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UIT-T�SG 12� C�


Performance, QoS and QoE

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

Resultats:608 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 258 ]
Proposed additional text to ITU-T G.1000 � Zambia Information & Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) Q2/12 2018-11-12
[ 257 ]
Free-field and diffuse-field characteristics of Br�el & Kj�r High-frequency HATS Type 5128. � Br�el & Kjaer Sound & Vibration Measurements A/S (Denmark) Q5/12 2018-11-12
[ 256 ]
Draft Text for a New Recommendation "Voice Service Quality Monitoring and Troubleshooting Framework for Intrusive Parametric Voice QoE Prediction, P.VSQMTF" � InfoVista SAS (France) Q15/12 2018-11-12
[ 255 ]
P.VSQMTF Differences vis a vis P.564 � InfoVista SAS (France) Q15/12 2018-11-12
[ 254 ]
Proposals for P.ICC � HEAD Acoustics GmbH (Germany) Q4/12 2018-11-12
[ 253 ]
Frequency sharing from QoS/QoE perspective - TPRA experience � Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority (Sudan) Q11/12 2018-11-12
[ 252 ]
Proposed updates to draft Recommendation E.RQUAL � InfoComm Media Development Authority (Singapore) Q12/12 2018-11-12
[ 251 ]
Proposed updates to draft new Recommendation E.MTSM � InfoComm Media Development Authority (Singapore) Q12/12 2018-11-12
[ 250 ]
New work item: QoS and QoE guidelines for national regulatory agencies � Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) Q12/12 2018-11-12
[ 249 ]
Proposed updates to draft new Recommendation P.QUITS � Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany) Q13/12 2018-11-12
[ 248 ]
Proposed Appendix for Draft Recommendation G.NCP � Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany) Q13/12 2018-11-12
[ 247 ]
Correction for ITU-T Rec. P.1203.1 (10/2017) � Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q14/12 2018-11-12
[ 246 ]
Corrections for ITU-T Rec. P.1203.3 (10/2017) � Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q14/12 2018-11-12
[ 245 ]
Editorial and Technical comments for P.ICC � BlackBerry Limited (Canada) Q4/12 2018-11-10
[ 244 ]
Draft Reply Liaison Statement to SG16 FG-VM (re: SG12-TD602) � BlackBerry Limited (Canada) Q4/12 2018-11-10
[ 243 ]
Baseline Text for G.QoE-AR � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) Q13/12 2018-11-09
[ 242 ]
P.ICC Requirements on Listening Effort and Intelligibility � HEAD Acoustics GmbH (Germany) Q4/12 2018-11-08
[ 241 ]
Revised clauses for P.Loudness � HEAD Acoustics GmbH (Germany) Q5/12 2018-11-08
[ 240 ]
Proposal for a New Recommendation on the Applicability of Machine Learning in the Context of ITU-T SG12's mandate � Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q1/12 2018-11-07
[ 239 ]
P.863 Prediction of EVS Processed Speech in Fullband � Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q9/12 2018-11-06
[ 238 ]
Updated Text of Draft New Recommendation E.QoSMgtMod � National Communications Authority (NCA) (Ghana) Q12/12 2018-11-05
[ 237 ]
Strategies to mitigate the effects of SIM-boxing on QoS and QoE � Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) (Gambia) Q12/12 2018-10-16
[ 236 ]
La qualit� de l'internet au Mali � Mali Q12/12 2018-10-15
[ 235 ]
Qualit� de fonctionnement, qualit� de service et qualit� d'experience � Minist�re des Postes, T�l�communications et Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (Dem. Rep. of the Congo) Q12/12 2018-10-11
[ 234 ]
QoS management in 5G networks � Benin Q2/12 2018-10-09
[ 233 ]
Reasons for continued QoE degradation for developing countries � Minist�re de la Communication, des T�l�communications, des Postes et de l'Economie num�rique (Senegal) Q12/12 2018-10-08
[ 232 ]
Evolution du repli du circuit LTE commut�-impact sur la qualit� d'Exp�rience (QoE) et la qualit� de service(QoS) � Minist�re des Postes et T�l�communications, charg� de la Promotion des Nouvelles Technologies d'Information et de Communication (Central African Rep.) Q12/12 2018-10-03
[ 231 ]
Proposition d'outil de mesure QoS et d'indicateurs QoS (cas de Madagascar) � Autorit� de R�gulation des Technologies de Communication (ARTEC) (Madagascar) Q12/12 2018-09-28
[ 230 ]
Homologation des t�l�phones mobiles comme moyen d'am�liorer la QoE � Autorit� Nationale de R�gulation des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (ANRTIC) (Comoros) Q12/12 2018-09-25
[ 229 ]
T�l�phones mobiles contrefaits et qualit� de service � Minist�re des Postes, des T�l�communications et de l'Economie Num�rique (Niger) Q12/12 2018-09-14
[ 228 ]
Clarification for audio adaptors in P.DHIP (and possibly also in P.381) � Swisscom SA (Switzerland) Q3/12 2018-05-29
[ 227 ]
Updated Draft Text for P.SAT (for discussion) � Qualcomm, Inc. Q7/12, Q10/12 2018-04-18
[ 226 ]
Evolved text of the Draft Rec. E.RQUAL � Brazil Q12/12 2018-04-18
[ 225 ]
Using embedded solutions for measuring QoS on fixed and mobile broadband networks - Contribution to Draft Rec. E.MTSM � Brazil Q12/12 2018-04-18
[ 224 ]
Performance discussion of G.1070 extension � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2018-04-18
[ 223 ]
Discussion of HP validating experiment results for G.1070 extension � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2018-04-18
[ 222 ]
Discussion of BP validating experiment results for G.1070 extension � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2018-04-18
[ 221 ]
P.QUITS pilot test results � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2018-04-18
[ 220 ]
Proposal for modifying Section 6 in G.VR-360 � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2018-04-18
[ 219 ]
Proposal for additional content and modifications in G.QoE-VR � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2018-04-18
[ 218 ]
Proposal for skeleton of G.NCP "QoE-based network capacity planning" � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2018-04-18
[ 217 ]
Simulation results for experience blocking model � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2018-04-18
[ 216 ]
General information of agreed assumptions for G.NCP General information of agreed assumptions for G.NCP � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2018-04-18
[ 215 ]
Proposed new text for draft new recommendation E.MTSM � Jordan , Mexico , Tunisia Q12/12 2018-04-18
[ 214 ]
Results for Modified P.SAT Testing � Fraunhofer-Institut f�r Nachrichtentechnik Heinrich-Hertz-Insti Q7/12, Q10/12 2018-04-18
[ 213 ]
Proposal to study the impacts of counterfeit and non-compliant mobile phones on QoS and QoE � Botswana , Burkina Faso , Chad , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Gambia , Madagascar , Senegal Q12/12 2018-04-18
[ 212 ]
Ways of working for Q14, P.NATS � Deutsche Telekom AG , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q14/12 2018-04-18
[ 211 ]
Proposals for draft new Recommendation E.QSIMBox � Gambia , Zimbabwe Q12/12 2018-04-18
[ 210 ]
Updated Text to Draft New Recommendation G.ViLTE � National Communications Authority (NCA) Q11/12 2018-04-18
[ 209 ]
Revised Text of Draft New Recommendation E.QoSMgtMod � National Communications Authority (NCA) Q12/12 2018-04-18
Resultats:608 documents
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