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ITU-T�SG 9� TD�(2009-02-02)�


Integrated broadband cable networks and television and sound transmission

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2009-02-02 to 2009-02-06

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-04-302011-11-212011-03-142010-11-192010-07-19� 2010-03-19� 2009-10-26� [ 2009-02-02 ]�

Results:105 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 55-GEN ]
Documentation of interest for SG 9 (Geneva, 2-6 February 2009) and SG 16 (Geneva, 27 January ? 6 February 2009) � TSB QALL/9, QALL/16 2009-02-03
[ 54-GEN ]
Agenda for Joint SG 9 and SG 16 plenary sessions � Chairmen SG 9 and SG 16 QALL/9 2009-02-02
[ 53-GEN ]
LS to IPTV related Study Groups on NGN capability set 2 � ITU-T SG 13 Q9/9, Q5/9, Q4/9 2009-02-02
[ 52-GEN ]
LS on single contact points for NGN-related works in each Study Group � ITU-T SG 13 QALL/9 2009-02-02
[ 51-GEN ]
LS - Establishment of Focus Group on Future Networks (FG-FN) � Chairman of SG 13 QALL/9 2009-02-02
[ 50-GEN ]
List of participants � TSB QALL/9 2009-02-02
[ 49-GEN ]
LS - Ad-Hoc groups to meet requirements of Resolutions 2 and 56 WTSA-08 � ITU-T SG 13 QALL/9 2009-02-02
[ 48-GEN ]
LS - Information about newly approved ITU-T Recommendation Y.1901 (ex - Y.iptv-req) � ITU-T SG 13 Q9/9, Q5/9, Q4/9 2009-02-02
[ 47-GEN ]
Draft Agenda of the joint session between Q4/9, Q5/9, Q8/9 and Q.13/16 (Monday 2 February) � Rapporteurs Q4/9, Q5/9, Q8/9 and Q.13/16 QALL/9 2009-02-02
[ 46-GEN ]
Report of the 5th IPTV-GSI event � SG 9 management team QALL/9 2009-02-02
[ 45-GEN ]
Draft Agenda of the joint session between Q5/9, Q9/9 and Q.21/16 (Monday 2 February, 16:00-17:30) � Rapporteurs Q5/9 and Q21/16 QALL/9 2009-02-01
[ 44-GEN ]
Liaison statement on the VQEG hybrid project � VQEG Q12/9 2009-02-01
[ 43-GEN ]
Report of the JRG-MMQA meeting of January 22 - 27, 2009 (San Jose, CA) � Rapporteur Q14/9 (2005-2008) Q12/9 2009-02-01
[ 42-GEN ]
Report of the JRG-MMQA meeting of September 22 - 26 2008 (Ghent) � Rapporteur Q14/9 (2005-2008) Q12/9 2009-02-01
[ 41-GEN ]
Liaison from VQEG with the RRNR-TV Approved Executive Summary � Rapporteur Q14/9 (2005-2008) Q12/9, Q2/9 2009-02-01
[ 40-GEN ]
Relationship between Recommendation J.201 and draft Recommendations H.IPTV-MAFR series � Rapporteur Q4/9 Q4/9 2009-02-02
[ 39-GEN ]
Patent statement and licensing declarations � TSB QALL/9 2009-02-01
[ 38-GEN ]
Proposed Rapporteurs/Associate Rapporteurs for Questions and Liaison Rapporteurs related to Study Group 9 � SG9 management team QALL/9 2009-02-02
[ 37-GEN ]
Results of the WTSA-08 of relevance to Study Group 9 � TSB QALL/9 2009-01-29
[ 36-GEN ]
Reconsideration of the selection change from AAP to TAP � SG 9 Chairman Q8/9 2009-01-29
[ 35-GEN ]
Updated draft new Recommendation J.262 (J.prefa2) - Specifications for authentication in preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom2 networks � Editors Q8/9 2009-01-26
[ 34-GEN ]
Updated draft new Recommendation J.261 (J.preffr) - Framework for implementing preferential telecommunications in IPCablecom and IPCablecom2 networks � Editors Q8/9 2009-01-26
[ 33-GEN ]
Revised draft new Recommendation J.263 (J.prefp2) - "Specification for priority in preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom2 networks" � Editors Q8/9 2009-01-26
[ 32-GEN ]
Liaison statement from IEC TC 100 to ITU-T SG 9, WP 2/16 and IPTV-GSI: Maintenance Team 62087 for measurement method of STB power consumption � IEC TC 100 Q5/9 2009-01-26
[ 31-GEN ]
Liaison on Accessibility and Resolution 70 (WTSA-08) "Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities" � Convener JCA-AHF QALL/9 2009-01-21
[ 30-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to SCTE on draft new Recommendation J.286 (J.h-dpi) � ITU-T SG 9 management team Q6/9 2009-01-20
[ 29-GEN ]
New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan � ITU-T SG 15 Q7/9 2009-01-20
[ 28-GEN ]
LS - Draft Recommendation G.hntreq � ITU-T SG 15 Q9/9 2009-01-20
[ 27-GEN ]
Reply to Liaison Statements on ANTS (TD 24 ? 26) � ITU-T SG 15 Q7/9, Q5/9 2009-01-20
[ 26-GEN ]
LS on the progress of draft new Recommendation J.sdp-req � Rapporteur Qs 8 & 10/9 Q10/9, Q8/9 2008-12-15
[ 25-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.sdp-req "Functional requirements for Service Delivery Platform" � Rapporteur Qs 8 & 10/9 Q10/9, Q8/9 2008-12-15
[ 24-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.prefa2 - Specifications for authentication in preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom2 networks � Rapporteur Q8/9 Q8/9 2008-12-15
[ 23-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.prefp2 - "Specification for priority in preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom2 networks" � Rapporteur Q8/9 Q8/9 2008-12-15
[ 22-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.preffr - Framework for implementing preferential telecommunications in IPCablecom networks. � Rapporteur Q8/9 Q8/9 2008-12-15
[ 21-GEN ]
Reply LS on the progress of H.iptv-ngn-hn and H.iptv-rm � Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2008-12-15
[ 20-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation IPTV Client Provisioning, Activation, Configuration, and Management Interface Definition (J.iptvclientpacm) � Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2008-12-15
[ 19-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation IPTV Client Control Interface Definition (J.iptvclientcntrl) � Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2008-12-15
[ 18-GEN ]
Baseline text of draft new Recommendation J.rg-req "A Residential Gateway Requirement to support interactive services for Hybrid Terminal Device" � Rapporteur Q5/9 Q5/9 2008-12-15
[ 17-GEN ]
Report of the Joint Rapporteurs? Meeting, 10 ? 12 December 2008, Tokyo, Japan � Rapporteur Qs8 and Q10/9 Q10/9, Q8/9 2008-12-15
[ 16-GEN ]
LS to ITU-T SG 9 on home network progress of IPTV-GSI � Rapporteur Q21/16 Q5/9 2008-12-04
[ 15-GEN ]
LS - Questionnaire from ITU-T Focus Group on ICT and Climate Change � Chairman FG ICT&CC QALL/9 2008-12-02
[ 14-GEN ]
Reply to "LS to ITU-T Q14/9 and ITU-R WP6C on objective video quality measurement" � Rapporteur Q14/9 QALL/9 2008-12-02
[ 13-GEN ]
LS on information on new Technology Committee on Broadband 23B � Chairman ITU-T SG 16 (on behalf of SMPTE) Q1/9 2008-12-02
[ 12-GEN ]
Reply to Liaison Statements from ITU-T Study Group 9 � ITU-R Working Party 6C (20-24 October 2008) Q12/9, Q2/9 2008-12-02
[ 11-GEN ]
LS - Work toward revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1699. Harmonization of declarative content format for interactive TV applications � ITU-R Working Party 6B (23-29 October 2008) Q4/9 2008-12-02
[ 10-GEN ]
ITU-R Study Group 6 Question to be e brought to the attention of ITU T Study Group 9 � ITU-R Study Group 6 (3-4 November 2008) Q1/9 2008-12-02
[ 9-GEN ]
Reply LS on recent Approved and Consented Recommendations � Rapporteur Q13/16 Q5/9, Q4/9 2008-12-02
[ 8-GEN ]
Call for papers ? Second ITU-T Kaleidoscope ?Innovations for Digital Inclusion? � TSB QALL/9 2008-12-02
[ 7-GEN ]
LS to study groups in ITU and other groups on progress achieved in the ad hoc Group on Vehicle Gateway Platform (VGP) � ITU-T SG 16 QALL/9 2008-12-02
[ 6-GEN ]
Draft Recommendations to be presented for "Determination" using TAP (Resolution 1) or "Consent", using AAP (Rec. A.8) procedure, at SG 9 meeting Geneva 2-6 February 2009 � TSB QALL/9 2008-12-02
Results:105 total items.
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