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Telecommunication management and network and service operations

Study Period 2009

Results:145 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 95 ]
Draft M.pc: Guidelines for the definition of product catalogue representation templates (V0.2) � MIIT/BUPT Q7/2 2010-10-27
[ 94 ]
Requirements for Unified User Management and Authentication for Web-based Services � China Telecom Q13/2 2010-10-27
[ 93 ]
Requirements for Automatic Value-added Service Dial and Testing System � China Telecom Q13/2 2010-10-27
[ 92 ]
Proposal for Telecom Finance � China Telecom Q3/2 2010-10-27
[ 91 ]
Web-Based Exchange for Operational and Maintenance Contact Point List � KDDI Q5/2 2010-10-27
[ 90 ]
Advanced Notification Timing to Customer on Draft Rec. M.154ponc � KDDI Q5/2 2010-10-27
[ 89 ]
Comments to TD 60 (WP 2/2) - ITU-T Rec. M.3344 � KT (Korea Telecom) Q7/2, Q10/2 2010-10-26
[ 88 ]
Proposal of clause 8, 9, and 10 for the SSM Architecture of ITU-T Rec. M.3345 � KT (Korea Telecom) Q7/2 2010-10-28
[ 87 ]
Basic Direction for Future Studies on the Numbering/Addressing Schemes in M2M Communications (in response to COM 2-C 79) � NTT Q1/2 2010-10-26
[ 86 ]
Basic Direction for Future Studies on the Geographic Identification Function within Geographic Numbers (in response to COM 2-C 77) � NTT Q1/2 2010-10-26
[ 85 ]
Statement regarding fraud issues to Liechtenstein from the National Regulatory Authority of Liechtenstein � Liechtenstein (Principality of) Q1/2 2010-10-25
[ 84 ]
Fraud incidences: Examples from Liechtenstein - Short statement from the Office for Communications � Liechtenstein (Principality of) Q1/2 2010-10-25
[ 83 ]
Approval of revised Recommendation ITU-T E.164 � Moldova (Republic of) QALL/2 2010-10-21
[ 82 ]
Amendment to draft Annex F to Recommendation ITU-T E.212 (revised) �
Please note that the question assigned to this contribution has been changed
Togolese Republic Q1/2 2010-10-13
[ 81 ]
Amendment to draft Recommendation ITU-T E.164 (revised) �
Please note that the question assigned to this contribution has been changed
Togolese Republic Q1/2 2010-10-13
[ 80 ]
Revision of SPN Use Case Draft � Telecom Italia Q1/2 2010-10-05
[ 79 ]
CEPT/ECC Report 153: Numbering and Addressing in Machine-To-Machine (M2M) Communications � European Communications Office Q1/2 2010-09-21
[ 78 ]
CEPT/ECC Report 155: Number Portability Procedures � European Communications Office (ECO) Q1/2 2010-09-21
[ 77 ]
CEPT/ECC Report 154: Evolution of Geographic Numbers � European Communications Office (ECO) Q1/2 2010-09-21
[ 76 ]
Reply to TSB Circular 87 - Patent apparently involving use of unassigned E.212 Mobile Country Codes (MCCs) �
Please note that the question assigned to this document has been changed
Kyrgyz Republic Q1/2 2010-06-15
[ 75 ]
Proposed changes to Draft Recommendation Mb2g (Requirements for Business to Government management interfaces - B2G interfaces - Introduction) � Brazil Q7/2 2010-05-07
[ 74 ]
DOCUMENT WITHDRAWN � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/3 2010-05-06
[ 73 ]
Draft Web-Service based Management Services � MIIT/BUPT Q9/2 2010-05-06
[ 72 ]
Draft M.unified-CO-CL: Unified generic management information model for connection-oriented and connectionless networks (V0.3) � MIIT/BUPT Q9/2 2010-05-06
[ 71 ]
Guidelines for the definition of product catalogue representation templates � MIIT/BUPT Q7/2 2010-05-06
[ 70 ]
Draft Guidelines for defining Web-services for managed objects and management interfaces � MIIT/BUPT Q9/2 2010-05-06
[ 69 ]
DOCUMENT WITHDRAWN � China Telecom Q13/2 2010-05-06
[ 68 ]
Draft recommendation M.log-neutral Common management services - Log Management - Requirements and Analysis - Protocol Neutral � ZTE Corporation Q9/2 2010-05-06
[ 67 ]
Amendment to M.3016.1 � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom Q11/2 2010-05-06
[ 66 ]
Data for Service Activation � Telenor ASA Q7/2 2010-03-26
[ 65 ]
Proposed an ITU-T Workshop on the Future of Numbering for NGN � ETRI Q1/2 2009-11-09
[ 64 ]
Cell Broadcast Message Identifiers � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q3/2, Q1/2 2009-11-06
[ 63 ]
Machine-to-Machine consequences for number resources E.164 and E.212 � Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Q1/2 2009-11-05
[ 62 ]
Comments on revised Recommendation E.129 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q1/2 2009-11-05
[ 61 ]
Reconsideration of the ENUM on view of the new "Affirmation of Commitments" by US-DoC and ICANN � Egypt (Arab Republic of) QALL/2 2009-11-05
[ 60 ]
Proposed changes to draft Recommendation E.ghn (Globally Harmonized Numbers) � SG2RG-ARB Q1/2 2009-11-05
[ 59 ]
Proposed changes to Draft Recommendation (Requirements for Land Mobile Alerting Broadcast Capabilities for Civic Purposes) � SG2RG-ARB Q3/2 2009-11-05
[ 58 ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation: Requirements for the NGN Service Activation of NMS-EMS Interface � MIIT , China Telecom Q7/2 2009-11-05
[ 57 ]
Comments to Revised draft Recommendation M.3344-NGN appointment's state � ZTE Q7/2, Q10/2 2009-11-05
[ 56 ]
Draft Recommendation X.state-neutral Protocol Neutral State Management � ZTE Q9/2 2009-11-05
[ 55 ]
Draft Recommendation X.object-neutral Protocol Neutral Object Management � ZTE Q9/2 2009-11-05
[ 54 ]
Cell Broadcasting - A proposal � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q3/2, Q1/2 2009-11-04
[ 53 ]
Proposed editorial amendments to draft E.1100 � BT Q1/2 2009-11-04
[ 52 ]
Proposal for establishing Framework for defining Web-Service based network management interface and supporting services � MIIT/BUPT Q9/2 2009-11-04
[ 51 ]
Organizing Numbering Issues for the NGN Era from the Aspect of Interworking with Legacy Networks � NTT Q1/2 2009-11-04
[ 50 ]
Proposal of revised M.1540, M.1012 and M.1013, and new draft Recommendation on planned outage notification � KDDI Q5/2 2009-11-04
[ 49 ]
Proposed new Recommendation: Planned Outage Notification Point � KDDI Q5/2 2009-11-04
[ 48 ]
Proposal of Joint Study on IP performance between SG2 and SG12 � KDDI Q5/2 2009-11-04
[ 47 ]
Comments on the revised E.164 Supplement 2: Number Portability � China (People's Republic of) Q1/2 2009-11-04
[ 46 ]
Comments on the new draft Recommendation E.1100 � China (People's Republic of) Q1/2 2009-11-04
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