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ITU-T�SG17� TD-WP2�(2008-09-15)�


Languages and Telecommunications Software

Study Period 2005

Meeting� from 2008-09-15 to 2008-09-19

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2009-09-16� 2009-02-11� [ 2008-09-15 ]� 2008-04-072007-12-102007-09-192007-04-202007-04-182007-04-162006-12-062006-04-192006-01-162005-10-052005-03-30

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Temporary Documents �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 4150-WP2 ]
Draft text of Rec. X.gpn: general policy profile for network security � Editors Rec. X.gpn Q6/17 2008-09-18
[ 4149-WP2 ]
Draft text of Rec. X.abnot: abnormal traffic detection and control guideline for telecommunication network � Editor Rec. X.abnot Q6/17 2008-09-18
[ 4148-WP2 ]
OUTGOING LS - Response to liaison statement on Best Practices for Cyber Security report � ITU-T SG17 Q4/17 2008-09-17
[ 4147-WP2 ]
Correspondence Group for the harmonization of Liberty Alliance Identity Assurance Framework and SG 17's Entity Authentication Assurance work � Rapporteur Q.6/17 Q6/17 2008-09-17
[ 4146-WP2 ]
DC/CET survey report - Final text � Editor , Rapporteur Q.4/17 Q4/17 2008-09-17
[ 4145-WP2 ]
Updated draft text of X.tcs-1: Interactive countering spam gateway system � Editors Rec. X.tcs-1 Q17/17 2008-09-17
[ 4144-WP2 ]
Initial text on new work item on criteria for assessing the level of protection for personally identifiable information in IdM � Editor Q6/17 2008-09-17
[ 4143-WP2 ]
A.5 justification for draft Recommendation X.ssf: Short message service spam filtering system based on user-specified rules � Editors Rec. X.ssf Q17/17 2008-09-17
[ 4142-WP2 ]
Updated draft Recommendation X.ssf: Short message service spam filtering system based on user-specified rules � Editors Rec. X.ssf Q17/17 2008-09-17
[ 4141-WP2 ]
Proposed text for a new work item on security guidelines for identity management systems (for next study period) � Editors Q6/17 2008-09-17
[ 4140-WP2 ]
Final draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-1 : Functional requirements and architecture for IPTV security aspects � Editors Rec. X.iptvsec-1 Q9/17 2008-09-17
[ 4139-WP2 ]
Draft text of X.tb-ucr: Traceback Use Cases and requirements � Editors Rec. X.tb-ucr Q6/17 2008-09-17
[ 4138-WP2 ]
Revised text of draft Recommendation X.fcsip, Framework for countering IP multimedia spam � Editors Rec. X.fcsip Q17/17 2008-09-16
[ 4137-WP2 ]
Recommendation ITU-T X.1244 (ex X.ocsip), Overall aspects of IP multimedia application spam - Base text for discussion � Rapporteur Q.17/17 Q17/17 2008-09-16
[ 4136-WP2 ]
Draft report on results of DC/CET survey � Editor , Rapporteur Q.4/17 Q4/17 2008-09-16
[ 4135-WP2 ]
Updated summaries of Q.5/17 draft Recommendations � Rapporteur Q.5/17 Q5/17 2008-09-15
[ 4134-WP2 ]
Action plan for Q.5/17 � Rapporteur Q.5/17 Q5/17 2008-09-15
[ 4133-WP2 ]
OUTGOING LS to the IETF - Response on a liaison statement regarding the ITU-T Recommendation X.1034 � ITU-T SG17 Q5/17 2008-09-22
[ 4132-WP2 ]
Q.5/17 Meeting report � Rapporteur Q.5/17 Q5/17 2008-09-15
[ 4131-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q.8/17 � Rapporteur Q.8/17 Q8/17 2008-09-15
[ 4130-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q.17/17 meeting � Rapporteur Q.17/17 Q17/17 2008-09-15
[ 4129-WP2 ]
Draft updates for the Compendia � Editor of the Compendia Q4/17 2008-09-15
[ 4128-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q.7/17 meeting � Rapporteur Q.7/17 Q7/17 2008-09-15
[ 4127-WP2 ]
Comments and their proposed treatment for draft Rec. X.1250 � Editors Rec. X.1250 Q6/17 2008-09-15
[ 4126-WP2 ]
Proposed revised draft Rec. X.1250 � Editors Rec. X.1250 Q6/17 2008-09-15
[ 4125-WP2 ]
Draft updates for the ICT Security Standards Roadmap � Rapporteur Q.4/17 Q4/17 2008-09-15
[ 4124-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q.5/17 meeting � Rapporteur Q.5/17 Q5/17 2008-09-15
[ 4123-WP2 ]
Report on Question 6/17 (IdM-GSI Meeting, Geneva, 14-15 May 2008) � Rapporteur Q.6/17 IDM-GSI, Q6/17 2008-09-14
[ 4122-WP2 ]
Agenda for WP2/17 � Vice-Chairman SG17, Chairman WP2/17 Q17/17, Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17, Q5/17, Q4/17 2008-09-14
[ 4121-WP2 ]
Recommendation X.1171 (X.nidsec-1) ? Comment resolution summary and edited text for Contribution C 363 (Germany?s comments to the planned approval of X.1171) � Editors Rec. X.1171 , Rapporteur Q.9/17 Q9/17 2008-09-14
[ 4120-WP2 ]
LS - Reply to LS on Q.4/17 report on telecommunication security activities � ITU-D SG1 Q4/17 2008-09-14
[ 4119-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q.9/17 meeting � Rapporteur Q.9/17 Q9/17 2008-09-12
[ 4118-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q.6/17 meeting � Rapporteur Q.6/17 Q6/17 2008-09-12
[ 4117-WP2 ]
LS - IdM Terms and Definitions � Rapporteur Q.15/13 Q6/17 2008-09-12
[ 4116-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q.4/17 � Rapporteur Q.4/17 Q4/17 2008-09-11
[ 4115-WP2 ]
LS - Project on Telehealth and World-Wide Telemedicines (ITU-T Rec. � IEC/CO Q8/17 2008-09-10
[ 4114-WP2 ]
Recommendation X.1171 (X.nidsec-1) ? Status on the AAP Last Call comments resolution: Comment resolution summary and edited text � Editors Rec. X.1171 , Rapporteur Q.9/17 Q9/17 2008-09-10
[ 4113-WP2 ]
Status of the approval of Recommendation X.1171 (X.nidsec-1) � TSB Q9/17 2008-09-10
[ 4112-WP2 ]
Identity Management Data Model, X.idm-dm � Editors Q6/17 2008-09-08
[ 4111-WP2 ]
Report of Correspondence Group on Harmonization of SG17?s ?IdM Data Model? � Convenor Corr. Group pn Harmonization Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 4110-WP2 ]
IdM Terms and Definitions � Editor Q6/17 2008-09-05
[ 4109-WP2 ]
Proposed changes on Rec. X.iptvsec-1: Functional requirements and architecture for IPTV security aspects � Editors Rec. X.iptvsec-1 Q9/17 2008-09-04
[ 4108-WP2 ]
Update draft Rec. X.ssf: SMS Spam Filtering System based on User-specified rules (for consent) � Editors Rec. X.ssf Q17/17 2008-09-04
[ 4107-WP2 ]
Proposed first draft of Rex. X.ismf: Information Security Management Framework (ISMF) � Editors Rec. X.ismf Q7/17 2008-09-04
[ 4106-WP2 ]
Business use of telecommunication security standards � Vice-Chairman SG17 Q4/17 2008-09-03
[ 4105-WP2 ]
X.sisfreq, Requirements for security information sharing framework ? The progressing of, reorganization and refinement of scope of the work. � Editors Q6/17 2008-09-02
[ 4104-WP2 ]
Revised scope of draft ITU-T Recommendation X.eaa: Entity Authentication Assurance � Editor Rec. X.eaa Q6/17 2008-08-11
[ 4103-WP2 ]
Text for NP ballot, Reference architecture model for sensor network applications and services (6N13662) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC6 Q9/17 2008-08-06
[ 4102-WP2 ]
Revised draft ITU-T Recommendation X.idif: User Control Enhanced Digital Identity Interchange Framework (for consent) � Editors Q6/17 2008-07-30
[ 4101-WP2 ]
Report of Q.6/17 Rapporteur Meeting (Heidelberg, July 2008) � Rapporteur Q.6/17 Q6/17 2008-07-28
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