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SG3 Regional Group for Africa

Study Period 2017

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 100 ]
Draft technical report on regional roaming � Togolese Republic Q7/3 2019-02-06
[ 99 ]
Interoperability among Mobile Money Applications � Mozambique (Republic of) Q12/3 2019-02-06
[ 98 ]
Terms and definitions for draft Recommendation ITU-T D. ConsumerMFS: Principles for increased adoption and use of MFS through effective consumer protection mechanisms � Togolese Republic Q12/3 2019-02-06
[ 97 ]
Request for guidelines on regional traffic exchange via Internet exchange points (IXPs) � Madagascar (Republic of) Q6/3 2019-02-06
[ 96 ]
Support for a Technical Report on OTT Bypass and proposed edits to the contents and outline of the technical report � Zimbabwe (Republic of) Q9/3 2019-02-06
[ 95 ]
Benefits of Digital Financial Services (DFS) � South Sudan (Republic of) Q12/3 2019-02-06
[ 94 ]
Une connectivit� internationale comp�titive et une tarification des services de donn�es au profit des pays en d�veloppement et PMA � Madagascar (Republic of) Q6/3, Q3/3 2019-02-06
[ 93 ]
Contributing to the technical report on OTT bypass in regard to the fraud phenomenon � Togolese Republic Q9/3 2019-02-06
[ 92 ]
Competition in Mobile Financial Services � Sudan (Republic of the) Q12/3 2019-01-31
[ 91 ]
Studies on economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of telecommunication services � R�publique D�mocratique du Congo (RDC) Q3/3 2019-01-23
[ 90 ]
Problem of tariff charging issues regarding settlement agreements for trans-multi-country terrestrial telecommunication cables � R�publique du Mali Q13/3 2019-01-23
[ 89 ]
International mobile roaming � R�publique du Mali Q7/3 2019-01-23
[ 88 ]
OTT, threats and opportunities in the telecommunication sector � R�publique du Mali Q9/3 2019-01-23
[ 87 ]
Economic and regulatory impact of the Internet and new services (OTT) in Guinea � R�publique de Guin�e Q9/3 2019-01-23
[ 86 ]
Problems of taxing data services (OTT applications) in Africa � R�publique D�mocratique du Congo (RDC) Q9/3 2019-01-18
[ 85 ]
The effects of the OTT phenomenon in Africa and the need for a new framework: the case of Cameroon � Cameroun Q9/3 2019-01-17
[ 84 ]
Evolution of Digital Financial Services in Africa: Case of Burundi � Burundi (Republic of) Q12/3 2019-01-09
[ 83 ]
Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication services � Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q3/3 2018-01-24
[ 82 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T D.Unipricelist: Unification of Price/Tariffs/Rates Lists � Rwanda Q2/3 2018-01-24
[ 81 ]
Comments on the draft Recommendation on the economic impact of OTTs � C�te d'Ivoire Q9/3 2018-01-24
[ 80 ]
Proposed new ITU T work item on question 13/3 on study of tariff issues of settlement agreements of Trans-multi country terrestrial telecommunication cables � Zimbabwe Q13/3 2018-01-24
[ 79 ]
Guidelines on M2M international roaming � Rwanda Q7/3 2018-01-24
[ 78 ]
Support for the New Work Items under Question 13 - Terrestrial Trans Multi Country Terrestrial Cables � Zambia Q13/3 2018-01-24
[ 77 ]
Output of the MFS RGM � Egypt Q12/3 2018-01-24
[ 76 ]
Regulation C/REG.21/12/17 on roaming on mobile communication networks open to the public within the ECOWAS space � C�te d'Ivoire Q7/3 2018-01-24
[ 75 ]
Principles for Tariff Regulation of Data Services � Rwanda Q3/3 2018-01-24
[ 74 ]
Review of the Technical Paper on MFS Costs and Charges � Zambia Q12/3 2018-01-24
[ 73 ]
Review of the International Telecommunication Regulations (2012 ITRs) � C�te d'Ivoire Q3/3 2018-01-24
[ 72 ]
Contribution on Proposed Title for the Draft Recommendation on OTTs � Zimbabwe Q9/3 2018-01-24
[ 71 ]
MFS - Technical Paper � Gambia Q12/3 2018-01-24
[ 70 ]
Artificial intelligence and the challenges of employment � C�te d'Ivoire Q11/3 2018-01-24
[ 69 ]
OTT Bypass � Rwanda Q9/3 2018-01-24
[ 68 ]
International remittance in Mobile Financial Services � Egypt Q12/3 2018-01-24
[ 67 ]
Comments on the draft Recommendation on costs, charges and competition for mobile financial services (MFS) � C�te d'Ivoire Q12/3 2018-01-24
[ 66 ]
ToR for the Rapporteur Group Meeting on Dispute Resolution Related to Charging and Invoicing � Rwanda Q2/3 2018-01-24
[ 65 ]
OTT Draft Recommendation � Egypt Q9/3 2018-01-24
[ 64 ]
Difficulties in introducing an economic management model for an Internet exchange point in Cameroon � Cameroon Q6/3 2018-01-24
[ 63 ]
Proposed Title for the draft OTT Recommendation � Zambia Q9/3 2018-01-24
[ 62 ]
Consumer Protection in Mobile Financial Service � Rwanda Q12/3 2018-01-24
[ 61 ]
OTT Bypass � Egypt Q9/3 2018-01-24
[ 60 ]
ICT governance and jobs � C�te d'Ivoire Q3/3 2018-01-24
[ 59 ]
Draft Recommendation on policy framework including principles for Digital Identity Infrastructure � Zambia Q11/3 2018-01-24
[ 58 ]
Economic and Regulatory impact of the Over-The-Top services (OTTs) on telecommunication Market in Rwanda � Rwanda Q9/3 2018-01-24
[ 57 ]
Discussions on trans-multi-country terrestrial cable � Egypt Q13/3 2018-01-24
[ 56 ]
Regional roaming and international connectivity � C�te d'Ivoire Q7/3 2018-01-24
[ 55 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T D.OTT : Economic impact of OTTs � Sonatel Q9/3 2018-01-24
[ 54 ]
Proposed texts to be included in the draft Recommendation on the Economic Impact of Over-the-Top services � Zimbabwe Q9/3 2018-01-23
[ 53 ]
Impacts of convergences of services and regulation of service package tariffs � Sao Tome and Principe Q9/3 2018-01-23
[ 52 ]
OTT Bypass � Zimbabwe Q9/3 2018-01-23
[ 51 ]
The ethics of Big Data: Achieving a balance between economic benefits with the ethical questions linked to Big Data � Sao Tome and Principe Q11/3 2018-01-23
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