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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 9 : Reuni�n�2013-01-14�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 9� TD�(2013-01-14)�


Broadband cable and TV

Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2013-01-14 al 2013-01-18

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2016-08-292016-01-212015-06-102014-09-082013-12-03� [ 2013-01-14 ]�

Resultados :156 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 106-GEN ]
Draft agenda Q4/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 2013-01-15
[ 105-GEN ]
Draft Agenda Q12/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q12/9 Q12/9 2013-01-15
[ 104-GEN ]
Draft Agenda Q5/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2013-01-15
[ 103-GEN ]
Draft agenda Q7/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q7/9 Q7/9 2013-01-15
[ 102-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Q10/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2013-01-15
[ 101-GEN ]
Output - Draft New Recommendation J.av-dist "Methods for subjectively assessing audiovisual quality of internet video and distribution quality television, including separate assessment of video quality and audio quality" (ref: COM 3 - 4) � Editor of J.av-dist Q12/9 2013-01-15
[ 100-GEN ]
Draft agenda Q13/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q13/9 Q13/9 2013-01-15
[ 99-GEN ]
Draft agenda of Q6/9 sessions � Rapporteur Q6/9 Q6/9 2013-01-15
[ 98-GEN ]
Draft agenda Q1/9 Meeting � Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 2013-01-15
[ 97-GEN ]
Draft agenda joint Q1/9 and Q7/9 meeting � Rapporteur Q1/9 and Q7/9 Q7/9, Q1/9 2013-01-15
[ 96-GEN ]
Orientation session for newcomers (PPT presentations) � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-14
[ 95-GEN ]
Draft agenda and information for joint SG 9 and SG 16 plenary session (16 January 2013, 0930 -1045 hours) � Chairmen SG 9 and SG 16 QALL/9, QALL/16 2013-01-13
[ 94-GEN ]
Draft Agenda: Q.3/9 meeting (Geneva, 14 - 18 January, 2013) � Rapporteur Q3/9 Q3/9 2013-01-13
[ 93-GEN ]
List of SG 9 Liaison Officers � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-13
[ 92-GEN ]
List of Rapporteurs � Chairman SG 9 QALL/9 2013-01-13
[ 91-GEN ]
SG 9 structure for 2013-2016 � Chairman SG 9 QALL/9 2013-01-13
[ 90-GEN ]
Reply LS from IEC TC100 on OIPF standardization (COM16-LS-315) � SG9 Chairman Q13/9 2013-01-11
[ 89-GEN ]
Draft agenda of WP 1/9 Plenary and WP 2/9 Plenary � WP1/9 and WP2/9 Chairmen ALL/9 2013-01-11
[ 88-GEN ]
Draft Recommendations to be presented for "Consent" using AAP (Rec. A.8) procedure at SG 9 meeting Geneva, 14-18 January 2013 � SG9 Chairman ALL/9 2013-01-11
[ 87-GEN ]
Report about J.369.1 Consent, SG 9 meeting (30 April-4 May 2012). � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-10
[ 86-GEN ]
Report of WP2/9 � Chairman WP2/9 QAll/WP2 2013-01-09
[ 85-GEN ]
Report of WP1/9 � Chairman WP1/9 QALL/WP1 2013-01-09
[ 84-GEN ]
Report Q13/9 - Work programme, coordination and planning � Rapporteur Q13/9 Q13/9 2013-01-08
[ 83-GEN ]
Report Q12/9 - Objective and subjective methods for evaluating perceptual audiovisual quality in multimedia services within the terms of Study Group 9 � Rapporteur Q12/9 Q12/9 2013-01-08
[ 82-GEN ]
Report Q11/9 - Transmission of multichannel analogue and/or digital television signals over optical access networks �
withdrawn as Q11/9 meeting was canceled
Rapporteur Q11/9 Q11/9 2013-01-08
[ 81-GEN ]
Report of Question 10/9 meeting (Geneva, 14-18 January 2013) � Rapporteur Q10/9 Q10/9 2013-01-08
[ 80-GEN ]
Report Q9/9 - Requirements for advanced service capabilities for broadband cable home networks � Rapporteur Q9/9 Q9/9 2013-01-08
[ 79-GEN ]
Report Q8/9 - The IP enabled multimedia applications and services for cable television networks enabled by converged platforms � Rapporteur Q8/9 Q8/9 2013-01-08
[ 78-GEN ]
Report of Question 7/9 meeting (Geneva, 14-18 January 2013) � Rapporteur Q7/9 Q7/9 2013-01-08
[ 77-GEN ]
Report Q6/9 - Digital programme delivery controls for multiplexing, switching and insertion in compressed bit streams � Rapporteur Q6/9 Q6/9 2013-01-08
[ 76-GEN ]
Report of Question 5/9 meeting (Geneva, 14-18 January 2013) � Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2013-01-08
[ 75-GEN ]
Report Q4/9 - Software components application programming interfaces (APIs), frameworks and overall software architecture for advanced content distribution services within the scope of Study Group � Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 2013-01-08
[ 74-GEN ]
Report Q3/9 - Methods and practices for conditional access, protection against unauthorized copying and against unauthorized redistribution ("redistribution control" for digital cable television distribution to the home) � Rapporteur Q3/9 Q3/9 2013-01-08
[ 73-GEN ]
Report of Q2/9 - Measurement and control of the end-to-end quality of service (QoS) for advanced television technologies, from image acquisition to rendering, in contribution, primary distribution and secondary distribution networks � Rapporteur Q2/9 Q2/9 2013-01-08
[ 72-GEN ]
Report of Q1/9 - Transmission of television and sound programme signal for contribution, primary distribution and secondary distribution � Rapporteur Q1/9 Q1/9 2013-01-08
[ 71-GEN ]
Work Programme ITU-T SG 9 � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 70-GEN ]
Interim meeting plan � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 69-GEN ]
List of outgoing Liaison Statements � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 68-GEN ]
List of participants � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 67-GEN ]
Newcomer welcome pack � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 66-GEN ]
Summary results of action taken at and since SG9 meeting (30 April - 04 May 2012) � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 65-GEN ]
SG9 meeting facilities and useful information � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 64-GEN ]
List of documents and proposed allocation � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 63-GEN ]
List of incoming liaison statements to SG 9 meeting (14-18 January 2013) � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 62-GEN ]
Draft meeting plan (time schedule) for SG9 meeting, Geneva, 14 18 January 2013 � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 61-GEN ]
Draft Agenda: SG 9 Plenary meetings (Geneva, 14-18 January 2013) � TSB QALL/9 2013-01-08
[ 60-GEN ]
Liaison on Progress of 3DTV Quality Assessment Work in VQEG � VQEG Q12/9 2013-01-08
[ 59-GEN ]
Report of the JRG-MMQA meeting of 11-14 June, 2012, Rennes � Rapporteur Q2/9, Q12/9, and Q9/12 Q2/9, Q12/9 2013-01-08
[ 58-GEN ]
Report of the JRG-MMQA meeting of 10-13 December, 2012, Singapore � Rapporteur Q2/9, Q12/9, and Q9/12 Q2/9, Q12/9 2013-01-03
[ 57-GEN ]
LS answer to ITU-T SG9 OLS 171 � ETSI TC Cable Q1/9 2012-12-21
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