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P�gina principal : UIT-D : SG 02 RAPPORTEUR GROUPS : Reuni�n�2019-10-07�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-D�SG 02 RAPPORTEUR GROUPS� C�(2019-10-07)�


Reuniones de los Grupos de Relator de la Comisi�n de Estudio 2 del UIT-D

Reuni�n� del 2019-10-07 al 2019-10-18

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2021-10-182020-10-05� 2019-10-17� 2019-10-16� 2019-10-15� 2019-10-14� 2019-10-10� 2019-10-08� 2018-10-01

Resultados :94 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 151 ]
NIST Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity V1.1 � United States of America Q3/2 2019-08-22
[ 150 ]
Remote sensing activities in ITU-R � United States of America Q5/2 2019-08-22
[ 149 ]
Proposed text for Chapter 3 of the Final Report for Question 2/2 � Tokai University Q2/2 2019-08-22
[ 148 ]
ITU-D activities in disaster risk reduction and management � BDT Focal Point for Question 5/2 Q5/2 2019-08-22
[ 147 ]
Importance of ICT early warning system for saving life and property: case of extremely sever Cyclone 'Fani' � India (Republic of) Q5/2 2019-08-21
[ 146 ]
Overview of the National Cybersecurity School with a regional focus � Senegal (Republic of) Q3/2 2019-08-21
[ 145 ]
Implementation of Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) in New Zealand � New Zealand Q5/2 2019-08-21
[ 144 ]
Assistance to developing countries for implementing conformance and interoperability (C&I) programmes and combating counterfeit ICT equipment and theft of mobile devicesmobile devices � Central African Republic Q4/2 2019-08-20
[ 143 ]
The adoption of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q6/1, Q3/2 2019-08-23
[ 142 ]
Status of the Q7/2 Report to WTDC-2021 � ATDI Q7/2 2019-08-14
[ 141 ]
ITU-D activities on ICTs and the environment � BDT Focal Point for Question 6/2 Q6/2 2019-08-12
[ 140 ]
Strategies and policies concerning human exposure to the ionizing effects of electromagnetic fields � Central African Republic Q7/2 2019-08-12
[ 139 ]
Assistance to developing countries for implementing conformance and interoperability (C&I) programmes and combating counterfeit ICT equipment � Guinea (Republic of) Q4/2 2019-08-06
[ 138 ]
ICTs for digital health: robotic remote surgery � Tarbiat Modares University (Iran (Islamic Republic of)) Q2/2 2019-08-02
[ 137 ]
Strategies and policies concerning human exposure to electromagnetic fields: the case of Cameroon � Cameroon (Republic of) Q7/2 2019-08-02
[ 136 ]
Setting up smart villages - Niger's experience � Niger (Republic of the) Q1/2 2019-07-31
[ 135 ]
Cybersecurity initiatives in Bhutan � Bhutan (Kingdom of) Q3/2 2019-07-30
[ 134 ]
Government Data Exchange � Palestine(*) Q3/2 2019-07-29
[ 133 ]
Chapter 7: Case studies and national practices based on contributions � Senegal (Republic of) Q7/2 2019-07-28
[ 132 ]
Emerging Economies and ICT solutions - role in climate change mitigation � India (Republic of) Q6/2 2019-07-26
[ 131 ]
E-health in Benin: initiatives and outlook � Benin (Republic of) Q2/2 2019-07-26
[ 130 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG15 to ITU-D SG1 and SG2 on inter-Sector coordination � ITU-T Study Group 15 Q5/2, Q5/1, Q3/2, Q3/1, Q1/2, Q1/1, MAP, ILS 2019-07-22
[ 129 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG15 to ITU-D SG1 and SG2 on the new version of the Access Network Transport (ANT), Smart Grid and Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overviews and Work Plans � ITU-T Study Group 15 Q1/2, Q1/1, ILS 2019-07-22
[ 128 ]
Dissemination of advanced information about new e-health applications using new technologies in the developing countries � Syrian Arab Republic Q2/2 2019-07-22
[ 127 ]
Strategic framework for the transition to e-municipalities (2019-2023) � Palestine(*) Q1/2 2019-07-21
[ 126 ]
Implementation of "Be He@lthy Be Mobile" in Burkina Faso � Burkina Faso Q2/2 2019-07-19
[ 125 ]
The use of mobile technologies to combat cervical cancer in Burkina Faso � Burkina Faso Q2/2 2019-07-19
[ 124 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-R WP4B to ITU-D SG1 and SG2 on interrelated activities of ITU-R and ITU-D in response to Resolution ITU-R 69 (RA-15) � ITU-R Study Groups - ITU-R Working Parties 4B Q5/2, Q5/1, Q1/2, Q1/1, ILS 2019-07-18
[ 123 ]
Electromagnetic wave awareness-raising campaign � Haiti (Republic of) Q7/2 2019-07-09
[ 122 ]
Challenges related to the introduction of e-health in developing countries � Haiti (Republic of) Q2/2 2019-07-09
[ 121 ]
Emergency telecommunication system in Haiti � Haiti (Republic of) Q5/2 2019-07-09
[ 120 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-R WP4B to ITU-D SG1 and SG2 on interrelated activities of ITU-R and ITU-D in response to Resolution ITU-R 69 (RA-15) � ITU-R Study Groups - ITU-R Working Parties 4B Q5/2, Q5/1, Q1/2, Q1/1, ILS 2019-07-09
[ 119 ]
ICTs and the environment: management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in Cameroon � Cameroon (Republic of) Q6/2 2019-07-02
[ 118 ]
Securing information and communication networks: Best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity � Democratic Republic of the Congo Q3/2 2019-06-21
[ 117 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-R WP 1C to ITU-D SG2 Q7/2 on electromagnetic field measurements to assess human exposure � ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 1C Q7/2, ILS 2019-06-18
[ 116 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG20 to ITU-D SG1 and SG2 on ITU inter-sector coordination � ITU-T Study Group 20 Q7/1, Q6/2, Q6/1, Q5/2, Q5/1, Q4/2, Q3/2, Q2/2, Q1/2, Q1/1, MAP, ILS 2019-05-29
[ 115 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG5 to ITU-D SG2 Q4/2 and Q7/2 on work being carried out under study in ITU-T Study Group 5 Question 3/5 � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q7/2, Q4/2, ILS 2019-06-14
[ 114 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG5 to ITU-D SG1 and SG2 on ITU inter-sector coordination � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q7/2, Q7/1, Q6/2, Q6/1, Q5/2, Q5/1, Q4/2, Q3/1, Q2/2, Q1/2, Q1/1, MAP, ILS 2019-06-12
[ 113 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG20 to ITU-D SG2 Q4/2 on SG20 activities on IoT and Smart Cities & Communities � ITU-T Study Group 20 Q4/2, ILS 2019-05-29
[ 112 ]
Report from the ITU-R Disaster Relief Liaison Rapporteur � ITU-R Disaster Relief Liaison Rapporteur Q5/2, ILS 2019-04-19
[ 111 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG11 to ITU-D SG2 Q4/2 on collaboration � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q4/2, ILS 2019-04-21
[ 110 ]
Telecommunication/ICTs for eHealth � Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) Q2/2 2019-03-14
[ 109 ]
E-waste management initiatives in Sri Lanka � Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of) Q6/2 2019-03-14
[ 108 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T JCA-IMT2020 to ITU-D study groups with invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap � ITU-T JCA-IMT2020 Q1/2, Q1/1, ILS 2019-07-05
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