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ITU-T�SG09� TD�(2006-10-02)�


Integrated broadband cable networks and television and sound transmission

Study Period 2005

Meeting� from 2006-10-02 to 2006-10-06

held in Japan [Tokyo]

Other Meetings : 2009-11-02� 2009-02-23� 2008-09-192008-05-052007-10-292007-06-14� [ 2006-10-02 ]� 2005-10-172005-01-17

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 390-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendation J.pref - "Specifications for preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom networks" � WG1 Q9/9 2006-04-10
[ 389-GEN ]
Proposed Draft New Recommendation J.preffr "Framework for implementing preferential telecommunications in IPCablecom networks" � WG 1 Q4/9 2006-04-10
[ 388-GEN ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation J.ipresil-ipmulti: IP network architecture with network layer route diversity providing resilient IP multicast video distribution � WG 3 Chairman Q12/9, Q1/9 2006-10-03
[ 387-GEN ]
Final List of Participants � TSB QALL/9 2006-10-06
[ 386-GEN ]
Response to Liaison Statement from SG13 - IPTV based on NGN Architecture � WG 1 QALL/9 2006-04-10
[ 385-GEN ]
JCA-NID (RFID) meeting report (Geneva, 19-21 September 2006) � TSB QALL/9 2006-10-02
[ 384-GEN ]
Report of the JRG-MMQA meeting of September, 2006 (Tokyo) � Rapporteur for Q14/9, SG 12 Representative to JRG- Q14/9, Q12/9 2006-10-02
[ 383-GEN ]
Reply to SG 12 Liaison to VQEG: "Liaison statement on ongoing activity for a new Recommendation G.OMV - Opinion Model for Videophone applications" � VQEG Q14/9 2006-10-02
[ 382-GEN ]
Reply to SG 12 Liaison to JRG-MMQA: "Study of multimedia streaming interruptions, in preparation for a proposal of a parametric opinion model for multimedia streaming services in a mobile network" � JRG-MMQA Q14/9 2006-10-02
[ 381-GEN ]
A.5 documentation for draft new Recommendations J.acc, J.pacm. J.ipami, and � Document Editor Q9/9 2006-10-02
[ 380-GEN ]
A.5 documentation for draft new Recommendation J.ims.x � Document Editor Q9/9 2006-10-02
[ 379-GEN ]
A.5 documentation for draft new Recommendation � Document Editor Q9/9 2006-10-02
[ 378-GEN ]
A.5 documentation for draft revised Recommendation J.161 � Document Editor Q9/9 2006-10-02
[ 377-GEN ]
A.5 documentation for draft new Recommendations J.dti, J.drfi, J.depi, and J.12vpn � Document Editor Q8/9 2006-10-02
[ 376-GEN ]
IPTV and SG9 � SG 9 Vice Chairman QALL/9 2006-10-02
[ 375-GEN ]
LS on speech codec standardization for cable telephony VoIP applications � ITU-T SG 12 and ITU-T SG 16 Management Teams Q9/9 2006-09-29
[ 374-GEN ]
LS on accounting for accessibility needs in current and future SG 9 work � ITU-T SG 16 Management Team QALL/9 2006-09-29
[ 373-GEN ]
Report of the 1st FG-IPTV meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, 11-14 July 2006 � Vice Chairman of ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2006-09-25
[ 372-GEN ]
NGN Release 1 and Scope and NGN Roadmap � TSB Q9/9 2006-09-25
[ 371-GEN ]
LS on Framework of security technologies for home network � Q.9/17 Rapporteur Group (Ottawa, 11-15 Sept. 2006) Q10/9, Q9/17 2006-09-21
[ 370-GEN ]
Report of the 1st Focus Group on IP Television (IPTV) meeting � Chairman of FG IPTV QALL/9 2006-09-19
[ 369-GEN ]
Report of JCA-HN meeting, 3rd July 2006, Geneva and Report of Joint Co-ordination Activity on Home Networking (JCA-HN) � Convener JCA-HN QALL/9 2006-09-19
[ 368-GEN ]
Discussion paper and proposal for Action by SG 9 in relation to Q.15/9 � Associate Rapporteur for Q. 15/9 Q15/9 2006-09-19
[ 367-GEN ]
Report on progress of work on LSDI in ITU-R Study Group 6 � Rapporteur and Associate/rapporteur on Q15/9 Q15/9 2006-09-25
[ 366-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to EBU, ISO/IEC MPEG, ITU-T SG 9. Call for proposals objective evaluation of multi-channel audio signals � ITU-R WP 6Q Q14/9, Q2/9 2006-09-19
[ 365-GEN ]
Summary of approved changes at last TSAG to A.1, A.2, A.4, A.6, A.7, and A.8 � TSB QALL/9 2006-09-15
[ 364-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to ITU-T SG 9 on revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1722 � ITU-R WP 6M Q4/9 2006-09-14
[ 363-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to ITU-T Study Group 9 on a draft new Recommendation concerning broadcasters' requirements for operational monitoring in broadcasting chains � ITU-R WP 6Q Q14/9, Q2/9 2006-09-14
[ 362-GEN ]
Report of the joint meeting of Q9 and Q11, 21-24 August 2006 � Rapporteur, Q.9/9 Q11/9, Q9/9 2006-09-12
[ 361-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to ITU-T SG 9 on a draft new Recommendation concerning a method to reconstruct the video received by the receiver using transmission error information for packetized video transmission � ITU-R Working Party 6Q Q14/9, Q2/9 2006-09-12
[ 360-GEN ]
Report of the Rapporteurs' Meeting Q.12/9 � Rapporteur, Q.12/9 Q12/9 2006-09-12
[ 359-GEN ]
Report of the Rapporteurs' meeting of 21-25 August, 2006 Louisville, CO, USA � Rapporteur, Q.11/9 Q11/9 2006-09-12
[ 358-GEN ]
Report of Q.8/9 Interim Activities � Rapporteur, Q.8/9 Q8/9 2006-09-12
[ 357-GEN ]
Draft Report of the Rapporteur's meeting on Question 5/9 (Louisville (CO), USA, August 2006) � Rapporteur, Q.5/9 Q5/9 2006-09-11
[ 356-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.rtav - Real-time video and audio transmission system over IP network � Rapporteur, Q.11/9 Q11/9 2006-09-08
[ 355-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ims.9 IPCablecom2 Generic Authentication Architecture Specification � Editor Q9/9 2006-09-08
[ 354-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ims.8 IPCablecom2 Network Domain Security Specification � Editor Q9/9 2006-09-08
[ 353-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ims.7 IPCablecom2 Access Security for IP-Based Services � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 352-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ims.4 IPCablecom 2 IP Multimedia Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP); Stage 3 Specification � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 351-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ims.3 IPCablecom 2 IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS);Stage 2 Specification � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 350-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ims.2: IPCablecom2 IP Multimedia (IM) session handling; IM call model; Stage 2 Specification � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 349-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ims.0 - IPCablecom2 IMS delta Recommendations: Overview � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 348-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ipami - IPCablecom2 Application Manager Interface � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 347-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.pacm - IPCablecom2 Provisioning, Activation, Configuration, and Management � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 346-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.acc - IPCablecom2 Data Collection to Support Accounting � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 345-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.cpd - IPCablecom2 Control Point Discovery � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 344-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation Codec Media � Editor Q9/9 2006-09-22
[ 343-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.ipc2arch - IPCablecom2 Architecture Framework � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 342-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation - Battery Backup for Integrated DOCSIS Devices � Editor Q9/9 2006-06-09
[ 341-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation J.161 - Audio and Video codec requirements for the provision of bidirectional services over cable television networks using cable modems � Editor Q9/9 2006-09-12
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