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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG17 : Reuni�n�2024-02-20�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG17� TD-PLEN�(2024-02-20)�



Periodo de estudios 2022

Reuni�n� del 2024-02-20 al 2024-03-01

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2024-09-022024-07-11� [ 2024-02-20 ]� 2023-08-292023-05-082023-02-212022-08-232022-05-10

Resultados :520 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1614-PLEN ]
LS/i on the consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4491 (ex Y.BC-SON) "Framework of blockchain-based self-organization networking in IoT environments" [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 Q6/17, Q14/17 2023-10-25
[ 1613-PLEN ]
LS/i on new Technical Paper ITU-T YSTP.AIoT "Challenges of and Guidelines to Standardization on Artificial Intelligence of Things" [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 Q7/17, Q6/17, Q4/17, Q2/17, Q15/17 2023-10-25
[ 1612-PLEN ]
LS/i on the establishment of an Expert Group on Communications Technology for Automated Driving [from CITS] � CITS Q13/17 2023-10-25
[ 1611-PLEN ]
LS/i on request to provide the standardization status for metaverse cross-platform interoperability [from FG-MV] � FG-MV QALL/17, Q7/17, Q14/17 2023-10-25
[ 1610-PLEN ]
LS/i on request to provide the standardization status for metaverse-related technologies [from FG-MV] � FG-MV QALL/17, Q7/17, Q14/17 2023-10-25
[ 1609-PLEN ]
LS/i on Results of the third meeting of the FG-MV [from FG-MV] � FG-MV QALL/17, Q7/17, Q14/17 2023-10-25
[ 1608-PLEN ]
LS/i on definition of metaverse [from FG-MV] � FG-MV QALL/17, Q7/17 2023-10-25
[ 1607-PLEN ]
LS/i on highlights from the fifth meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID-19 Certificates (from JCA-DCC) � JCA-DCC QALL/17, Q11/17, Q10/17 2023-10-25
[ 1606-PLEN ]
LS/i on SG11 preparation for WTSA-24 [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/17, Q1/17 2023-10-25
[ 1605-PLEN ]
LS/i on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG11 (as of October 2023) [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q15/17 2023-10-25
[ 1604-PLEN ]
LS/i on ITU Tutorial on Testing Laboratories Recognition Procedure [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/17, Q11/17 2023-10-25
[ 1603-PLEN ]
LS/i on ITU Workshop "Episode 2: "Global approaches on combating counterfeiting of telecommunication/ICT devices and mobile device theft" [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/17, Q6/17, Q11/17 2023-10-25
[ 1602-PLEN ]
LS/i on potential collaboration between 3GPP SA3/SA5 and ETSI SAI ISG [from ETSI-ISG-SAI] � ETSI-ISG-SAI Q7/17, Q6/17, Q4/17, Q2/17, Q15/17 2023-10-20
[ 1601-PLEN ]
LS/i on "Guidelines on the appointment and operations of registration authorities" [from TSAG] � TSAG Q11/17 2023-10-20
[ 1600-PLEN ]
Report of special session on CG-SECAPA � Chair, special session QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1599-PLEN ]
Agenda of special session on CG-SECAPA � Chair, special session QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1598-PLEN ]
Report of special session on follow-up of ITU workshop on Security and privacy for generative AI � Chair, special session QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1597-PLEN ]
Agenda of special session on follow-up of ITU workshop on Security and privacy for generative AI � Chair, special session QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1596-PLEN ]
Report of special session on WTSA-24 preparation � Chair, special session QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1595-PLEN ]
Agenda of special session on WTSA-24 preparation � Chair, special session QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1594-PLEN ]
Report of special session on incubation � Chair, special session QALL/17, Q15/17 2023-10-20
[ 1593-PLEN ]
Agenda of special session on incubation � Chair, special session QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1592-PLEN ]
Photos taken during this SG17 meeting � TSB QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1591-PLEN ]
ITU-T leadership training for SG17 � TSB QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1590-PLEN ]
TSAG (22-26 January 2024) meeting highlights relevant to ITU-T SG17 � Chair, SG17 QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1589-PLEN ]
Report of CG-WTSA24-prep (October 2023 - January 2024) � Chair, SG17; Co-convenor, CG-WTSA24-PREP QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1588-PLEN ]
Report of SG17 Coordination meeting � Chair, SG17 QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1587-PLEN ]
Agenda of SG17 Coordination meeting � Chair, SG17 QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1586-PLEN ]
Report of ITU Workshop on Generative AI: Challenges and Opportunities for Security and Privacy � Chair, SG17 QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1585-PLEN ]
Reply results to TAP consultation - TSB Circular 142 � TSB QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1584-PLEN ]
Maintenance responsibility of SG17 webpages � TSB QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1583-PLEN ]
SG17 mailing lists (February 2024) � TSB QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1582-PLEN ]
Listing of common and technically aligned Recommendations | International Standards (including technical reports and international standardized profiles) � TSB QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1581-PLEN ]
Mapping between ISO/IEC Standards and ITU-T Recommendations � TSB QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1580-PLEN ]
Relationships of ITU-T Study Group17 with ISO, IEC and ISO/IEC JTC 1 � Chair, SG17 QALL/17, Q1/17 2023-10-20
[ 1579-PLEN ]
Meeting calendar of ITU-T meetings, ITU conferences, and other SDO meetings � TSB QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1578-PLEN ]
Status of Z-series Recommendations (as of 25 January 2024) � TSB QALL/17, Q11/17 2023-10-20
[ 1577-PLEN ]
Organization of ITU-T Z-series Recommendations � Chair, SG17 QALL/17, Q11/17 2023-10-20
[ 1576-PLEN ]
Status of X-series Recommendations � TSB QALL/17, Q1/17 2023-10-20
[ 1575-PLEN ]
Organization of ITU-T X-series Recommendations (as of 31 January 2024) � Chair, SG17 QALL/17, Q1/17 2023-10-20
[ 1574-PLEN ]
SG17 Work Programme � TSB QALL/17 2023-10-20
[ 1573-PLEN ]
Work Programme of Q15/17 � TSB Q15/17 2023-10-20
[ 1572-PLEN ]
Work Programme of Q14/17 � TSB Q14/17 2023-10-20
[ 1571-PLEN ]
Work Programme of Q13/17 � TSB Q13/17 2023-10-20
[ 1570-PLEN ]
Work Programme of Q11/17 � TSB Q11/17 2023-10-20
[ 1569-PLEN ]
Work Programme of Q10/17 � TSB Q10/17 2023-10-20
[ 1568-PLEN ]
Work Programme of Q8/17 � TSB Q8/17 2023-10-20
[ 1567-PLEN ]
Work Programme of Q7/17 � TSB Q7/17 2023-10-20
[ 1566-PLEN ]
Work Programme of Q6/17 � TSB Q6/17 2023-10-20
[ 1565-PLEN ]
Work Programme of Q4/17 � TSB Q4/17 2023-10-20
Resultados :520 documentos
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