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UIT-T�SG 16� C�


Codage, syst�mes et applications multim�dias

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

Resultats:954 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 554 ]
ITU-T T.38: Proposed changes in approved version (09/2010) "Procedures for real-time Group 3 facsimile communication over IP network" � Alcatel-Lucent USA Q3/16, Q14/16 2011-03-01
[ 553 ]
Proposal for the Approval of the revised ITU-T G.160 Appendix II � Audience Q16/16 2011-03-01
[ 552 ]
End-to-End Session Identifier for IP-based Multimedia Communication Systems � Cisco Systems Q2/16 2011-03-01
[ 551 ]
H.241 Support for H.264 Annex G (SVC) Signaling � Vidyo Q1/16 2011-03-01
[ 550 ]
Proposal on validation of floating-point implementation of G.718 Annex B and G.729.1 Annex E � Panasonic , ETRI , France Telecom Orange , Huawei Technologies , Nokia Q10/16 2011-02-28
[ 549 ]
ITU-T F.USN-SM: Proposed modification of Draft Recommendation � ETRI Q25/16 2011-02-28
[ 548 ]
H.ID-RA: Proposal for new draft Recommendation on registration procedure for ITU-T H.IDscheme � ETRI , YRP Q22/16 2011-02-28
[ 547 ]
ITU-T H.IRP: Proposed modification to draft of Recommendation for common text with ISO/IEC 29177 �
Document reposted to fix Source
ETRI , YRP Q22/16 2011-02-28
[ 546 ]
ITU-T H.IDscheme: Proposed modification for twin text with ISO/IEC 29174-1 �
Document reposted to fix Source
ETRI , YRP Q22/16 2011-02-28
[ 545 ]
ITU-T H.SNMF: Proposed modification of Draft Recommendation � ETRI Q25/16 2011-02-28
[ 544 ]
F.USN-NRP: Proposal of a new draft Recommendation "Requirements of Network Robot Platform for USN application and services" � NTT Q25/16 2011-02-28
[ 543 ]
Information flow of AMS � Waseda University Q12/16 2011-02-28
[ 542 ]
F.UDExch: Proposal for the ANNEX text � MITT, P.R. China Q24/16 2011-02-25
[ 541 ]
F.UDExch: Proposal for the data exchanging mechanism and requirements of functional components � MITT, P.R. China Q24/16 2011-02-25
[ 540 ]
F.UDExch: Proposal for a scenario description � MITT, P.R. China Q24/16 2011-02-25
[ 539 ]
F.UDExch: Proposed draft skeleton � MITT, P.R. China Q24/16 2011-02-25
[ 538 ]
Speech Codec Setting for the Testing of Embedded Echo Canceller � Ericsson (Canada) Q16/16 2011-02-25
[ 537 ]
Echo Cancellation in Conference Bridge � Ericsson (Canada) Q16/16 2011-02-25
[ 536 ]
Proposal of a new work item on "Automatic Location Identification capability for USN applications and services" � China Telecom Q25/16 2011-02-25
[ 535 ]
Proposal of a new work item on "Requirements of ubiquitous sensor networks on Sensing Enabled Telecommunication Terminals" � China Telecom Q25/16 2011-02-25
[ 534 ]
Proposal for a new Question on Low-latency Interactive Multimedia Stream System and Service � China Telecom QALL/16 2011-02-25
[ 533 ]
Plans for a field experiment using network-based S2ST for the persons with disabilities, based on ITU-T F.745 and H.625 � NICT Q26/16, Q22/16, Q21/16 2011-02-11
[ 532 ]
H.codec.qoe: Proposed update � Korea (Republic of) Q4/16 2010-07-12
[ 531 ]
Encoding for CFA � Korea (Republic of) Q6/16 2010-07-12
[ 530 ]
A hybrid model with embedded VQMs � Korea (Republic of) Q6/16 2010-07-12
[ 529 ]
H.248.75 (ex H.248.PIPA) - Updated procedures for the Package Suppression property � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 528 ]
H.248.75 (ex H.248.PIPA) - New syntax and procedures for the Base Package Publishing property � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 527 ]
H.248.75 (ex H.248.PIPA) - Suggested new terms � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 526 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - New statistics for measuring master key usage � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 525 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Changes to the examples appendix � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 524 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Effect of re-keying on SRTP crypto context � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 523 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Clarification of wildcarding procedures � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 522 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Compatibility with the 3GPP Iq profile � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 521 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Re-keying following RTP session closure � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 520 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Clarifications regarding Master Key Expiry and Key Lifetime Expiry Behaviour � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 519 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Error code for bad SDP "crypto" attribute � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 518 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Remove editor's notes � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 517 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Discarding received packets that use an expired key � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 516 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Changes to the Key Lifetime Expiry Behaviour Property � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 515 ]
H.248.77 (ex H.248.SRTP) - Summary and definition clauses, editorial corrections � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2010-07-12
[ 514 ]
Provisional naming of IPTV conformance Recommendations � Huawei Technologies Q13/16 2010-07-09
[ 513 ]
Proposed new IPTV Technical Paper on Access to Internet-Sourced Contents � Huawei Technologies Q13/16 2010-07-09
[ 512 ]
HSTP.IPTV-SBSD: Proposed service discovery procedure for non-SIP servers � Huawei Technologies Q13/16 2010-07-09
[ 511 ]
HSTP.IPTV- ISNT: Proposal to add an X.1303 emergency notification instance � Huawei Technologies Q13/16 2010-07-09
[ 510 ]
HSTP.IPTV- ISNT: Proposed changes to transportation protocol description � Huawei Technologies Q13/16 2010-07-09
[ 509 ]
HSTP.IPTV-ISNT: Proposed terms and abbreviations � Huawei Technologies Q13/16 2010-07-09
[ 508 ]
HSTP.IPTV- ISNT: Proposed Summary modification � Huawei Technologies Q13/16 2010-07-09
[ 507 ]
H.IPTV-AM.0: Configuration for processing AM abnormal situation � Huawei Technologies Q13/16 2010-07-09
[ 506 ]
H.248.1, clause 7.1.9 - Occurrence of Events on created Streams after the application of a new Events Descriptor � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q3/16 2010-07-09
[ 505 ]
H.248.1, clause 7.1.11 - Occurrence of Signals on created Streams after the application of a new Signals Descriptor � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q3/16 2010-07-09
Resultats:954 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 �-�Suivant Next
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