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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 107 ]
Liaison statement to WP 7D and TG 1/7 - Comments on draft CPM text for Agenda item 1.8.2 (WRC-03) concerning unwanted emission limits � WP 6S 2002-02-11
[ 106 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J, 3M, 7C and 7D � TG 1/7 2002-02-11
[ 105 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 6S, 4A, 4-9S, 8B, 8D, 7C and 7D � TG 1/7 2002-02-11
[ 104 ]
Report on the February 2002 meeting of Working Party 7D � Chairman, WP 7D 2002-02-11
[ 103 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 9D, 7B and 7D concerning Resolution 79 (WRC-2000) � Chairman, WP 3M 2002-02-11
[ 102 ]
List of documents issued � BRSGD 2002-02-11
[ 101 ]
Draft revision of ITU-R Recommendation ITU-R RA.1237 � IUCAF 2002-02-11
[ 100 ]
Proposal of preliminary draft new Recommendation on RAS antenna characteristics � France 2002-02-11
[ 99 ]
RAS antenna gain to be used in compatibility studies involving non-GSO satellite systems � France 2002-02-11
[ 98 ]
Proposal of revision to PDNR ITU-R M.[AMSS] on operation and control of AMSS networks in the 14-14.5 GHz band � France 2002-02-11
[ 97 ]
Proposed modification of the CPM text on Agenda item 1.15 (Resolution 604) � France 2002-02-11
[ 96 ]
Proposal of draft revision to Rec. ITU-R RA.1513 on levels of data LOSS to radio astronomy observations and percentage-of-time criteria resulting from degradation by inteerference for frequency bands allocated to the radio astronomy on a primary.. � France 2002-02-11
[ 95 ]
Proposed Draft liaison statement to WPs 8D, 7D, and 7E - Comments to WP 7E's review of proposed preliminary elements for the CPM Report prepared by WP 8D regarding the sharing between MetAids and MetSat services and the mobile-satellite service in � Japan 2002-02-11
[ 94 ]
Proposal of PDNR on RAS antenna pattern � France 2002-02-11
[ 93 ]
Proposed modification of the CPM Text on Agenda item 1.16 � France 2002-02-11
[ 92 ]
Preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-03 agenda item 1.11 � France 2002-02-11
[ 91 ]
Determination of coordination distance / exclusion zone between radio astronomy antenna and fixed service systems operating at 43 GHz - Resolution 79 � France 2002-02-11
[ 90 ]
Sharing study between the AMSS and the radio astronomy service in the 14-14.5 GHz band � France 2002-02-11
[ 89 ]
Sharing between the AMSS and the Radio Astronomy Service in the 14-14.5 GHz band � France 2002-02-11
[ 88 ]
Information for addressing WRC-03 Agenda item 1.8.2-The results of measurements of unwanted mission levels from geostationary fixed-satellite services in the radio astronomy frequency band 4 990-5 000 MHz � Russia 2002-02-11
[ 87 ]
Comments on the liaison statement from Working Party 8D related to the CPM text for agenda item 1.11 � Canada 2002-02-11
[ 86 ]
The impact on the radio astronomy service of unwanted emissions in excess of the levels defined by Recommendation ITU-R RA.769 � IUCAF 2002-02-11
[ 85 ]
Example of interference that is disruptive to the radio astronomy service � IUCAF 2002-02-11
[ 84 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-1 - Protection criteria used for radioastronomical measurements � USA 2002-02-11
[ 83 ]
Working document towards - A preliminary draft new Recommendation (PDNR) - Space radioastronomy systems characteristics and frequency bands used for radioastronomy measurements from space � USA 2002-02-11
[ 82 ]
Draft new Recommendation (DNR) - Technical and operational characteristics of ground-based astronomical facilities operating between 10 THz and 1 000 THz � USA 2002-02-11
[ 81 ]
LS to WPs 7C, 7D and 7E - Proposed elements for the CPM Report regarding sharing between the MetAids and the MetSat services and the mobile-satellite service in the band 1 670-1 690 MHz � WP 8D 2002-02-11
[ 80 ]
Proposed draft structure for Chapter 1 of the CPM Report to WRC-03 including already developed preliminary draft text elements � Chapter Rapporteur 2002-02-11
[ 79 ]
Liaison statement to TG 1/7 and WP 7D � WP 9D 2002-02-11
[ 78 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 4A, 7B, 7D, 7E and 9D - Agenda item 1.11 of WRC-03 � WP 8D 2002-02-11
[ 77 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 7D - Agenda item 1.15 and Resolution 604: Unwanted emission levels produced by RNSS in the band 5 010-5 030 MHz into radio astronomy in the 4 990-5 000 MHz band � WP 8D 2002-02-11
[ 76 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B and 9D - Elements for proposed draft CPM text regarding non-GSO MSS feeder-link allocations near 1.4 GHz � WP 8D 2002-02-11
[ 75 ]
Liaison to WPs 1C, 4A, 6S, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8B, 8D, 9B, 9C and 9D � TG 1/7 2002-02-11
[ 74 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 3J, 4A, 4B, 6E, 6S, 7B, 7D, 8A, 8B and 9D - Compatibility between Ultra Wideband (UWB) emissions and Radiocommunication Services � WP 1A & 1B 2002-02-11
[ 73 ]
Liaison statement Working Parties 4A, 6S, 7C, 7D, 8D, 9B, 9D and the Chairmen of Study Groups 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 � Chairman, TG 1/7 2002-02-11
[ 72 ]
Liaison statement from WP 9D - Resolution 79 (WRC-2000) on the coordination distance between radio astronomy and earth stations in bands above 30 GHz and P-MP high density applications in the fixed servce � WP 9D 2002-02-11
[ 71 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 4A, 7D and TG 1/7 - Interference calculations between radio astronomy telescopes and non-GSO satellite systems � WP 8D 2002-02-11
[ 70 ]
Working Document towards CPM text regarding sharing between the AMSS and the Radio Astronomy service in the 14-14.5 GHz band � USA 2002-02-11
[ 69 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 8D, 7C and 7D - Review of proposed preliminary elements for the CPM Report prepared by WP 8D regarding sharing between the Metaids and the Metsat services and the mobile-satellite service in the band ... � WP 7E 2002-02-11
[ 68 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8D on compatibility between the AMSS and the radio astronomy service in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band � WP 7E 2002-02-11
[ 67 ]
Note by Study Group 7 Chairman � SG 7 2002-02-11
[ 66 ]
Liaison statement to SC02-4, Task Group 1/7, Working Parties 7C, 7D, 7E, 8A, 8B, 8F, 9B and 9D - Draft CPM texts addressing Resolutions 122 and 734 � WP 4-9S 2002-02-11
[ 65 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6S, 7D, 7E, 8D and Task Group 1/7 - Interference calculations between radio astronomy telescopes and non-GSO satellite systems � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 64 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6S, 7D, 7E, 8A and 9D and Task Group 1/7 - CPM text for agenda item 1.32 (Resolution 128) � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 63 ]
Liaison statement to Task Group 1/7, Working Parties 6S, 7C, 7D, 7E, 8D and 9D - Methods under consideration regarding WRC-03 agenda item 1.8.2 � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 62 ]
Liaison statement to WP 4-9S, WPs 7D and 7E - Possible allocation of the 47.2-50.2 GHz band (or parts of it) to the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 61 ]
Liaison statement to TG 1/7 and WPs 4-9S, 7C, 7D, 7E, 8A, 8B and 8F - CPM texts addressing Resolutions 122 and 734 � WP 9B & 9D 2002-02-11
[ 60 ]
Proposed draft structure for Chapter 1 of the CPM Report to WRC-03 including already developed preliminary draft text elements � Chapter Rapporteur 2002-02-11
[ 59 ]
Reply to Liaison statement from SG1, WP's 4A, 7C, 7D, 8D, TG 1-7 � WP 6S 2002-02-11
[ 58 ]
Reply to Liaison statement to TG 1-7, WP's 4A, 7D, 7E and 8D � WP 6S 2002-02-11
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