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Maritime mobile service including Global maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS); aeronautical mobile service and radiodetermination service

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 594 ]
ASM-TER R-Mode and its possible impact on the VHF data exchange system � China (People's Republic of) 2024-11-04
[ 593 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2092-1 - Technical characteristics for a VHF data exchange system in the VHF maritime mobile band � United States of America , China (People's Republic of) 2024-11-04
[ 592 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R M.2092-1 - Technical characteristics for a VHF data exchange system in the VHF � China (People's Republic of) 2024-11-04
[ 591 ]
Comments on preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5 � China (People's Republic of) 2024-11-04
[ 590 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2092-1 - Technical characteristics for a VHF data exchange system in the VHF maritime mobile band � United States of America , China (People's Republic of) , Denmark , Germany (Federal Republic of) , International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) , Korea (Republic of) , Poland (Republic of) 2024-11-01
[ 589 ]
Report of the twentieth meeting of the Joint IMO/ITU Experts Group on Maritime Radiocommunication Matters � International Maritime Organization 2024-10-29
[ 588 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 5B and 5D - WRC-27 agenda item 1.7 - Proposed Technical Parameters and Operating Scenarios to Consider in Adjacent Band Studies Involving Radio Altimeters and Wireless Avionics Intra Communications Operating in the 4 200 - 4 400 MHz Frequency Band � International Civil Aviation Organization 2024-08-22
[ 587 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 5B and 7C - WRC-27 agenda item 1.19 - Proposed Technical Parameters and Operating Scenarios to Consider in Studies between Earth Exploration-Satellite Service (passive), and Radio Altimeters and Wireless Avionics Intra Communications Operating in the 4 200 - 4 400 MHz Frequency Band � International Civil Aviation Organization 2024-08-22
[ 586 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 4C and 5B - WRC-27 agenda item 1.13 - Proposed Technical Parameters to Consider in Studies for Possible New Allocations to the Mobile-Satellite Service Involving Aeronautical Systems Operating in the 960-1 215 MHz Frequency Band � International Civil Aviation Organization 2024-08-22
[ 585 ] �
Document withdrawn � N/A � 2024-08-27
[ 584 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 5B on extended freefrom IDs � N/A � 2024-06-13
[ 583 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2057-1 - Characteristics of automotive radars � Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2024-05-02
[ 582 ]
Proposed work plan for WRC-27 agenda item 1.9 � India (Republic of) AI1.9 2024-05-02
[ 581 ]
Proposal of structure of Working Party 5B � India (Republic of) 2024-05-02
[ 580 ]
Proposal for development of new ITU-R Report - National approaches for coexistence of radio altimeters operating in 4200-4400MHZ and deployment of IMT stations in 3300-4200 MHZ � India (Republic of) 2024-05-02
[ 579 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3L, 5C, 6A, 7A and ICAO - WRC-27 agenda item 1.9 - Review of Appendix 26 of the Radio Regulations to support modernization of high-frequency spectrum use in the aeronautical mobile (OR) service � India (Republic of) AI1.9 2024-05-02
[ 578 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2116-0 - Technical characteristics and protection criteria for the aeronautical mobile service systems operating within the 4 400-4 990 MHz frequency range � France , Canada 2024-05-01
[ 577 ]
Consideration of radiolocation information update � France 2024-05-01
[ 576 ]
Draft reply liaison statement to Working Party 5D on WRC-27 agenda item 1.7 (copy Working Parties 1B, 3K, 3M, 4A, 4C, 5A, 7B, 7C and 7D) - Relevant technical information to support studies under WRC-27 agenda item 1.7 � France AI1.7 2024-05-01
[ 575 ]
Proposal on spectrum consideration of detect and avoid systems for unmanned aircraft systems � France 2024-04-30
[ 574 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[24.45-24.65_GHZ_ARNS] - Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the frequency band 24.45-24.65 GHz � France 2024-04-30
[ 573 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[15.4-15.7_GHz_ARNS] - Characteristics of and protection criteria for airborne detect and avoid and aircraft landing systems operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the frequency band 15.4-15.7 GHz � France 2024-04-30
[ 572 ]
Comments on the proposal to revise Recommendation ITU-R M.1638 � France 2024-04-30
[ 571 ]
Working document toward preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2089-0 - Technical characteristics and protection criteria for aeronautical mobile service systems in the frequency range 14.5-15.35 GHz � France 2024-04-30
[ 570 ]
Working document preliminary draft new Report M.[INTERMOD_ REC_RAD]-0 - Description of intermodulation effects on heterodyne radar receiver types � France 2024-04-30
[ 569 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[CNPC_CHAR_5GHZ] - Characteristics and protection criteria of terrestrial and satellite unmanned aircraft system control and non-payload communications links operating in the aeronautical mobile (route) service and aeronautical mobile satellite (R) Service in the band 5 030-5 091 MHz � France 2024-04-30
[ 568 ]
Elements on note of the contribution 1 for Study Group 5 � France 2024-04-30
[ 567 ]
Modification to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[FOD_EESS_SHARE] - Sharing and compatibility studies between foreign object debris detection system and other services in the frequency ranges 92-100 GHz � National Institute of Information and Communicatio 2024-05-01
[ 566 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[VDES R-MODE] � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2024-04-30
[ 565 ]
Comments on proposal of introduction of future ITU work items for automotive radar in 122-148 GHz � France 2024-04-30
[ 564 ]
Draft new Report ITU-R M.[SPACE-VHF] - Space-based aeronautical VHF communications in the frequency band 117.975-137 MHz � France , Spain 2024-04-30
[ 563 ]
Comments on proposal of new Report REPORT ITU-R M.[THZ_SPEC] � France 2024-04-30
[ 562 ]
Recommendation ITU-R M.585-9 (Assignment and use of identities in the Maritime Mobile Service) - Update and considerations on issue related to manufacturer IDs for devices using a freeform number identity � Comit� International Radio-Maritime (CIRM) 2024-04-29
[ 561 ]
Recommendation ITU-R M.585-9 (Assignment and use of identities in the Maritime Mobile Service) - CIRM Annual Report on manufacturer IDs for devices using a freeform number identity � Comit� International Radio-Maritime (CIRM) 2024-04-29
[ 560 ]
Proposals for revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.585-9 - Assignment and use of identities in the maritime mobile service � China (People's Republic of) 2024-04-30
[ 559 ]
Proposals for preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5 - Technical characteristics for an automatic identification system using time division multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile frequency band � China (People's Republic of) 2024-04-30
[ 558 ]
Proposal for the suppression of Recommendation ITU-R M.693-1 - Technical characteristics of VHF emergency position-indicating radio beacons using digital selective calling � China (People's Republic of) 2024-04-30
[ 557 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[PULSED INTERFERENCES] - Studies on the Radar Protection Criteria for the Pulsed Interferences � China (People's Republic of) 2024-04-30
[ 556 ]
Technical specifications of solid-state weather radar system - Draft liaison statement to WP 5A on efficiency of DFS regarding these radars in the 5 GHz frequency band � WMO 2024-04-29
[ 555 ]
Liaison statement to contributing Working Parties of WRC-27 agenda item 1.8 � Germany (Federal Republic of) AI1.8 2024-04-29
[ 554 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J, 3K, and 3M of WRC-27 agenda item 1.8 � Germany (Federal Republic of) AI1.8 2024-04-29
[ 553 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[24.45-24.65_GHZ_ARNS] - Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the frequency band 24.45-24.65 GHz � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 552 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[15.4-15.7_GHz_ARNS] - Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the aeronautical radionavigation service in the frequency band 15.4-15.7 GHz � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 551 ]
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[SPACE-VHF] - Space-based aeronautical VHF communications in the frequency band 117.975-137 MHz � United States of America 2024-04-26
[ 550 ]
Proposed modification to preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[CNPC_CHAR_5GHz] - Characteristics and Protection Criteria of Terrestrial and Satellite Unmanned Aircraft System Control and Non-Payload Communications Links operating in the aeronautical mobile (route) service and aeronautical mobile satellite (R) Service in the band 5 030-5 091 MHz � Japan 2024-04-26
[ 549 ]
Proposal of reply liaison statement to Working Party 7C - Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU R M.[FOD_EESS_SHARE] � Japan 2024-04-26
[ 548 ]
Proposals to the operational conditions of AMS in the 4 500-4 800 MHz frequency range to conduct compatibility studies related with WRC-27 agenda item 1.7 � Russian Federation AI1.7 2024-04-26
[ 547 ]
Proposals for WRC-27 agenda item 1.7 IN relation to the frequency band 4 400-4 800 MHz � Russian Federation AI1.7 2024-04-26
[ 546 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1851-2 - Mathematical models for radiodetermination radar and aeronautical mobile systems antenna patterns for use in interference analyses � Russian Federation 2024-04-26
[ 545 ]
Proposed draft liaison statement to Working Parties 3J, 3K and 3M - WRC-27 agenda item 1.8 � Russian Federation AI1.8 2024-04-26
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