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The following responses to Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting were taken into consideration in a new Report ITU-R BT./BS.[SPECTRUM-REQMTS] - Spectrum / frequency requirements for bands allocated to broadcasting on a primary basis - approved by SG 6 at its meeting on 24 July 2015. Responses that are received after 24 July 2015 can be found at "http://1f8a81b9b0707b63-19211.webchannel-proxy.scarabresearch.com/md/R12-SURVEYSG6AFT-SP"

Resultados :72 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2
Otros documentos

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 22 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Latvia (Republic of) 2014-10-16
[ 21 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Spain 2014-10-16
[ 20 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Myanmar (Union of) 2014-10-16
[ 19 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Australia 2014-10-16
[ 18 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Rwanda (Republic of) 2014-10-15
[ 17 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Monaco (Principality of) 2014-10-15
[ 16 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Austria 2014-10-15
[ 15 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Belgium 2014-10-14
[ 14 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Cyprus (Republic of) 2014-10-14
[ 13 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � New Zealand 2014-10-15
[ 12 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Sierra Leone 2014-10-13
[ 11 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Radiodiffusion T�l�vision Ivoirienne (RTI) 2014-10-13
[ 10 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Lesotho (Kingdom of) 2014-10-10
[ 9 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Finland 2014-10-08
[ 8 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Seychelles (Republic of) 2014-10-08
[ 7 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2014-10-06
[ 6 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � United Arab Emirates 2014-10-01
[ 5 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Slovenia (Republic of) 2014-09-23
[ 4 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Thailand 2014-09-22
[ 3 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Croatia (Republic of) 2014-09-18
[ 2 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Switzerland (Confederation of) 2014-09-18
[ 1 ]
Response to the Questionnaire on spectrum requirements for the future of sound and television broadcasting � Georgia 2014-08-27
Resultados :72 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2
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