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World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-16)

Study Period 2013

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 82 ]
Note from COM3 to COM2 on potential financial impacts of the modifications made to Resolution 55, 67 and 70 � COM3 2016-10-31
[ 81 ]
Third series of texts submitted by Committee 4 to the Editorial Committee (New Res [APT-3, New Res [RCC-3]) � COM4 2016-10-31
[ 80 ]
Second series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee � COM3 2016-10-31
[ 79 ]
Opening address - Mr Mohammed Anouar Maarouf, Minister of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy � Tunisia 2016-10-30
[ 78 ]
Opening address - Mr Youssef Chahed, Chief of Goverment of the Tunisian Republic � Tunisia 2016-10-30
[ 77 ]
Report of Committee 2 to Plenary � COM2 2016-10-30
[ 76 ]
Welcome remarks from the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union � ITU Secretary-General 2016-10-30
[ 75 ]
Third series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary (Res.40, Res.44 and Res.76) � COM5 2016-10-29
[ 74 ]
Second series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Res.72 and Res.73) � COM5 2016-10-29
[ 73 ]
Report of the third meeting of Committee 4 � COM4 2016-10-29
[ 72 ]
Note from COM4 to COM2 on potential financial impacts of the modifications made to Resolution 44 � COM4 2016-10-29
[ 71 ]
Second series of texts submitted by Committee 4 to the Editorial Committee (Res.40, Res.44, Res.59, Res.76) � COM4 2016-10-29
[ 70 ]
Report of the second meeting of Committee 4 � COM4 2016-10-28
[ 69 ]
First series of texts submitted by Committee 4 to the Editorial Committee (Res.72, Res.73) � COM4 2016-10-28
[ 68 ]
Resolution 32 - Strengthening electronic working methods for the work of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector � Chairman, COM3 2016-10-27
[ 67 ]
First series of texts submitted by Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Res.32, Res.33, Res.38, Res.81, ITU-T A.1) � COM5 2016-10-27
[ 65 ]
Report of the first meeting of Committee 4 to the Plenary � COM4 2016-10-27
[ 64 ]
First series of texts submitted by Committee 3 to the Editorial Committee (Res.32, Res.33, Res.38, Res.81, ITU-T A.1, ITU-T A.7) � COM3 2016-10-27
[ 63 ]
Note by the Chairman of Committee 2 to the Chairmen of Committee 3, Committee 4 and Working Groups � Chairman, COM2 2016-10-26
[ 62 ]
Note by the Chairman, Committee 2: Financial responsibilities of conferences � Chairman, COM2 2016-10-26
[ 61 ]
List of delegates who have retired since WTSA-12 � Director TSB 2016-10-24
[ 60 ]
List of delegates who have passed away since WTSA-12 � Director TSB 2016-10-24
[ 59 ]
Summary of all actions undertaken with respect to WTSA Resolution 80 - Acknowledging the active involvement of the membership in the development of ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector deliverables � Director TSB 2016-10-19
[ 58 ]
Conclusions of the third Global Standards Symposium � Director TSB 2016-10-24
[ 57 ]
Proposal to not change WTSA-12 Resolution 54 - Creation of, and assistance to, regional groups � Zambia 2016-10-11
[ 56 ]
Approval of the draft new Recommendations ITU-T D.52, D.53, D.97, D.261 and draft revised Recommendation D.271 for approval by WTSA-16 � Brazil 2016-10-10
[ 55 ]
Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Resolution 76 - Studies related to conformance and interoperability testing, assistance to developing countries, and a possible future ITU Mark programme � Iran 2016-10-09
[ 54 ]
Proposals for updating and refining classifiers of types of economic activity and production by type of economic activity in the area of telecommunications/ICT �
NOTE - This proposal has now also become an RCC Common Proposal
Kazakhstan 2016-10-07
[ 53 ]
Proposed modification of WTSA-12 Resolution 20 - Procedures for allocation and management of international telecommunication numbering, naming, addressing and identification resources � United States of America , Canada 2016-10-07
[ 52 ]
Bangladesh's Proposals for the work of the Assembly � Bangladesh 2016-10-06
[ 51 ]
Canada's Proposals for the work of the Assembly � Canada 2016-10-03
[ 50 ]
Report of ITU-T SCV to the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-16) (including modifications to Resolution 67) � SCV 2016-09-19
[ 49 ]
Results of consultation on draft new Recommendations ITU-T D.52, D.53, D.97, D.261 and draft revised Recommendation ITU-T D.271 for Approval by WTSA-16 (Hammamet, 25 October - 3 November 2016) � Director TSB 2016-09-07
[ 48 ]
Contribution of the United States of America to the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2016 �
NOTE - Document 48 Addendum 4 withdrawn (duplicate of IAP input on Resolution 32 - Document 46 Addendum 3)
United States of America 2016-08-15
[ 47 ]
RCC Common Proposals for the work of the Assembly � RCC 2016-06-16
[ 46 ]
Inter-American Common Proposals for the work of the Assembly � CITEL 2016-06-16
[ 45 ]
(Rev.1-3) +Add.1-14
European Common Proposals for the work of the Assembly � EUR 2016-06-16
[ 44 ]
Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Common Proposals for the work of the Assembly � APT 2016-06-16
[ 43 ]
Arab States Common Proposals for the work of the Assembly � ARB 2016-06-16
[ 42 ]
African Common Proposals for the work of the Assembly � AFCP 2016-06-16
[ 41 ]
Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T D.271 "Charging and accounting principles for NGN": Proposed for approval at WTSA-16 � SG3 2016-06-16
[ 40 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T D.261 "Principles for market definition and identification of operators with significant market power - SMP": Proposed for approval at WTSA-16 � SG3 2016-06-16
[ 39 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T D.97 "Methodological principles for determining international mobile roaming rates": Proposed for approval at WTSA-16 � SG3 2016-06-16
[ 38 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T D.53 "International aspects of universal service": Proposed for approval at WTSA-16 � SG3 2016-06-16
[ 37 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T D.52 "Establishing and connecting Regional IXPs to reduce costs of International internet connectivity": Proposed for approval at WTSA-16 � SG3 2016-06-16
[ 36 ]
Resolution 2: Compilation of changes proposed by ITU-T Study Groups on their responsibility and mandates, and proposed amendments by TSAG � Director TSB 2016-06-15
[ 35 ]
Action Plan related to the Resolutions and Opinion of WTSA-12 � Director TSB 2016-06-07
[ 34 ]
Director TSB's proposals on editorial updates to WTSA-12 Resolutions �
NOTE - No document. Editorial changes to Resolutions that did not receive proposals are not significant enough to warrant a revised version.
Director TSB 2016-06-07
[ 33 ]
Financial responsibilities of World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies � ITU Secretary-General 2016-06-07
[ 32 ]
Contributions to the expenses of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-16) � ITU Secretary-General 2016-06-07
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