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Space radio systems

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Title Source AI/Question
[ 54 ]
Working document towards draft CPM text on the 15 GHz element on Agenda Item 1.12 (WRC-03) Resolution 723 resolves 4 � WP 7E 2002-02-11
[ 53 ]
Working document towards draft CPM text on the 26 GHz element of Agenda item 1.12 (WRC-03) Resolution 723 resolves 4 � WP 7E 2002-02-11
[ 52 ]
Working document toward draft CPM text for Agenda item 1.12 resolves 1 � WP 7E 2002-02-11
[ 51 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8D on compatibility between the AMSS and the radio astronomy service in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band � WP 7E 2002-02-11
[ 50 ]
Examination under No. S11.32 of frequency assignments relating to an inter-satellite (space-to-space) network comprising a space statin on a geostationary satellite and a space station on a non-geostationary satellite � SG 7 2002-02-11
[ 49 ]
Note by Study Group 7 Chairman � SG 7 2002-02-11
[ 48 ]
Response to liaison statement from WP 7B in Doc. 4A/215 � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 47 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 7B and 7E - CPM text concerning WRC-03 Agenda item 1.12 � WP 9D 2002-02-11
[ 46 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7E - CPM text concerning WRC-03 Agenda item 1.12 � WP 9D 2002-02-11
[ 45 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7E - Studies related to WRC-03 Agenda item 1.12, Resolution 723 (WRC-2000), resolves 1 - Summary of the available information on the provision of spectrum for telecommand links in the space research and space operation service in frequency bands from 100 MHz to 1 GHz � WP 9D 2002-02-11
[ 44 ]
Liaison statement to WP 7E and for information to WP 7B - CPM text addressing the feasibility of sharing between the space research service (space-to-Earth) and the fixed service in the band 14.8-15.35 GHz � WP 9D 2002-02-11
[ 43 ]
Liaison to Working Parties 1A, 6S, 7B, 7C, 8D, Satellite Backlog Action Group and the Radiocommunications Bureau - Development of specifications for automating Article S5 and other provisions of the radio regulations � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 42 ]
Liaison Statement to the Special Committee, Working Parties 1A, 6S, 7B, 7C and 8D and Note to the Director, Radiocommunication Bureau � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 41 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 7B and 7E - Draft CPM text addressing the feasibility of sharing between the space research service (Deep Space) and the inter-satellite service in the band 32.0-32.3 GHz � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 40 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 7B, 7E, 8A, 8D, 8F and JTG 1-6-8-9 in respect of sharing of spectrum for WRC-03 Agenda Items seeking spectrum allocations within VHF/UHF terrestrial television bands - Current and future spectrum requirements for terrestrial television broadcasting � WP 6E 2002-02-11
[ 39 ]
Reply to liaison statement from Working Party 7B - WRC-03 Agenda item 1.12, Resolution 712, resolves 1 � WP 6S 2002-02-11
[ 38 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B - Unwanted emission characteristics of mobile stations and base stations using the terrestrial radio interfaces of IMT-2000 � WP 8F 2002-02-11
[ 37 ]
Liaison statement to WP 7B and 4A on consideration of an analysis on the possible extension of the SRS co-primary 6 MHz band allocation under S5.503 by 4 MHz in the band 13.75-13.8 GHz � JTG 4-7-8 2002-02-11
[ 36 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7E - Characteristics of non-GSO MSS systems for use in existing allocations in the 450-460 MHz range � WP 8D 2002-02-11
[ 35 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B, 7D and 7E - Response to Liaison Statement from Working Party 7D regarding Agenda item 1.11 of WRC-03 � WP 8D 2002-02-11
[ 34 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7E - Information on systems using frequency bands under consideration for possible use by telecommand links (earth-to-space) for the space research and space operations services � WP 8B 2002-02-11
[ 33 ]
Report on the 8-17 May 2001 meeting of Working Party 7B with a view to its next meeting (February 2002) � Chairman, WP 7B 2002-02-11
[ 32 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 7B, 7D and 9D - Working document concerning Agenda item 1.11 of WRC-03 � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 31 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1A, 6S, 7C, 8D and the BR - Automating Article S5 and other provisions of the Radio Regulations � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 30 ]
Liaison Statement to WP 7B - FSS information for FSS/SRS frequency sharing near 40 GHz � WP 4A 2002-02-11
[ 29 ]
List of documents issued � WP 7B 2002-02-11
[ 28 ]
Sharing between the inter-satellite service and SRS deep-space earth stations operating in the band 32-32.3 GHz � United States of America 2002-02-11
[ 27 ]
Proposed preliminary draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1071 � United States of America 2002-02-11
[ 26 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation - HDFS and SR service sharing above 30 GHz � United States of America 2002-02-11
[ 25 ]
Feasibility of sharing between the space research service (space-to-Earth) and the inter-satellite, earth exploration-satellite, fixed and mobile services in the band 25.5-27 GHz � United States of America 2002-02-11
[ 24 ]
Feasibility of sharing between the space research service (space-to-Earth) and the fixed and mobile services in the band 14.8-15.35 GHz � United States of America 2002-02-11
[ 23 ]
Working Document towards CPM text regarding sharing between AMSS and space research services in the 14-14.5 GHz band � United States of America 2002-02-11
[ 22 ]
Technical characteristics os space research and Radio Astronomy stations in the 14-14.5 GHz band (WRC-03) Agenda item 1.11) � Austria 2002-02-11
[ 21 ]
Sharing analysis between METS and FSS in the 37.5-38.0 GHz band (Question ITU-R 211/7 and Agenda item 1.12) � Japan 2002-02-11
[ 20 ]
Proposed modifications to data relay satellite orbital locations � Japan 2002-02-11
[ 19 ]
Preliminary draft proposal for cooperation with WP 8D on WRC-03 Agenda item 1.20 (Resolution 214 (Rev.WRC-2000)) � Russian Federation 2002-02-11
[ 18 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Sharing between command links in the space research and space operation services with the fixed and mobile services in frequency bands between 100 MHz and 1 GHz � Russian Federation 2002-02-11
[ 17 ]
Results of studies on the provision of spectrum for telecommand links in the space research and space operations services in frequency bands from 100 MHz to 1 GHz � Russian Federation 2002-02-11
[ 16 ]
Liaision Statement to WP 7B - Modifications to data relay satellite orbital locations � WP 9D 2002-02-11
[ 15 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B and 7E - WRC-03 Agenda item 1.12 � WP 9D 2002-02-11
[ 14 ]
Draft Liaison Statement to WP 8F - Characteristics of SRS stations operating in the 2 110-2 120 MHz band for use in the development of IMT-2000 frequency arrangements � United States of America 2002-02-11
[ 13 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 6E, 6S, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B, 8D, 8F and 9B - Proposals for reviewing the definitions of the spectral properties of transmitter emissions � SG 1 2002-02-11
[ 12 ]
Liaison statement to WP 7B and Task Group 1/5 � WP 8D 2002-02-11
[ 11 ]
Report on the 31 July - 4 August 2000 meeting of Working Party 7B with a view to its next meeting (May 2001) � Chairman, WP 7B 2002-02-11
[ 10 ] WPs 7B & 8D-Joint studies to det.accept.levels of unwanted emissions in adjacent bands by stations of the space science serv.and by IMT-2000 stat.of the mobile and mobile satellite services in the bands 2 205-2 110 MHz and 2 200-2 290 MHz and the bands 1 885-2 025 MHz 2 110-2 200 MHz � WP 8F 2002-02-11
[ 9 ]
List of participants, Richmond, (31 July - 4 August 2000) � WP 7B 2002-02-11
[ 8 ]
List of documents issued � BRSGD 2002-02-11
[ 7 ]
A proposal for joint studies to determine acceptable levels of unwanted emissions in adjacent bands by the emissions of stations of the space science services and by IMT-2000 stations of the mobile and mobile-satellite services in the bands 2 025-2 110 MHz and 2 200-2 290 MHz and the bands 1 885-2 025 MHz and 2 110-2 200 MHz � United States of America 2002-02-11
[ 6 ]
A proposal for an SRS, SOS, and EESS OOB emission mask in response to TG 1/5 liaison statements � United States of America 2002-02-11
[ 5 ]
Proposal for out-of-band emission mask for space services � Eumetsat 2002-02-11
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