report of Question 6/9 meeting "Digital programme delivery controls for multiplexing, switching and insertion in compressed bit streams" � Rapporteur Q6/9 Q6/9 2015-06-12
[ 705-GEN ]
Report of Question 5/9 meeting "Functional requirements for residential gateway and set-top box for the reception of advanced content distribution services" � Acting Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2015-06-12
[ 704-GEN ]
Report of Question 4/9 meeting "Software components application programming interfaces (APIs), frameworks and overall software architecture for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group 9" � Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 2015-06-12
[ 703-GEN ]
Report of Question 3/9 meeting "Methods and practices for conditional access, protection against unauthorized copying and against unauthorized redistribution ("redistribution control" for digital cable television distribution to the home)" � Rapporteur Q3/9 Q3/9 2015-06-12
[ 702-GEN ]
Report of Question 2/9 and joint Q2/9 & Q12/9 meetings, Beijing, 10-17 June 2015 � Rapporteur Q2/9 Q2/9 2015-06-12
[ 701-GEN ]
Report of Question 1/9 meeting "Transmission of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distribution" � Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 2015-06-12
[ 700-GEN ]
Joint Report of Q5, 8 and 9/9 meeting (Beijing, 10-17 June 2015) � Acting Rapporteurs Q5 & 8/9 and Rapporteur Q9/9 Q9/9, Q8/9, Q5/9 2015-06-12
[ 699-GEN ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T J.lasdp-req "Functional and Application Programming Interface Requirements for Local Application and Service Delivery Platform for Cable Home Networks" (10-17 June 2015, Beijing) � Editor Q9/9 2015-06-12
[ 698-GEN ]
Output - Draft revised Recommendation P.912rev "Subjective video quality assessment methods for recognition tasks" � Editors Q12/9 2015-06-12
[ 697-GEN ]
LS/o/r on participation of ITU-T Study Group 16 in IRG-IBB (reply to SG16 - LS 148) [to ITU-T SG16 and ITU-R SG6] � Rapporteur 4/9 Q4/9 2015-06-12
[ 696-GEN ]
LS/o/r on the new ITU-R Report on closed caption (reply to ITU-R WP 6B - ITU-R WP6B/TEMP/165-E ) [to ITU-R WP6B] � Rapporteur for Qs 4/9 and 5/9 Q5/9, Q4/9 2015-06-12
[ 695-GEN ]
Output - Draft New Recommendation J.acf-hrm "Harmonization of Integrated Broadcast-Broadband DTV application control framework" for progressing � Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 2015-06-12
[ 694-GEN ]
LS/o on advantages and disadvantages of merging SG9 and SG16 [to TSAG] � Chairman SG9 QALL/9 2015-06-12
[ 693-GEN ]
Output - Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T J.341-rev "Objective perceptual multimedia video quality measurement of HDTV for digital cable television in the presence of a full reference" � Editor Q2/9 2015-06-12
[ 692-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU inter-sector coordination [from TSAG] � TSAG Q13/9 2015-06-12
[ 691-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU-R interest in K-series Recommendations [from ITU-R WP1A] � ITU-R WP1A Q13/9 2015-06-12
[ 690-GEN ]
LS/i on evaluating the leakage and impact of radio frequency noise from telecommunication systems using metallic conductors [from ITU-R WP1A] � ITU-R WP1A Q13/9 2015-06-12
[ 689-GEN ]
Output - Draft revised Recommendation P.913 "Methods for the subjective assessment of video quality, audio quality and audiovisual quality of Internet video and distribution quality television in any environment" � Editor Q12/9 2015-06-12
[ 688-GEN ]
LS/o/r on Draft New Rec. J.q.uhd "Quality measurement methods for UHD services" (reply to ITU-R WP 6C - Document 6C/TEMP/206 -E) [to ITU-R WP6C] � Rapporteurs Q2/9 Q2/9 2015-06-12
[ 687-GEN ]
LS/o on Draft New Rec. J.3D-disp-req "Display requirements for 3D video quality assessment" (revised text discussed at SG9 meeting in Beijing 10-17 June 2015) [to VQEG] � Rapporteur Q2/9 Q2/9 2015-06-12
[ 686-GEN ]
Output - Draft New Recommendation P.3D-disp-req "Display requirements for 3D video quality assessment" (revised text discussed at SG9 meeting in Beijing 10-17 June 2015) � Rapporteurs of Q2/9 and Q12/9 Q2/9 2015-06-12
[ 685-GEN ]
LS/i on draft Recommendation ITU-T A.5 (revised), draft new Recommendation ITU-T A.25 (A.incorp), and draft Supplement A.collab [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/9 2015-06-12
[ 684-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Question 9/9 "Requirements for advanced service capabilities over broadband cable home networks" � Rapporteur Q9/9 Q9/9 2015-06-11
[ 683-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Q7/9 "Cable television delivery of digital services and applications that use Internet protocol (IP) and/or packet-based data" � Rapporteur 7/9 Q7/9 2015-06-11
[ 682-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 13/9 "Work programme, coordination and planning" � Rapporteur Q13/9 Q13/9 2015-06-11
[ 681-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 6/9 "Digital programme delivery controls for multiplexing, switching and insertion in compressed bit streams" � Rapporteur Q6/9 Q6/9 2015-06-11
[ 680-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 12/9 "Objective and subjective methods for evaluating perceptual audiovisual quality in multimedia services within the terms of Study Group 9" � Rapporteur Q12/9 Q12/9 2015-06-10
[ 679-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 1/9 "Transmission of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distribution" � Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 2015-06-10
[ 678-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 11/9 "Transmission of multichannel analogue and/or digital television signals over optical access networks" � Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 2015-06-10
[ 677-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Joint Question 2/9 and 12/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q2/9 Q2/9, Q12/9 2015-06-10
[ 676-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 2/9 "Measurement and control of the end-to-end quality of service (QoS) for advanced television technologies, from image acquisition to rendering, in contribution, primary distribution and secondary distribution networks" � Rapporteur Q2/9 Q2/9 2015-06-10
[ 675-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 10/9 "Requirements, methods, and interfaces of the advanced service platforms to enhance the delivery of sound, television, and other multimedia interactive services over cable television network" � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2015-06-10
[ 674-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 4/9 "Software components application programming interfaces (APIs), frameworks and overall software architecture for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group 9" � Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 2015-06-10
[ 673-GEN ]
Draft agenda Joint Questions 5, 8 & 9/9 � Rapporteurs Q5, 8 & 9/9 Q9/9, Q8/9, Q5/9 2015-06-09
[ 672-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 8/9 "The IP enabled multimedia applications and services for cable television networks enabled by converged platforms" � Acting Rapporteur Q8/9 Q8/9 2015-06-09
[ 671-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 5/9 "Functional requirements for residential gateway and set-top box for the reception of advanced content distribution services" � Associate Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2015-06-09
[ 670-GEN ]
Draft agenda of WP1/9 Plenary and WP2/9 Plenary � Chairmen of WP1/9 and WP2/9 QALL/9 2015-06-09
[ 669-GEN ]
LS/i on monitoring of study group activities [from RevCom] � ITU-T RevCom QALL/9 2015-06-09
[ 668-GEN ]
Questions assigned to Study Group 9 (Television and sound transmission and integrated broadband cable networks) � TSB QALL/9 2015-06-09
[ 667-GEN ]
Establishment of SG20 on "IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities" TSAG (June 2015) � TSB QALL/9 2015-06-08
[ 666-GEN ]
Draft meeting report (Geneva, 17 February 2015) � IRG-AVA Co-chairs QALL/9 2015-06-07
[ 665-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Question 3/9 "Methods and practices for conditional access, protection against unauthorized copying and against unauthorized redistribution ("redistribution control" for digital cable television distribution to the home)" � Rapporteur Q3/9 Q3/9 2015-06-04
[ 664-GEN ]
Contributions Summary � Chairman SG9 QALL/9 2015-06-02
[ 663-GEN ]
LS/i/r on ITU-T Draft Recommendation J.drm-req [from ETSI ISG ECI] � ETSI ISG ECI Q3/9 2015-05-28
[ 662-GEN ]
Report of the fourth meeting of IRG-IBB (e-meeting 28 April, 2015) � Co-Chair, IRG-IBB QALL/9 2015-05-28
[ 661-GEN ]
Output - Proposed modification to Draft New Recommendation J.acf-spec (IRG-IBB e-meeting 28 April 2015) � Editor Q4/9 2015-05-26
[ 660-GEN ]
LS/o on advantages and disadvantages of merging SG9 and SG16 [to RevCom and TSAG] � Chairman SG9 QALL/9 2015-05-25
[ 659-GEN ]
LS/o on WTSA Resolution 80 pilot implementation in SG9 [to TSAG] � Chairman SG9 QALL/9 2015-05-25
[ 658-GEN ]
LS/i on Final Deliverables of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities (FG-SSC) and Proposal of a New Study Group [from FG-SSC] � FG-SSC QALL/9 2015-05-18
Resultados :174 documentos
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