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P�gina principal : UIT-R : IMT.2020 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-R�IMT.2020� C�



Resultados :91 documentos
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[ 41 ]
Summary results of evaluation by Africa Evaluation Group of IMT-2020 candidate technology submission in Documents IMT-2020/14 and IMT-2020/18(Rev.1) � WP 5D 2020-02-27
[ 40 ]
Summary results of evaluation by 5G Infrastructure Association of IMT-2020 candidate technology submission in Documents IMT-2020/13, IMT-2020/14, IMT-2020/15, IMT-2020/16 IMT-2020/17 (3GPP), IMT-2020/17(Rev.1) (DECT) IMT-2020/18(Rev.1) and IMT-2020/19(Rev.1) � WP 5D 2020-02-27
[ 39 ]
Summary results of evaluation by 5G India Forum (5GIF) evaluation group of IMT-2020 candidate technology submission in Documents IMT-2020/13, IMT-2020/14, IMT-2020/15, IMT-2020/16 and IMT-2020/17(Rev.1) (3GPP) � WP 5D 2020-02-27
[ 38 ]
Summary of Step 4 of the IMT-2020 process for evaluation of IMT-2020 candidate technology submissions � WP 5D 2020-02-27
[ 37 ]
Evaluation Report received from WWRF on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2020-02-27
[ 36 ]
Evaluation Report received from CIRAT on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2020-02-27
[ 35 ]
Evaluation Report received from BNRIST EG on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2020-02-27
[ 34 ]
Evaluation report received from Africa Evaluation Group (AEG) on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2019-12-16
[ 33 ]
Evaluation Report received from 5G Infrastructure Association on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2019-12-16
[ 32 ]
Evaluation Report received from the Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum (5GMF) on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2019-12-16
[ 31 ]
Evaluation Report received from TTA SPG33 on candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2019-12-16
[ 30 ]
Evaluation Report received from the Canadian Evaluation Group (CEG) on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2019-12-16
[ 29 ]
Evaluation Report received from ATIS WTSC IMT-2020 IEG on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2019-12-16
[ 28 ]
Observations of SWG Evaluation (Proponent TSDSI) - IMT-2020 submission in Document 5D/1301 (Proponent TSDSI) � WP 5D 2019-07-23
[ 27 ]
Observation of SWG Evaluation (Proponent Nufront) - IMT-2020 submission in Document 5D/1238 (Proponent Nufront) � WP 5D 2019-07-23
[ 26 ]
Observations of SWG Evaluation (Proponents ETSI (TC DECT) & DECT Forum) - IMT-2020 submission in Documents 5D/1230 and 5D/1253 (Proponents ETSI (TC DECT) & DECT Forum) � WP 5D 2019-07-23
[ 25 ]
Observations of SWG Evaluation (Proponent Korea) - IMT-2020 submission in Document 5D/1233 (Proponent Korea) � WP 5D 2019-07-23
[ 24 ]
Observations of SWG Evaluation (Proponent China) - IMT-2020 submission in Document 5D/1268 (Proponent China) � WP 5D 2019-07-23
[ 23 ]
Observations of SWG Evaluation (3GPP Proponent) - IMT-2020 submission in Documents 5D/1215, 5D/1216 and 5D/1217 (3GPP Proponent ) � WP 5D 2019-07-23
[ 22 ]
A proposal for a way froward on IMT-2020 submissions � WP 5D 2019-07-23
[ 21 ]
Detailed schedule for finalization of the first release of new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] "Detailed specifications of the terrestrial radio interfaces of International Mobile Telecommunications-2020 (IMT-2020)" � WP 5D 2019-07-23
[ 20 ]
Process and the use of Global Core Specification (GCS), references and related certifications in conjunction with Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SPECS] � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 19 ]
Acknowledgement of candidate RIT submission from TSDSI under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 18 ]
Acknowledgement of candidate RIT submission from Nufront under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 17 ]
Acknowledgement of candidate SRIT submission from ETSI (TC DECT) and DECT Forum under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 16 ]
Acknowledgement of candidate RIT submission from Korea (Republic of) under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 15 ]
Acknowledgement of candidate RIT submission from China (People's Republic of) under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 14 ]
Acknowledgement of candidate RIT submission from 3GPP proponent Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 13 ]
Acknowledgement of candidate SRIT submission from 3GPP proponent under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 12 ]
Submission received for proposals of candidate radio interface technologies from proponent 'Nufront' under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 11 ]
Evaluation Report received from 5G India Forum (5GIF) on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 10 ]
Evaluation Report received from Chinese Evaluation Group (CHEG) on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 9 ]
Evaluation Report received from Telecom Centres of Excellence, India (TCOE) on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2019-02-19
[ 8 ]
Evaluation Report received from TPCEG on the candidate IMT-2020 radio interface technology proposals � WP 5D 2018-10-19
[ 7 ]
Submission received for proposals of candidate radio interface technologies from proponent 'TSDSI' under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 Process � WP 5D 2018-07-02
[ 6 ]
Submission received for proposals of Candidate Radio Interface Technologies from Proponent 'ETSI' (TC DECT), and 'DECT Forum' under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2018-07-02
[ 5 ]
Submission received for proposals of candidate radio interface technologies from proponent 'China' under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2018-02-14
[ 4 ]
Submission received for proposals of candidate radio interface technologies from proponent 'Korea' under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2018-02-14
[ 3 ]
Submission received for proposals of candidate radio interface technologies from proponent '3GPP' under Step 3 of the IMT-2020 process � WP 5D 2018-02-14
[ 2 ]
Submission, evaluation process and consensus building for IMT-2020 � WP 5D 2016-06-29
[ 1 ]
IMT-2020 background � WP 5D 2016-06-29
Resultados :91 documentos
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