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ITU-T�SSG� TD�(2003-11-17)�


IMT-2000 and beyond

Study Period 2001

Meeting� from 2003-11-17 to 2003-11-21

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2004-10-012004-04-19� [ 2003-11-17 ]� 2003-06-022002-11-042002-05-21� 2002-02-20� 2001-08-30� 2001-05-07� 2000-12-11�

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 70-GEN ]
Baseline Document for 2nd stage deliverable for Q.7/SSG on "FMC Network Architecture and interfaces" � Editor Q7/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 69-GEN ]
Editorial Refinements for Q.1761 (Formerly Q.FMCReq) � Acting Editor Draft New Recommendation Q.1761 on FMC Requirements and Principles Q7/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 68-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation Q.1742.3 � Editor Q3/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 67-GEN ]
Extract of WTSA-2000 Resolution 2 (update of 2001), SSG related part � SSG Vice-Chairman QALL/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 66-GEN ]
Items of consideration in discussion on future activities � SSG Vice-Chairman QALL/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 65-GEN ]
Final report of ITU-T Workshop on "Next Generation Networks: What, When and How?" � SSG Chairman QALL/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 64-GEN ]
Meeting schedule � SSG Vice-Chairman QALL/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 63-GEN ]
SSG response to the Questionnaire on Security distributed by SG 17 � SSG Chairman Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q3/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 62-GEN ]
Technical Survey (3GPP2 Part) of the Lawful Interception Requirement & Standardization � SSG Vice-Chairman Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 61-GEN ]
Proposed Agenda for Q.6/SSG � Proposed Interim Rapporteur, Q.6/SSG Q6/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 60-GEN ]
Meeting agenda. document allocation and schedule. � Proposed Interim Rapporteur Q7/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 59-GEN ]
Proposed Document Allocation � SSG Chairman QALL/SSG 2003-11-17
[ 58-GEN ]
ITU Workshops and Seminars � TSB QALL/SSG 2003-11-14
[ 57-GEN ]
Review of WTSA-2000 Resolution 38 on coordination of IMT-2000 activities across the ITU sectors � SSG Chairman QALL/SSG 2003-11-14
[ 56-GEN ]
Proposed Agenda for Q.2/SSG � Rapporteur, Q.2/SSG Q2/SSG 2003-11-14
[ 55-GEN ]
List of contributions and delayed contributions - Special Study Group, Geneva 17 - 21 November 2003 � TSB QALL/SSG 2003-11-12
[ 54-GEN ]
Agenda for Q.3 meeting sessions � Rapporteur, Q.3/SSG Q3/SSG 2003-11-12
[ 53-GEN ]
Report of the ITU-T Chairmen's meeting (Geneva, 5-7 November 2003) � TSB QALL/SSG 2003-11-12
[ 52-GEN ]
New IETF WGs � SSG/IETF Coordinator QALL/SSG 2003-11-12
[ 51-GEN ]
Incoming Liaison Statements list - Geneva Meeting 17-21 November 2003 � TSB QALL/SSG 2003-11-11
[ 50-GEN ]
Technical Survey of the Lawful Interception Requirement & Standardization � SSG Vice-Chairman Q7/SSG 2003-11-11
[ 49-GEN ]
Starting point of next deliverable for Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) � SSG Vice-Chairman Q7/SSG 2003-11-11
[ 48-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation Q.1761: Principles and requirements for convergence of fixed and existing IMT-2000 systems (former Q.FMCReq) � Editor, Q.7/SSG Q7/SSG 2003-11-11
[ 47-GEN ]
Results of the SSG Satisfaction survey of meetings in November 2002 andJune 2003 � TSB QALL/SSG 2003-11-11
[ 46-GEN ]
Liaison to Q.1/SSG on Q.SNFB � ITU-T SG4 (meeting, 27 October - 7 November 2003) Q1/SSG 2003-11-10
[ 45-GEN ]
Liaison to Q.5/SSG on Handbook on deployment of IMT-2000 � ITU-T SG 4 (meeting 27 October - 7 November 2003) Q5/SSG 2003-11-10
[ 44-GEN ]
Meeting facilities and information � TSB QALL/SSG 2003-11-07
[ 43-GEN ]
CCSA reply to the SSG - Information on standards/specifications from CCSA (for Q.1742.3) � Q3/SSG Rapporteur Q3/SSG 2003-11-06
[ 42-GEN ]
Country Code Reservation for Telecommunications for Disaster Relief (TDR) � ITU-T SG2 Q7/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2003-11-06
[ 41-GEN ]
New QoS Handbook � QoS Handbook Coordinator (ITU-T SG2, Q.5/2) Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2003-11-06
[ 40-GEN ]
Response to planned revisions to E.212 � ITU-T SG2 Q7/SSG 2003-11-06
[ 39-GEN ]
Liaison to ITU-T SSG on the process for the development of the handbook � ITU-R Working Party 8F (Edinburgh, 8 - 16 October 2003) Q5/SSG 2003-11-06
[ 38-GEN ]
Liaison statement to ITU-T SSG - initial draft of " Service view" document � ITU-R Working Party 8F (Edinburgh, 8 - 16 October 2003) Q1/SSG 2003-11-06
[ 37-GEN ]
Guidelines on the smooth transition of existing mobile networks to IMT-2000 for the developing countries � ITU-R Working Party 8F (Edinburgh, 8 - 16 October 2003) Q5/SSG 2003-11-06
[ 36-GEN ]
TTA reply to the SSG - Information on standards/specifications from TTA (for Q.1742.3) � TSB Q3/SSG 2003-11-04
[ 35-GEN ]
Recommendation A.5 Qualified Organizations List � TSB QALL/SSG 2003-10-30
[ 34-GEN ]
Proposed draft agenda for Q.5/SSG meeting � Rapporteur for Q.5/SSG Q5/SSG 2003-10-29
[ 33-GEN ]
SSG promotional plan � SSG Chairman QALL/SSG 2003-10-29
[ 32-GEN ]
Liaison statement on the guidelines on the smooth transition of existing mobile networks to IMT-2000 developing countries � Rapporteur's Group for Question 18/2 - ITU-D SG2 Q5/SSG 2003-10-23
[ 31-GEN ]
Letters from the ITU-T Study Group 13 Chairman on Next Generation Networks � TSB QALL/SSG 2003-10-22
[ 30-GEN ]
Report on ITU-BDT Regional Seminar on IMT-2000 for the Arab Region (Doha, Qatar - 29 September - 1 October 2003) � BDT QALL/SSG 2003-10-22
[ 29-GEN ]
Proposed Baseline Text for Emergency Services Supplement � Editor Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG 2003-10-21
[ 28-GEN ]
Draft Q.6/SSG output document � SSG Chairman Q6/SSG 2003-10-21
[ 27-GEN ]
ARIB reply to the SSG - Information on standards from ARIB (for Q.1742.3) � SSG Chairman Q3/SSG 2003-10-20
[ 26-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation Q.SNFB, version 2.2 � Q.SNFB Co-Editors Q1/SSG 2003-10-20
[ 25-GEN ]
Revised Recommendation G.114 � ITU-T SG 12 Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2003-10-20
[ 24-GEN ]
Update on QoS Lead Study Group activities � ITU-T Study Group 12 Q7/SSG, Q6/SSG, Q2/SSG, Q1/SSG 2003-10-20
[ 23-GEN ]
Request for comments on a new draft Recommendation X.msec � ITU-T SG 17 (Geneva, 10-19 September 2003) Q7/SSG, Q3/SSG, Q1/SSG 2003-10-20
[ 22-GEN ]
Edition 2 of the Handbook on the deployment of IMT-2000 and beyond � ITU-T SG 17 meeting (Geneva, 10-19 September 2003) Q5/SSG 2003-10-20
[ 21-GEN ]
Report on Question 1/SSG Rapporteur's Electronic Meeting (4 - 16 September 2003) � Q.1/SSG Rapporteur Q1/SSG 2003-10-03
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