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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG16 : Reuni�n�2008-04-22�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG16� C�(2008-04-22)�


Terminales, sistemas y aplicaciones multimedia

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2008-04-22 al 2008-05-02

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2008-10-032008-09-052008-02-012007-06-262007-03-302006-11-142006-06-132006-04-032005-07-262005-04-082004-11-16

Resultados :177 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 433 ]
Adaptive intra mode bit skip in intra coding � Korea (Republic of) Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 432 ]
Proposal for application event on H.iptv-map "Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV" � Korea (Republic of) Q13/16 2008-04-14
[ 431 ]
Adaptive End-to-End QoS control based on variable bit-rate codec in wireless networks � Korea (Republic of) Q24/16 2008-04-14
[ 430 ]
Proposal on light-weight realtime transport protocol for video on USN � Korea (Republic of) Q22/16 2008-04-14
[ 429 ]
Proposal on light-weight realtime transport protocol for audio on USN � Korea (Republic of) Q22/16 2008-04-14
[ 428 ]
Review of USN standardization activities � Korea (Republic of) QALL/16 2008-04-14
[ 427 ]
A standardization initiative on Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) � Korea (Republic of) QALL/16 2008-04-14
[ 426 ]
Overlap of Work in Questions of Study Group 16 and Study Group 9 � BT QALL/16 2008-04-14
[ 425 ]
Directional Adaptive Interpolation Filter Models � LM Ericsson Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 424 ]
Separable Adaptive Interpolation Filter Model � LM Ericsson Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 423 ]
Considerations for the speech test materials for GSAD qualification test � NTT Q8/16 2008-04-14
[ 422 ]
Proposal of draft new Recommendation H.IRP on "ID resolution protocols for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification" - Annex B � SCAT Q22/16, Q21/16 2008-04-14
[ 421 ]
Proposal of draft new Recommendation H.IRP on "ID resolution protocols for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification" - Annex A �
Title updated
ETRI Q22/16, Q21/16 2008-04-14
[ 420 ]
Proposal of draft new Recommendation H. IDscheme on "ID schemes for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification" � ETRI , SCAT Q22/16, Q21/16 2008-04-14
[ 419 ]
Considerations for the performance requirements of GSAD � NTT Q8/16 2008-04-14
[ 418 ]
A Proposal for ToR of superwideband extension to G.722 and G.711.1 � NTT Q10/16 2008-04-14
[ 417 ]
H.324 Annex K, MONA SPC update to improved CS-IMS interworking � LM Ericsson Q1/16 2008-04-14
[ 416 ]
Proposed Modifications to G.168 Test No 14 - Data Modem Test � BT Q16/16 2008-04-14
[ 415 ]
Proposed Corrections to G.168 Test 10C and Annex B � BT Q16/16 2008-04-14
[ 414 ]
Proposed Test Harness for G.168 Annex E (Embedded Echo Cancellers) � BT Q16/16 2008-04-14
[ 413 ]
Proposed Test Procedure and Requirements for Test 1.3 (Voice-band data and facsimile test) in G.160 � BT Q16/16 2008-04-14
[ 412 ]
On G.711.1 / G.722 SWB Extension � Siemens Q10/16 2008-04-14
[ 411 ]
Siemens IPR declaration for G.729.1 DTX/CNG � Siemens Q10/16 2008-04-14
[ 410 ]
KTA 1.8 Software Manual � France Telecom , NTT DoCoMo Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 409 ]
A coding efficiency-computational complexity analysis of KTA 1.8 coding tools � Tandberg Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 408 ]
Discussion of Video Submode Control � Tandberg Q2/16, Q1/16 2008-04-14
[ 407 ]
Proposed draft amendment to H.235.6 � Tandberg Q25/16 2008-04-14
[ 406 ]
Superwideband extension to G.722 and G.711.1 � France Telecom Q10/16 2008-04-14
[ 405 ]
Entropy slices for parallel entropy decoding � Sharp Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 404 ]
On the calculation of PSNR and bit-rate differences for the SVT test data � Sharp Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 403 ]
Encoding Complexity Reduction of AQMS � Toshiba Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 402 ]
Adaptive Loop Filter for Improving Coding Efficiency � Toshiba Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 401 ]
Proposed test materials for G.711-LLC � NTT Q10/16 2008-04-14
[ 400 ]
Comments on the superwideband extension of G.722 and G.711.1 � Huawei Technologies Q10/16 2008-04-14
[ 399 ]
Proposed extension to H.300-series far end camera control � Huawei Technologies Q4/16, Q2/16, Q1/16 2008-04-14
[ 398 ]
Proposed complexity requirement and objective of G.711-LLC ToR � NTT , Huawei Technologies Q10/16 2008-04-14
[ 397 ]
Improving Intra DC prediction � Huawei Technologies Q6/16 2008-04-14
[ 396 ]
H.Sup8 (ex H.Sup.Sync) - Update of references � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 395 ]
Draft H.Sup7 - Update of clause 8.4 "Case (d): Disconnected H.248 Control Association renewal request" � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 394 ]
H.Sup7 (ex H.248.CtrlAssoc) - Update of clause 8.3 "Case (c): Failover request" � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 393 ]
Draft H.248.61 - Statistic Semantic for IP Flows - Continuation of Discussion � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 392 ]
Draft H.248.58 - Update of open items � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 391 ]
Draft H.248.57 - Update of open items � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 390 ]
Draft H.248.53 - Update clause 6 "Traffic Management package version 2" � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 389 ]
Draft H.248.52 - Update proposals for Summary and clause 1 � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 388 ]
Draft H.248.42Amend.1 - Update proposal � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 387 ]
Draft new H.Sup.FSL - H.248 Filter Specification Language - Overview � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 386 ]
H.248.43 - Editorial change proposals � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 385 ]
Draft H.248.41 Amd.1 IP Realm Availability Package - Update of scope section � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
[ 384 ]
Draft new H.248.11 Amd.1 - Performance improvement proposals: Discussion of possible control loop optimizations � Alcatel-Lucent Q3/16 2008-04-14
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