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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG16 : Reuni�n�2004-11-16�: Contribuciones Tard�as� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG16� D�(2004-11-16)�


Servicios, sistemas y terminales multimedios

Periodo de estudios 2005

Reuni�n� del 2004-11-16 al 2004-11-26

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2008-10-03� 2008-09-05� 2008-04-22� 2008-02-01� 2007-06-26� 2007-03-30� 2006-11-14� 2006-06-132006-04-032005-07-262005-04-08� [ 2004-11-16 ]�

Resultados :89 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2
Contribuciones Tard�as��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 39 ]
Proposed intersignal delay timer for SigList � Nortel Networks (USA) Q3/16 2004-11-05
[ 38 ]
Reaffirmation of Q.3 consensus on "call finished" signal in H.248.STIMAL � United States of America Q3/16 2004-11-05
[ 37 ]
Proposed text for the Generation of Share Secret Key in Selective Routed Call Scenarios � ZTE Corporation Q25/16 2004-11-05
[ 36 ]
Proposed Method of Generating a Share Secret Key between the Caller and the Callee in Multiple Administration Domains � ZTE Corporation Q25/16 2004-11-05
[ 35 ]
Proposed text for the negotiation of security protocols to protect H.225.0 Call Signalling Messages � ZTE Corporation, CATR of MII Q25/16 2004-11-05
[ 34 ]
The Requirements for Network Address Translator Traverse of H.323 Multimedia Systems � CATR of MII, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, ZTE, SBE Q5/16 2004-11-05
[ 33 ]
Corrections to G.729 Annex B � Alcatel France Q10/16 2004-11-03
[ 32 ]
Fast session setup extensions to H.324 � Dilithium Networks, USA Q2/16, Q3/16, Q1/16 2004-11-03
[ 31 ]
Location Number for H.323 � France Telecom Q3/16, Q2/16 2004-11-03
[ 30 ]
Approach for EV Codec Development � Texas Instruments, Incorporated Q9/16 2004-11-03
[ 29 ]
EV Codec Bandwidth and Sampling-Rate Configurations � Texas Instruments, Incorporated Q9/16 2004-11-03
[ 28 ]
H.235 smoothed NAT/ALG/SBC traversal � Siemens AG Q25/16, Q5/16, Q2/16 2004-11-03
[ 27 ]
Documentation of the H.235 Annex F Gatekeeper Security Processor in H.235 Appendix I � Siemens AG Q25/16, Q5/16, Q2/16 2004-11-03
[ 26 ]
WNSRP Comparison information � MOC Israel Q2/16, Q3/16, Q1/16 2004-11-03
[ 25 ]
Proposal for a draft new Recommendation H.460.x for using H.225.0 as transport for H.323 RAS messages � MOC Israel Q2/16 2004-11-03
[ 24 ]
H.460.6 Extended Fast Connect Clarification � MOC Israel Q2/16 2004-11-03
[ 23 ]
A feasibility analysis for a public network-located proxy solution � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q5/16 2004-11-03
[ 22 ]
H.248 Package used to detect termination's long-time occupation status � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China Academy of Te Q3/16 2004-11-03
[ 21 ]
An enhanced mechanism for status monitoring based on Inactivity Timer package � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. China Academy of Tel Q2/16, Q3/16 2004-11-03
[ 20 ]
A rule-based method for higher H.248 EventBuffer processing efficiency � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China Academy of Te Q3/16 2004-11-03
[ 19 ]
A proposal to introduce an efficient mechanism for EventBuffer processing � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. China Academy of Tel Q3/16 2004-11-03
[ 18 ]
An acquisition of media stream QoS information by means of periodic auditing � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. China Academy of Tel Q3/16 2004-11-03
[ 17 ]
An acquisition of media stream QoS information by means of periodic reporting � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. China Academy of Tel Q3/16 2004-11-03
[ 16 ]
A proposal to launch a study for NGN-based QoS monitoring and control � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. China Academy of Tel Q3/16 2004-11-03
[ 15 ]
Provisional Terms of Reference (ToR) for the super-wideband extension to the embedded VBR codec standard � Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Q9/16 2004-11-03
[ 14 ]
Proposal for deciding the development approach and finalizing Terms of Reference (ToR) of the embedded VBR standardization � Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Q9/16 2004-11-03
[ 13 ]
Proposed process and time schedule for the development of the embedded VBR � Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Q9/16 2004-11-03
[ 12 ]
A fast profile of H.264 � Tandberg Q6/16 2004-11-02
[ 11 ]
Modification to G.168, Test 13 � Ditech Communications Corp. Q16/16 2004-11-02
[ 10 ]
Interoperability Problems of Recorded Sounds and Voice Enhancement Devices (VED's) � Ditech Communications Corp. Q18/16, Q16/16 2004-11-02
[ 9 ]
Proposed additions to draft new Recommendation H.460.mmrs - "Message Flows" � Cisco Systems Q2/16 2004-10-29
[ 8 ]
Problems of G.729 Annex B in VOIP application � Texas Instruments Incorporated Q10/16 2004-10-27
[ 7 ]
Reduced Resolution Update for Computational Efficiency � Polycom, Inc. Q6/16 2004-10-27
[ 6 ]
"Dark" Macroblocks for Improved Computational Efficiency � Polycom, Inc. Q6/16, Q1/16 2004-10-27
[ 5 ]
Discussion of the ToR of G.729EV � Mindspeed Technologies Q10/16 2004-10-27
[ 4 ]
Proposal of Vendor Information in T.38 SIP/SDP Call-Setup � Ricoh Co., Ltd Q14/16 2004-10-27
[ 3 ]
Clarification of handling in ECM mode in T.38 � Ricoh Co., Ltd Q14/16 2004-10-27
[ 2 ]
Deletion of spaces in T.38 SIP call-setup sequence examples � Ricoh Co., Ltd Q14/16 2004-10-27
[ 1 ]
Clarification of T.38 parameters in SIP and MGCP call-setup � Ricoh Co., Ltd Q14/16 2004-10-27
Resultados :89 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2004-11-05