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Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 561 ]
Draft CPM text - Sharing between IMT-Advanced and radiodetermination systems in the band 2 900-3 100 MHz � Telstra Corporation Ltd. 2014-07-14
[ 560 ]
Draft CPM text - Sharing between IMT-Advanced and radiodetermination systems in the band 2 700-2 900 MHz � Telstra Corporation Ltd. 2014-07-14
[ 559 ]
Draft CPM text - Sharing between IMT-Advanced and radiodetermination systems in the band 1 350-1 400 MHz � Telstra Corporation Ltd. 2014-07-14
[ 558 ]
Considerations on 5 GHz RLAN deployment density � European Union 2014-07-14
[ 557 ]
Characterization of the RF emission patterns of IEEE 802.11 AC wireless LAN devices � European Union 2014-07-14
[ 556 ]
Proposed modifications to the draft CPM text on WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � Finland 2014-07-14
[ 555 ]
Studies related to the assessment of the frequency range 2 900-3 100 MHz for consideration under WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R [RADAR2900] � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2014-07-14
[ 554 ]
Studies related to the assessment of the frequency range 2 700-2 900 MHz for consideration under WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R [RADAR2700] � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2014-07-14
[ 553 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R F.[IMT 4 400-4 990 MHZ SHARING AND COMPATIBILITY] � China (People's Republic of) 2014-07-14
[ 552 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � China (People's Republic of) 2014-07-14
[ 551 ]
Proposed revisions to working document toward preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � United States of America 2014-07-14
[ 550 ]
Output of Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 regarding draft new Reports - Agenda item 1.1 � United States of America 2014-07-14
[ 549 ]
Technical assessment of potential interference between IMT systems and the fixed service in the 4 400-4 990 MHz band � United States of America 2014-07-14
[ 548 ]
Technical assessment of protential interference between IMT sysstems and the mobile service in the 4 400-4 990 MHz band � United States of America 2014-07-14
[ 547 ]
Draft new Report ITU-R BT.[MBB_DTTB_470_694] - Sharing and compatibility studies between digital terrestrial television broadcasting and terrestrial mobile boadban applications, including IMT, in the frequency band 470-694/698 MHz � North American Broadcasters Association (NABA) 2014-07-14
[ 546 ]
Proposed modification to the draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � Korea (Republic of) 2014-07-12
[ 545 ]
Consideration of working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[BSMS700] � Korea (Republic of) 2014-07-12
[ 544 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � Argentine Republic 2014-07-11
[ 543 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 regarding the Section 4.1.7, 4.1.8 and 4.1.11 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2014-07-11
[ 542 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 regarding the Section 4.1.1 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2014-07-11
[ 541 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2014-07-11
[ 540 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda time 1.1 regarding the Section 4.1.2 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2014-07-11
[ 539 ]
Proposed modifications to the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[RADAR1300] - Studies on the impact of IMT use on radar systems in the frequency range 1 300-1 400 MHz � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2014-07-14
[ 538 ]
Proposed modifications to the preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[AMT-IMT.SHARING.L-BAND] - Sharing studies between potential IMT systems and aeronautical mobile telemetry systems in the frequency band 1 492-1 535 MHz � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2014-07-11
[ 537 ]
Proposed modifications to the preliminary draft new Report ITU-R RS.[EESS 1.4 GHZ] � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2014-07-11
[ 536 ]
Sharing studies between IMT User Equipment (UE) in DL and airborne telemetry tansmitter within 1 492-1 518 MHz band � France 2014-07-11
[ 535 ]
Transient impact of airborne telemetry over IMT base station within 1 429-1 518 MHz band � France 2014-07-11
[ 534 ]
Proposed modifications to draft new Report ITU-R BS.[BS_IMT] on sharing between the mobile service (MS) and the broadcasting service (BS) in the 1 452-1 492 MHz frequency band � France 2014-07-11
[ 533 ]
5 350-5 470 MHz: modification to working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2014-07-11
[ 532 ]
Consideration on Geo-location databases as a mitigation technique for RLANs in the 5 350-5 470 MHz band � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2014-07-11
[ 531 ]
Proposals to update the results of sharing analysis between RLAN and EESS � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2014-07-11
[ 530 ]
Compatibility studies between radio local area networks systems and radilocation systems in the 5 350-5 470 MHz frequency band � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2014-07-11
[ 529 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards a preliminary draft new ITU-R Report on sharing and compatibility studies under agenda item 1.2, "Sharing and compatibility studies between digital terrestrial television broadcasting and IMT in the frequency band 694-790 MHz in the GE06 planning area [adjacent channel] � France , Poland (Republic of) , Sweden , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2014-07-11
[ 528 ]
Proposed revision to draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites 2014-07-11
[ 527 ]
Further considerations on 3 400-4 200 MHz and 4 400-4 900 MHz frequency bands under WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � Japan 2014-07-11
[ 526 ]
Proposed updates of Annex 2 of Joint Task Group Chairman's Report � Japan 2014-07-11
[ 525 ]
Proposed revisions to workind document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � Japan 2014-07-11
[ 524 ]
Proposed modification to the preliminary draft new Report ITU-R RS.[EESS 1.4GHZ] � Japan 2014-07-11
[ 523 ]
An examination of possible mitigation techniques to address sharing between EESS (active) and RLANs in the band 5 350-5 470 MHz � Canada 2014-07-10
[ 522 ]
Proposed changes to the draft CPM text on WRC-15 agenda item 1.2 � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2014-07-10
[ 521 ]
RLAN and bistatic radars in the 5 GHz-band update of Document 4-5-6-7/450 � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2014-07-10
[ 520 ]
Proposal on the issue of adjacent channel and adjacent band studies relation within the framework of agenda item 1.1 � Russian Federation 2014-07-10
[ 519 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[BSS-MS] � Russian Federation 2014-07-10
[ 518 ]
Proposed modifications to the working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R BS.[BS_IMT] � Russian Federation 2014-07-10
[ 517 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � Russian Federation 2014-07-10
[ 516 ]
Proposal on new method on SAP/SAB issues in accordance with WRC-15 agenda item 1.2 � Russian Federation 2014-07-10
[ 515 ]
Proposals on issue "C"in framework of agendaitem 1.2 WRC-15 � Russian Federation 2014-07-10
[ 514 ]
Proposals for modification of draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.2 in relation to compatibility issue of MS with ARNS � Russian Federation 2014-07-10
[ 513 ]
Proposal on modification of working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.2 for Sections 1/1.2/5.2 and 1/1.2/6.2 � Russian Federation 2014-07-10
[ 512 ]
Defenition of out-of-band emission limit for mobile service user equipment under the agenda item 1.2 � Russian Federation 2014-07-10
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