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UIT-R�WP4/9S� C�


Compartici�n de frecuencias entre el servicio fijo por sat�lite y el servicio fijo

Resultados :334 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 284 ]
Preliminary draft CPM-02 text on WRC-03 agenda item 1.26 � United Kingdom 2001-10-15
[ 283 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - Proposed elements of the CPM texts on Agenda item 1.13 (Resolutions 122 and 734) � WP 9B & 9D 2001-10-15
[ 282 ]
Use of downlink power control by GSO FSS satellites in the bands 37.5-40 GHz and 40.5-42.5 GHz � France 2001-10-15
[ 281 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - Use of the 18 GHz band by the FS for mobile infrastructure networks � WP 9B 2001-10-15
[ 280 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4-9S, 6S, 8A, 8D, 8F and the Speical Committee - The current regulatory situation of typical FSS and BSS earth stations � WP 9D 2001-10-15
[ 279 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - Power flux-density limits to be applied to FSS, MSS and BSS in the 37.5-42.5 GHz range (WRC-03 Agenda item 1.32) � WP 9D 2001-10-15
[ 278 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4-9S - Interference criteria to protect the fixed wireless systems from interference produced by GSO and non-GSO satellites in the 37-40 GHz and 40.5-43.5 GHz bands � WP 9A 2001-10-15
[ 277 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S - Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SF.[Doc.4/80-9/101] � WP 9D 2001-10-15
[ 276 ]
ESV-Future operation and protection � Telenor SA 2001-10-15
[ 275 ]
Necessary limits for earth stations on board vessels � INMARSAT 2001-10-15
[ 274 ]
Study into the effect of the interference from certain NGSO systems into fixed services in the 11 GHz band considering 4 m, 1.8 m and 1.2 m antennas � Australia 2001-10-15
[ 273 ]
Efficiency study on shared use of the 17.7-19.7 GHz band by high-density applications in the FSS in the space-to-earth direction and the fixed service � United Kingdom 2001-10-15
[ 272 ]
Impact of the use of adaptive coding technique on potentially interfered FSS earth stations � Francia 2001-10-15
[ 271 ]
Sharing between fixed service and fixed satellite service (space-to-earth) for HDFSS application in the 47.250.2 GHz band � France 2001-10-15
[ 270 ]
Preliminary draft CPM text (chapter 4.3) on WRC-03 agenda item 1.25 � France 2001-10-15
[ 269 ]
Working document towards a PDNR - Guidelines for the implementation of GSO and non-GSO FSS earth stations without individual site coordination in the 17.7-20.2 and 27.5-30 GHz bands � France 2001-10-15
[ 268 ]
Comments on PDNR SF.[4-9S/ESV-C] - Guidance for determination of the interference potential ESVs and FS stations when the ESV is operating close to shore � Brazil 2001-10-15
[ 267 ]
Proposal for deletion of Recommendation ITU-R SF.615-1 � Brazil 2001-10-15
[ 266 ]
Possible use of 6 GHz central band by the ESV transmitters as a mitigation technique to reduce potential interference to FS receivers � Brazil 2001-10-15
[ 265 ]
Information document on agenda item 1.26 - Earth stations on board vessels � Brazil 2001-10-15
[ 264 ]
Comments on & revisions to working document toward a preliminary draft new Recommendation [ITU-R SF.[PFD-MULTISAT]] - General considerations on assessment of power flux-density limits to protect the FS stations in a multi-satellite environment � USA 2001-10-15
[ 263 ]
Working Document - Additional information concerning rain fade events and statistics in the bands 37.5-40.0 GHz and 42.0-42.5 GHz � USA 2001-10-15
[ 262 ]
Modification to PDNR SF.[4-9S/ESV-A] - Methods for assessing the minimum distance form the coastline beyond which in-motion earth stations located on board vessels would not cause unacceptable interference to the fixed service � USA 2001-10-15
[ 261 ]
Modification of preliminary draft CPM text for Agenda 1.26 � USA 2001-10-15
[ 260 ]
DNR - 4-9S/ESV-FREQ - Use of frequencies by Earth stations on board vessels transmitting in certain bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service � USA 2001-10-15
[ 259 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SF.[4-9S/ESV-D] - Guidance for determination of the interference potential between Earth stations on vessels and stations in the fixed service when the ESV is opereating close to shore � USA 2001-10-15
[ 258 ]
Guidance for identifying and using points on the operating contour for the determination of the interference potential of emissions from earth stations on board vessels to FS stations when the ESV is close to shore � USA 2001-10-15
[ 257 ]
Review of HAPS PDNR � USA 2001-10-15
[ 256 ]
Review of draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.13 (HAPS) � USA 2001-10-15
[ 255 ]
An assessment of the impact on FSS performance of using adaptive error-correction coding to mitigate FS interference in the 18 GHz band � USA 2001-10-15
[ 254 ]
Contribution on CPM text for WRC-03 Agenda item 1.25 addressing High-Density applications in the Fixed Satellite Service (HD-FSS) � USA 2001-10-15
[ 253 ]
Contribution addressing WRC-03 agenda item 1.25 regarding use of some paired FSS bands at 18/28 GHz by high-density FSS applications � USA 2001-10-15
[ 252 ]
Working document toward a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Methodology for visualizing the probability of ovserving spacecraft using an azimuth-elevation grid � USA 2001-10-15
[ 251 ]
Revisions to and update of preliminary draft CPM text on agenda item 1.32 - (Resolution 84(WRC) only) � USA 2001-10-15
[ 250 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SF.[4-9S/HESAT] Maximum allowable values of power flux-density at the surface of the Earth produced by non-geostationary satellites in the Fixed-Satellite Service using highly elliptical orbits and operating in .. � USA 2001-10-15
[ 249 ]
Framework for proposed draft new Recommendation - Guideline for the planning and use of co-primary allocations to the FS and FSS for administartions that wish to authorize high density applications of either service � USA 2001-10-15
[ 248 ]
Draft CPM text for WRC-3 Agenda item 1.37 � USA 2001-10-15
[ 247 ]
Proposed modifications to preliminary draft CPM text (Chapter 4.3) on WRC-03 Agenda item 1.25 � Japan 2001-10-15
[ 246 ]
Proposed revision to draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.25 � Canada 2001-10-15
[ 245 ]
Proposed revision to the "Working document on issues related to possible identification of frequency bands for high density FSS" � Canada 2001-10-15
[ 244 ]
Proposed revisions to PDNR ITU-R SF.[4-9S/ESV-A] - Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SF.[4-9S/ESV-A] - Methods for assessing the minimum distance from the coastline beyond which in-motion earth stations located on board vessels would not cause ... � United Kingdom 2001-10-15
[ 243 ]
Proposed modifications to Working Document on issues related to possible identification of frequency bands for high density applications in the fixed-satellite service (HD-FSS) � Japan 2001-10-15
[ 242 ]
General considerations on assessment of power flux-density limits to protect FS stations a multi-satellite environment � France 2001-10-15
[ 241 ]
Further analysis of the relative spectral efficiency merits of conventional segmentation versus geographical band segmentation at 28 GHz � Teldesic Communications Spain 2001-10-15
[ 240 ]
Consequence of the modification of the plan for the protection of FSS earth stations receivers � France 2001-10-15
[ 239 ]
Methods for assessing the minimum distance from the coastline beyond which in-motion earth stations located on board vessels would not cause unacceptable interference to the fixed service � France 2001-10-15
[ 238 ]
Preliminary Draft CPM text for Chapter 4.2 of the CPM-02 Report on WRC-03 Agenda item 1.18 � France 2001-10-15
[ 237 ]
Draft CPM text on Resolution 84 (WRC-2000) under Agenda item 1.32 � France 2001-10-15
[ 236 ]
Defining high-density fixed-satellite service requirements and regulatory issues related to WRC-03 Agenda item 1.25 � Hispasat , Teledesic Communications Spain 2001-10-15
[ 235 ]
On the feasibility of using spread spctrum to mitigate interference from FS transmitters into FSS user terminals in the 18 GHz band � Teledesic Communications Spain 2001-10-15
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