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ITU-T�SG05� TD-GEN�(2010-04-12)�


ICT and climate change

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2010-04-12 to 2010-04-16

held in Argentina [Buenos Aires]

Other Meetings : 2012-10-082012-04-112011-09-202011-04-272010-11-232010-10-01� [ 2010-04-12 ]� 2010-01-192009-10-122009-05-252008-11-24

Results:94 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 415-GEN ]
Second draft of Handbook on climate change � Rapporteurs Q14/5 Q17/5 2010-04-12
[ 414-GEN ]
Question 10/5 agenda � Rapporteur Q10/5 Q10/5 2010-04-12
[ 413-GEN ]
Question 11/5 Summary � Rapporteur Q11/5 Q11/5 2010-04-12
[ 412-GEN ]
Summary for Question 4/5 � Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2010-04-12
[ 411-GEN ]
Summary of HNSG work � Chairman WP1/5 Q13/5, Q11/5, Q10/5, Q8/5, Q6/5, Q5/5, Q4/5 2010-04-12
[ 410-GEN ]
Revised Draft Recommendation K.im_bb - "Immunity to Broadband disturbance for home network device" � Rapporteur Q8/5 Q8/5 2010-04-12
[ 409-GEN ]
Usage of lightning position detection data for preventing damage to telecommunication installation � Rapporteur Q8/5 Q8/5 2010-04-12
[ 408-GEN ]
Draft OECD recommendation of the council on ICT and the environment � Chairman WP3/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2010-04-12
[ 407-GEN ]
Terms of References of two new Focus Groups (for comments by 16 April 2010) � TSB Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2010-04-09
[ 406-GEN ]
Outcome of Special Task Group � Rapporteur Q17/5 Q17/5 2010-04-09
[ 405-GEN ]
Agenda: Question 3/5 � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2010-04-09
[ 404-GEN ]
Q 13/5 : Progress report and agenda for the ad-hoc meeting 04/2010 � Rapporteur Q13/5 Q13/5 2010-04-08
[ 403-GEN ]
Update on North American wiring simulators � Rapporteur Q14/5 Q4/5 2010-04-08
[ 402-GEN ]
Contribution for Handbook on Metrics: question to Q10/5 � Rapporteur Q20/5 Q20/5, Q17/5, Q10/5 2010-04-08
[ 401-GEN ]
Revision of Handbook "Preservation of wood poles carrying overhead telecommunication lines" referenced in Recommendation L.2 � Rapporteur Q21/5 Q21/5 2010-04-06
[ 400-GEN ]
Revised draft Recommendation K.ocp � Rapporteur Q13/5 Q13/5 2010-04-01
[ 399-GEN ]
Proposal to improve Resistibility Guide � Rapporteur Q8/5 Q4/5 2010-04-01
[ 398-GEN ]
Progress report on Question 3/5 � Rapporteur Q3/5 Q3/5 2010-04-01
[ 397-GEN ]
Draft text of ITU-T Recommendation K.leakage "Test method and requirements against information leak through unintentional EM emission" � Rapporteurs Q15/5 Q15/5 2010-04-01
[ 396-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Establishment of JTC 1 Working Group 7 on Sensor Networks � ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 7 QALL/5 2010-04-01
[ 395-GEN ]
Draft revised ITU-T Rec. L.19 "Multi-pair copper network cable supporting shared multiple services such as POTS, ISDN and xDSL" � Rapporteur Q10/5 Q10/5 2010-03-26
[ 394-GEN ]
Requirements for testing short external symmetric pair ports � Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2010-03-26
[ 393-GEN ]
External coaxial cable port test proposal � Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2010-03-26
[ 392-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Isolation between co-located antennas of systems in the land mobile service including IMT � ITU-R WP5D Q16/5 2010-03-23
[ 391-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Draft ITU-T Recommendation K.deg: "Mutual-disturbance test requirements for performance degradation evaluation of converged terminal devices" � ITU-R WP5D Q16/5 2010-03-23
[ 390-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Guidance on creating terms and definitions � SCV Q14/5 2010-03-23
[ 389-GEN ]
Revision of Recommendation K.12 � Rapporteur Q13/5 Q13/5 2010-03-19
[ 388-GEN ]
Internal port test proposals � Rapporteur Q4/5 Q4/5 2010-03-11
[ 387-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Appropriate usage of document types in SG and WP meetings � TSAG QALL/5 2010-03-04
[ 386-GEN ]
Incoming LS: TSAG Correspondence Group on Working Methods, including Electronic Working Methods � TSAG QALL/5 2010-03-04
[ 385-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Liaison statement to all ITU-T study groups on actions required to improve quality of ITU-T Recommendations � TSAG QALL/5 2010-03-04
[ 384-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new L.1000 (ex L.adapter) � Editors Q21/5 2010-02-12
[ 383-GEN ]
Invitation to contribute to CWG-WCIT12 � TSB QALL/5 2010-02-12
[ 382-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Summary of further activity on ad hoc groups (by Res. 2 and 56 WTSA-08) � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2010-02-09
[ 381-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Broadband monitoring system for electromagnetic systems � CITEL Q3/5 2010-02-09
[ 380-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Proposals for new K-series Recommendations � ITU-R SG5 Q16/5 2010-02-09
[ 379-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Proposal for new K-series Recommendations � ITU-R WP5A Q16/5 2010-02-09
[ 378-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Continuation of Joint Coordination Activity on Management (JCA-Mgt) � ITU-T SG2 QALL/5 2010-02-09
[ 377-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply to LS on on QoS evaluation for NGN equipment during EMC test � ITU-T SG12 Q12/5, Q1/5 2010-02-09
[ 376-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Standards related to Telcommunications outside Plants for Disaster Preparation and Mitigation � ITU-D SG2 Q10/5 2010-02-09
[ 375-GEN ]
Draft agenda and timetable for Working Party 3/5 meeting � Chairman WP3/5 Q21/5, Q20/5, Q19/5, Q18/5, Q17/5 2010-02-09
[ 374-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for Working Party 2/5 � Chairman WP2/5 Q16/5, Q15/5, Q12/5, Q8/5, Q3/5, Q2/5, Q1/5 2010-02-09
[ 373-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for Working Party 1/5 � Chairman WP1/5 Q13/5, Q11/5, Q10/5, Q9/5, Q6/5, Q5/5, Q4/5 2010-02-09
[ 372-GEN ]
Draft agenda and timetable for Study Group 5 meeting � Chairman SG5 QALL/5 2010-02-09
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