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ITU-T�NGN-GSI� TD-GEN�(2011-05-09)�


NGN Global Standards Initiative

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2011-05-09 to 2011-05-20

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� [ 2011-05-09 ]� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Results:155 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 707-GEN ]
New Work Item: Framework for NGN Support and Use of OpenID and OAuth � Editors Q16/13 2011-05-18
[ 706-GEN ]
Y.ETS-Sec (Minimum Security Requirements for Interconnection of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS)) � Editors Q16/13 2011-05-18
[ 705-GEN ]
Draft Supplement on Next Generation Network (NGN) Security Planning and Operations � Editors Q16/13 2011-05-18
[ 702-GEN ]
Draft Supplement Y.iptv-ipmcast, Guidelines on deployment of IP multicast for IPTV content delivery � Editors Q5/13 2011-05-17
[ 700-GEN ]
oLS on Sharing a draft Recommendation: Y.VNC � Rapporteur Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 699-GEN ]
Liaison statement on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2111 Rev.2 "Resource and admission control functions in Next Generation Networks" � Rapporteur Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 698-GEN ]
RACF Rev.2 Living List (Geneva, 9-20 May 2011) � Editor Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 697-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-IoT-arch, Architecture of NGN for support of the Internet of Things � Editors Q5/13 2011-05-17
[ 696-GEN ]
The output document of Y.MC-ID (May 2011) � Editors Q9/13 2011-05-16
[ 695-GEN ]
Report of the Q.4/13 Meeting � Rapporteur Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 694-GEN ]
VNC Living List (Geneva, 9-20 May 2011) � Editor Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 693-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation of "Resource Control and Management for Virtual Networks for Cloud Services(VNCs)" (version 0.3) � Editor Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 692-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation of "Architectural Framework for QoE Management in NGN" (Version 0.2) � Editors Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 691-GEN ]
Y.2111Rev.1Amd.1 � Editors Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 690-GEN ]
Output - Draft Recommendation Y.RACF (Y.2111) Revision 2 (Version 0.3) � Editors Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 689-GEN ]
Draft Amendment to Recommendation Y.2122, "Information Model for Aggregate Information Exchange Functions (FIXF) in NGN" � Editors Q4/13 2011-05-19
[ 688-GEN ]
Q.19/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q19/13 2011-05-30
[ 686-GEN ]
Initial draft of recommendation Y.dsnsr � Editors Q19/13 2011-05-19
[ 685-GEN ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsncdf, DSN Content Distribution Functions (Q.19/13 meeting at NGN-GSI meeting, Geneva, Swiss, 09-20, May 2011) � Editors Q19/13 2011-05-19
[ 684-GEN ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsnmmtel, MMTel over DSN (Q.19/13 meeting, Geneva, Swiss, 9-20 May 2011) � Editors Q19/13 2011-05-19
[ 683-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.dsn_sec_req "Security Requirements for DSN" , Geneva, Switzerland, 17-28 January 2010) � Editors Q19/13 2011-05-19
[ 682-GEN ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsnrf, DSN Relay Functions (Q.19/13 meeting at NGN-GSI meeting, Geneva, Swiss, 09-20, May 2011) � Editors Q19/13 2011-05-20
[ 681-GEN ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsntocf, DSN Traffic Optimization Control Functions (Q.19/13 meeting at NGN-GSI meeting, Geneva, Swiss, 09-20, May 2011) � Editors Q19/13 2011-05-19
[ 680-GEN ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsnarch, Architecture of DSN (at Q19 rapporteur meeting, 9-20 May 2011) � Editors Q19/13 2011-05-19
[ 679-GEN ]
Living list of socio-economic issues � Editors Q21/13 2011-05-20
[ 678-GEN ]
Identifiers and their configuration methods for future networks (Y.FNid-config) � Editors Q21/13 2011-05-20
[ 677-GEN ]
Framework of identifiers in future networks (Y.FNid), Output document of NGN-GSI meeting, Geneva, 9-20 May 2011 � Editors Q21/13 2011-05-20
[ 676-GEN ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation on "Framework of Energy-saving for Future Networks" � Editors Q21/13 2011-05-20
[ 675-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation of Y.FNvirt " Framework of network virtualization for Future Networks" � Editors Q21/13 2011-05-20
[ 674-GEN ]
Recommendation ITU-T Y.3001 (formerly Y.FNvision) "Future Networks: Objectives and Design Goals" � Editors Q21/13 2011-05-19
[ 673-GEN ]
Meeting report of Q.21/13 (future networks) � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2011-05-20
[ 672-GEN ]
Q.13/11 Meeting Agenda � Rapporteur Q13/11 2011-05-16
[ 671-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Q.3612 (formerly Q.centrexSig) � Editors Q3/11, Q2/11 2011-05-13
[ 670-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for draft Recommendation Q.3612 � Editor Q3/11, Q2/11 2011-05-13
[ 669-GEN ]
Q.16/13 meeting agenda � Rapporteur Q16/13 2011-05-13
[ 668-GEN ]
oLS on Reply on JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs for review and comment by the Study Groups � Rapporteurs Q11/11, Q10/11, Q8/11 2011-05-13
[ 667-GEN ]
oLS on Q.real-time multimedia service testing at NGN UNI � Rapporteur Q10/11 2011-05-13
[ 666-GEN ]
Q1/11 Meeting Report � Rapporteur Q1/11 2011-05-13
[ 665-GEN ]
Output of Q.NGN SigProt � Editor Q1/11 2011-05-13
[ 664-GEN ]
Q.11/11 Report � Rapporteur Q11/11 2011-05-13
[ 663-GEN ]
Q.10/11 Report � Rapporteur Q10/11 2011-05-13
[ 662-GEN ]
Q.8/11 Report � Rapporteur Q8/11 2011-05-13
[ 661-GEN ]
Baseline of Draft Recommendation Q.3912 'monitoring parameters set for streaming services in NGN '(Geneva, 9-20 May 2011) � Rapporteur Q9/11 2011-05-13
[ 660-GEN ]
Q.9/11 meeting Report � Rapporteur Q9/11 2011-05-13
[ 659-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for Q.7/13 meeting � Rapporteur Q7/13 2011-05-13
[ 658-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for Draft Recommendation Q.3203 � Editor Q7/11 2011-05-13
[ 657-GEN ]
oLS - Handbook on Testing � Chairman WP 3/11 Q6/11 2011-05-13
[ 656-GEN ]
Q.6/11 Report � Rapporteur Q6/11 2011-05-13
[ 655-GEN ]
A.5 Justification for draft Recommendation Q.3948 � Editor Q10/11 2011-05-12
[ 654-GEN ]
Clean output draft Recommendation Q.3948 Service testing framework for VoIP at NGN UNI � Editor Q10/11 2011-05-12
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