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ITU-T�SG 5� TD-GEN�(2017-11-13)�


Environment, climate change and circular economy

Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2017-11-13 to 2017-11-22

held in France [Sophia Antipolis]

Other Meetings : 2021-11-302021-05-112020-10-192020-05-112019-09-162019-05-132018-09-112018-05-212018-03-05� [ 2017-11-13 ]� 2017-05-15

Results:196 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 372-GEN ]
Revision of ITU-T Recommendation K.70 � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2017-11-17
[ 371-GEN ]
Revision of ITU-T Recommendation K.61 � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2017-11-17
[ 370-GEN ]
Updated text for proposed K.121 Appendix II on RF-EMF Compliance for shared sites � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2017-11-16
[ 369-GEN ]
New version v6.02 of the software EMF-estimator (Appendix 1 to Recommendation K.70) � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2017-11-16
[ 368-GEN ]
New Appendix to Recommendation ITU-T K.91 � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2017-11-16
[ 367-GEN ]
Baseline Document for work item L.ICT and FA - Use of ICT in the adaptation of the Fisheries Sector to the Effects of Climate Change � Associate Rapporteur Q9/5 2017-11-16
[ 366-GEN ]
K.Supp-5G_EMF_Compliance - Electromagnetic field (EMF) compliance assessments for 5G wireless networks � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2017-11-16
[ 365-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on SDN standardization activity roadmap (reply to JCA-SDN - JCA-SDN-O-019 R1 -E) [to JCA SDN] (reply to TD249) � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q6/5 2017-11-16
[ 364-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on Energy Efficiency (reply to 3GPP SA WG - SP-170597 -E) [to 3GPP SA WG] (reply to TD233) � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q6/5 2017-11-16
[ 363-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on new work item K.pim "Passive intermodulation test methods of array antenna systems in mobile communication systems" � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q4/5 2017-11-16
[ 362-GEN ]
K.Supp-5G_EMF_Impact: "5G technology and human exposure to RF EMF" � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2017-11-16
[ 361-GEN ]
Liaison Report from ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC39 � Liaison Rapporteur Q6/5 2017-11-16
[ 360-GEN ]
Liaison Report from IEC TC111 � Liaison Rapporteur Q9/5 2017-11-16
[ 359-GEN ]
L.EPR on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Guidelines for Sustainable E-waste management � Co-Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2017-11-16
[ 358-GEN ]
A.1 justification for proposed new work item in the work programme: L.RE on Guidelines and Accreditation for e- Waste Recyclers � Co-Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2017-11-15
[ 357-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on L.1000 and L.1005 for aligning with IEC 62684 (reply to IEC TC 100 - 100/AGM(Secr.)/1403 -E) [to IEC TC 100] (reply to TD240) � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q7/5 2017-11-15
[ 356-GEN ]
Proposed second draft "Supplement to K.soft_des for Soft error measures of FPGA" � Associate Rapporteur Q5/5 Q5/5 2017-11-15
[ 355-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on problems on the surge generator specified in IEC 61000-4-5 Edition 3 [to IEC SC77B] � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q4/5 2017-11-15
[ 354-GEN ]
Draft Agenda of SG5RG-AP coordination meeting � Chairman SG5RG-AP QALL/5 2017-11-15
[ 353-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation K.light "EMC requirements of electromagnetic disturbances from lighting equipment located in telecommunication facilities" approved by WP1/Q4 for consent � Co-Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2017-11-15
[ 352-GEN ]
The proposal of new work item "Passive intermodulation test methods of array antenna systems in mobile communication systems" � Co-Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2017-11-15
[ 351-GEN ]
New Work Item proposal of a Supplement on "Analysis of EMC aspects and definition of requirements for 5G mobile systems" � Co-Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2017-11-15
[ 350-GEN ]
Analysis for qualification of ICNIRP according to ITU-T A.5 � TSB Q3/5 2017-11-15
[ 349-GEN ]
A.1 justification for proposed new work item in the work programme: L.EPR on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Guidelines for Sustainable E-waste Management � Co-Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2017-11-15
[ 348-GEN ]
Draft Agenda of SG5RG-ARB coordination meeting � Chairman SG5RG-ARB QALL/5 2017-11-15
[ 347-GEN ]
IEC 37A/B liaison Reports � Liaison Rapporteur Q2/5 2017-11-15
[ 346-GEN ]
Supplement on "Analysis of EMC aspects and definition of requirements for 5G systems" � Co-Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2017-11-15
[ 345-GEN ]
Liaison report on IEEE ICES Activity and Progress update � Liaison Rapporteur Q3/5 2017-11-15
[ 344-GEN ]
Liaison report on IEC TC106 Activity and Progress update � Liaison Rapporteur Q3/5 2017-11-15
[ 343-GEN ]
Proposal to change status of K.lp � Associate Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2017-11-14
[ 342-GEN ]
A.1 for proposed new work item in the work programme: Suppl. K.51 on Small form factor connectors with high voltage exposure � Co-Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2017-11-14
[ 341-GEN ]
Status of K.64 - Comparison of Terms in IEC 60950-1:2005 and IEC 62368-1 � Co-Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2017-11-14
[ 340-GEN ]
A.1 justification for a K.S-5GResistibility - Supplement on analysis of 5G systems Resistibility � Co-Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2017-11-14
[ 339-GEN ]
New sub-clause 8.10 for K.99 � Co-Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2017-11-14
[ 338-GEN ]
Second Draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.wire-line_emc � Co-Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2017-11-14
[ 337-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on accuracy and availability requirements regarding fault by soft error (reply to SG12 - LS 38 -E) [to ITU-T Study Group 12 and 15] � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q5/5 2017-11-14
[ 336-GEN ]
The revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.40 "Protection against LEMP in telecommunications centres" � Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2017-11-14
[ 335-GEN ]
The revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.35 "Bonding configurations and earthing at remote electronic sites" � Rapporteur Q1/5 Q1/5 2017-11-14
[ 334-GEN ]
Converting other standards development organisation macro enabled templates to ITU-T format: Part 1 Populating the template � Rapporteur Q8/5 Q8/5 2017-11-14
[ 333-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on Enhancing ITU-T document templates [to all ITU-T Study Groups] � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q8/5 2017-11-14
[ 332-GEN ]
Agreed edits for K.50 � Co-Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2017-11-14
[ 331-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation L.net_Infra_assessment � Editor Q6/5 2017-11-13
[ 330-GEN ]
A.1 Justification -Proposed new work item: K.Supp-5G_EMF_Impact: Impact of 5G technology on human exposure � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2017-11-13
[ 329-GEN ]
Edited draft of Recommendation ITU-T K.appl2 - Surge protective component application guide - metal oxide Varistor (MOV) components � Rapporteur Q2/5 Q2/5 2017-11-13
[ 328-GEN ]
Proposed new Work item on K.Supp-5G_EMF_Compliance: Electromagnetic field (EMF) compliance assessments for 5G wireless networks � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2017-11-13
[ 327-GEN ]
Report of Q6/5 e-meeting on 8 November 2017 � Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2017-11-13
[ 326-GEN ]
Circular Economy: Guide for Operators and Suppliers on approaches to migrate towards circular ICT goods and networks � Co-Rapporteur Q7/5 Q7/5 2017-11-10
[ 325-GEN ]
Progress report of Q6/5 � Rapporteur Q6/5 Q6/5 2017-11-10
[ 324-GEN ]
Proposal of fourth draft of K.soft_test "Neutron irradiation test methods for telecommunications equipment" for consent � Associate Rapporteur Q5/5 Q5/5 2017-11-10
[ 323-GEN ]
Proposed first draft of K.soft_req "Reliability requirement of particle radiation effect for telecommunication systems � Associate Rapporteur Q5/5 Q5/5 2017-11-10
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