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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 17 : R�union�2012-02-20�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 17� TD-PLEN�(2012-02-20)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2012-02-20 au 2012-03-02

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-08-29� [ 2012-02-20 ]� 2011-08-242011-04-112010-12-082010-04-072009-09-162009-02-11

Resultats:512 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 2414-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda for the 10th meeting of JCA-CIT (2009-2012) � Chairman, JCA-CIT Q14/17 2012-02-17
[ 2413-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda for the 13th meeting of the IdM Joint Coordination Activity, 27 February 2012, Geneva � Co-Convenors of JCA-IdM Q10/17 2012-02-17
[ 2412-PLEN ]
Withdrawn � N/A � 2011-11-03
[ 2411-PLEN ]
Withdrawn � N/A � 2011-11-03
[ 2410-PLEN ]
Agenda for meeting (TAM02) � Rapporteur Q13/17 Q13/17 2012-02-03
[ 2409-PLEN ]
Agenda and Minutes of the Q12/17 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6/WG9 Feb/Mar 2012 meeting � Rapporteur Q12/17 Q12/17 2011-11-04
[ 2408-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for Q11/17 - Directory, PKI and PMI � Q11/17 Rapporteur Q11/17 2011-12-08
[ 2407-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for Q10/17 - Identity Management � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q10/17 2012-02-13
[ 2406-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda for Q 9/17 � Rapporteur Q9/17 Q9/17 2012-02-20
[ 2405-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for Q8/17 � Rapporteur Q8/17 2012-02-16
[ 2404-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for Q7/17 � Rapporteur Q7/17 Q7/17 2012-02-14
[ 2403-PLEN ]
Agenda for Q6/17 � Rapporteur & Associate Rapporteur Q6/17 2012-02-13
[ 2402-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda of Q5/17 � Rapporteurs Q5/17 2012-02-13
[ 2401-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda of the Q04/17 meeting � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2012-02-13
[ 2400-PLEN ]
Agenda for Question 3/17 � Rapporteur Q3/17 Q3/17 2012-02-20
[ 2399-PLEN ]
Agenda for Q2/17 � Rapporteur Q2/17 Q2/17 2012-02-20
[ 2398-PLEN ]
Agenda for Q1/17 meeting � Rapporteur Q1/17 Q1/17 2012-02-14
[ 2397-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for WP 3/17 closing plenary � Vice-chairman of SG 17, Chairman of WP 3/17 Q15/17, Q14/17, Q13/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17 2012-03-01
[ 2396-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for WP 2/17 closing plenary � Vice-chairman of SG 17, Chairman of WP 2/17 Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17 2012-02-29
[ 2395-PLEN ]
Withdrawn � N/A � 2011-11-03
[ 2394-PLEN ]
(draft) Agenda for SG 17 closing plenary � SG 17 Chairman QALL/17 2012-03-01
[ 2393-PLEN ]
Agenda for WP 3/17 plenary � Vice-Chairman of SG17, Chairman of WP 3/17 Q15/17, Q14/17, Q13/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17 2012-02-20
[ 2392-PLEN ]
Agenda for WP 2/17 opening plenary � Vice-chairman of SG 17, Chairman of WP 2/17 Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17 2012-02-14
[ 2391-PLEN ]
Agenda for WP 1/17 plenary � Vice-chairman of SG 17, Chairman of WP 1/17 Q5/17, Q4/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q1/17 2012-02-19
[ 2390-PLEN ]
Agenda, meeting schedule and room allocation � SG 17 Chairman QALL/17 2012-02-19
[ 2389-PLEN ]
Overview of draft agendas � TSB QALL/17 2011-11-03
[ 2388-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Draft Handbook on "Network performance testing and control monitoring for guarantee required QoS for NGN services" � ITU-T SG 11 Q14/17 2011-11-03
[ 2387-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Reply to [JCA-CIT - LS 5 - E] regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � ITU-T SG 11 Q14/17 2011-11-03
[ 2386-PLEN ]
Relationships of ITU-T Study Group 17 with ISO, IEC and ISO/IEC JTC 1 � TSB QALL/17 2011-11-03
[ 2385-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Liaison Statement from JTC 1/SC 31/WG 6 to ITU-T on IoT roadmap and audit of ITU-T Recommendations � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31/WG 6 QALL/17 2011-11-03
[ 2384-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Request for feedback on draft revision of Supplement 62 to ITU-T Q series Recommendations � ITU-T SG 11 QALL/17, Q4/17, Q10/17, Q1/17 2011-11-02
[ 2383-PLEN ]
Timetable for Working Party Meetings Thursday 1 March 2012 � TSB QALL/17 2011-11-02
[ 2382-PLEN ]
Template to describe a proposed new ITU-T Recommendation � TSB QALL/17 2011-11-02
[ 2381-PLEN ]
Printing documents via e-mail � TSB QALL/17 2011-11-02
[ 2380-PLEN ]
New Standards QandA Forum � TSB QALL/17 2011-11-02
[ 2379-PLEN ]
List of IPR information received between September 2011 and March 2012 for ITU T SG 17 Recommendations � TSB QALL/17 2011-11-02
[ 2378-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: Revised draft Recommendation ITU-T X.usnsec-3: Security requirements for wireless sensor network routing � TSB Q6/17 2011-11-02
[ 2377-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: The 4th revised text on draft Recommendation ITU-T X.iptvsec-4: Algorithm selection scheme for service and content protection (SCP) descrambling � TSB Q6/17 2011-10-27
[ 2376-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: The 3rd revised text of Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.iptvsec-7: Guidelines on criteria for selecting cryptographic algorithms for IPTV service and content protection � TSB Q6/17 2011-10-25
[ 2375-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Result of voting - Physiological quantities and their units - Part 2: Physics � ISO/TC 12 Q9/17 2011-10-24
[ 2374-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: The 3rd revised text for Recommendation ITU-T X.iptvsec-6: Framework for the downloadable service and content protection system in the mobile IPTV environment � TSB Q6/17 2011-10-24
[ 2373-PLEN ]
Communication from the Open Geospatial Consortium � SG 17 chairman and TSB QALL/17 2011-10-21
[ 2372-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: Updated text of X.oacms: Overall aspects of countering mobile messaging spam � TSB Q5/17 2011-10-20
[ 2371-PLEN ]
ITU-T Study Group 17 REPORT TO THE WTSA-12 - PART I - GENERAL � TSB QALL/17 2011-10-20
[ 2370-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - ODP - UML expression of Obligations and Policies � ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG19 Q13/17 2011-10-20
[ 2369-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - ODP - UML expression of Obligations and Policies � ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG19 Q13/17 2011-10-20
[ 2368-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - WD proposal ISO 15414 � ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG19 Q13/17 2011-10-20
[ 2367-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - NWIP ISO 15414 � ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG19 Q13/17 2011-10-20
[ 2366-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - ISO 15414 NWIP ballot results CORRECTED � ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7/WG19 Q13/17 2011-10-20
[ 2365-PLEN ]
Resolutions adopted by the Technical Management Board at its 52nd meeting, 19-20 September 2011, New Delhi (India) � ITU-T liaison officer to JTC 1 QALL/17, Q1/17 2011-10-13
Resultats:512 documents
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