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Resultados :176 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 126 ]
Proposed modification of preliminary draft new report - General principles and examples of technical solutions for optimiazation of colour reproduction quality in adaptive television systems and related imaging systems � Ukraine 98/6, 97/6 2005-04-08
[ 125 ]
1280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Sweden 1/6 2005-04-08
[ 124 ]
Proposed modification of preliminary draft new Report - General principles and examples of technical solutions for adaptive image quality control in television � Ukraine 98/6 2005-04-08
[ 123 ]
Propositions for modification of Recommendation ITU-R BT-1439 � Ukraine 64/11 2005-04-07
[ 122 ]
1 280 x 720,16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Turkey 1/6 2005-04-05
[ 121 ]
1 280 X 720 X, 16 X 9 Progressively-captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1/6 2005-03-30
[ 120 ]
1 280 x 720,16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Germany (Federal Republic of) 1/6 2005-03-30
[ 119 ]
Report of the Rapporteur Group on "Specification and usage of metadata information within Study Group 6" � Rapporteur Group 2005-03-23
[ 118 ]
Status of texts of Study Group 6, its Working Parties and Task Groups � BR Secretariat 2005-03-22
[ 117 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Poland (Republic of) 1/6 2005-03-16
[ 116 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Czech Republic 1/6 2005-03-11
[ 115 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Slovak Republic 1/6 2005-03-09
[ 114 ]
Use of lossless bit rate reduction to transport uncompressed HDTV signals over HD-SDI � Italy 2005-02-24
[ 113 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Spain 1/6 2005-02-23
[ 112 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 1/6 2005-02-14
[ 111 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 6P and Task Group 6/9 on the skeleton of draft new Recommendation J.exlsdi - Transport of LSDI applications for its extended hierarchy � ITU-T SG 9 2005-01-27
[ 110 ]
Report of the third meeting of Study Group 6 - Geneva, 4 November 2004 � Chairman, SG 6 2005-01-25
[ 109 ]
Digital television test pattern sequence for operational use � NDR, ARD, ZDF and ORF 97/6 2004-12-16
[ 108 ]
Options to improve the international spectrum regulatory framework � Chairman, SG 6 2004-12-14
[ 107 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 6A and 6P - Revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.780-1 � WP 6R 2004-11-16
[ 106 ]
Issues on terminology raised at the May 2004 meeting of Working Party 6R � Chairman, SG 6 2004-11-16
[ 105 ]
Report on the meeting of Working Party 6P, Geneva, 28 October - 2 November 2004 � Chairman, WP 6P 2004-11-03
[ 104 ]
Final List of Participants - Working Party 6P � Director, BR 2004-11-01
[ 103 ]
List of documents issued � BR Study Group Department 2004-10-27
[ 102 ]
PDNR ITU-R BT.[XXX] - 1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Sweden 1/6 2004-10-21
[ 101 ]
Status Report � WP 6P Rapporteur on Level Metering 2/6 2004-10-25
[ 100 ]
Report of the ITU-R WP 6P Rapporteur to study and address the expressed interest for an ITU Recommendation on 1 280 x 720, 16 x 9, progressively captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Rapporteur 2004-10-22
[ 99 ]
Quality of colour reproduction in television: use of colour appearance models � Vice-Chairman, SG 6 and Vice-Chairman, WP 6P 97/6, 81/6 2004-10-22
[ 98 ]
Proposed re-examination of Recommendation ITU-R BT.709 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 36/6 2004-10-20
[ 97 ]
Television picture quality in the flat panel display environment � Germany (Federal Republic of) 1/6 2004-10-19
[ 96 ]
Metadata for programme exchanges between TV broadcasting stations � Japan 2004-10-19
[ 95 ]
Study on HDTV systems and beyond � Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) 36/6 2004-10-14
[ 94 ]
Status of texts of Study Group 6, its Working Parties and Task Groups � BR Secretariat 2004-10-13
[ 93 ]
New Zealand response to CA/131 - Data required for evaluation of user requirements and spectrum usage for terrestrial electronique news gathering (ENG) � Rapporteur for spectrum usage 93/6, 89/6 2004-10-12
[ 92 ]
Proposed new Recommendation - Uniform level of audio accompanying television international program exchange � World Broadcasting Union Committee (WBU-TC) 2/6 2004-10-11
[ 91 ]
System and operational characteristics of analogue television outside broadcast (TVOB) and electronic news gathering (ENG) � Australia 93/6, 89/6 2004-10-08
[ 90 ]
Preliminary draft Recommendation ITU-R BS.[XXX] - Programme loudness meter requirements for production and post-production in broadcasting � Australia 2004-10-08
[ 89 ]
Proposal towards development of Recommendations on audio levels and loudness � Australia 2/6 2004-10-08
[ 88 ]
Metadata requirements for production and post production in broadcasting � Australia 46/6 2004-10-08
[ 87 ]
Proposed modification to preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[AAA] - Common high-definition/standard-definition digital television reference test pattern � Australia 2004-10-08
[ 86 ]
Proposal to suppress Report ITU-R BT.624 � Australia 2004-10-08
[ 85 ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation - Use of flat panel displays in television production and postproduction � Italy 95/6 2004-10-05
[ 84 ]
Liaison - Comments on HD and SD multi-format test signals � SMPTE 86/6 2004-10-07
[ 83 ]
Spectrum usage of terrestrial electronic news gathering systems � WP 6P Rapporteur 93/6, 89/6 2004-09-27
[ 82 ]
Report of the second meeting of Study Group 6 � Chairman, SG 6 2004-08-31
[ 81 ]
Liaison to Working Party 6P - Comments and answers concerning level metering � WP 6Q 55/6 2004-06-17
[ 80 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 6P - Performance characterization of flat panel display to be used in subjective quality assessment � WP 6Q 2004-06-16
[ 79 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6A and 6P - Treatment of the preliminary draft new Recommendation multi-channel audio recording for television � WP 6R 2004-05-27
[ 78 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 6P - Parameters and tolerance limits for the technical quality of audio signals intended for international exchange � WP 6R 2004-05-27
[ 77 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 6A and 6P - Time and control code standards for production applications and the international exchange of television programmes on magnetic tapes � WP 6R 2004-05-26
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