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Environment and climate change

Study Period 2013

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 495 ]
L.ICT in cities : some proposals of modifications, October 8-9 meeting � Orange Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 494 ]
Rapporteur meeting October 8-9, 2014 Brussels, agenda � European Union , Orange Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 493 ]
Rapporteur meeting September 15-18 agenda � Orange Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 492 ]
L.ICT in cities, minutes of September 4 e-meeting � European Union , Orange Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 491 ]
Eco Rating Specifications and Criteria for a Mobile Phone Eco Rating Program - Proposed text for Simplified LCA analysis within the Informative Appendix of L Eco-Rating Recommendation V11 � BlackBerry Limited , Intel Corporation , Motorola Mobility LLC Q16/5 2014-11-25
[ 490 ]
L.1420 revision, minutes of September 14, 2014 e-meeting � Alcatel-Lucent International , Orange Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 489 ]
L.ICT in cities, summary of identified areas of work, e-meeting August 21, 2014 � European Union , Orange Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 488 ]
L. ICT in Cities - Rewriting of Organizations Assessment, e-meeting August 21, 2014 � European Union , Orange Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 487 ]
L.ICT in cities minutes of August 21, 2014 e-meeting � European Union , Orange Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 486 ]
L.ICT in cities summary of June 26, 2014 e-meeting � Orange Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 485 ]
Proposal for Recommendations Standardization terms and trends in energy efficiency � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 484 ]
Comments on draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.env � GSM Association Q7/5 2014-11-25
[ 483 ]
Proposed revisions to draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.Maps � GSM Association Q7/5 2014-11-25
[ 482 ]
Proposal for Question 1/5 � Fundacao CPqD - Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicacoes Q1/5 2014-11-25
[ 481 ]
First draft Recommendation of k.bts � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q9/5 2014-11-25
[ 480 ]
Consideration of reliability classifications in L.performance � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q19/5 2014-11-25
[ 479 ]
L1440 References and Bibliography � European Union Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 478 ]
ITU-T SG5 Q16 Comments - Kochi Dec'14 - Apple.pdf � Apple Incorporated Q16/5 2014-11-25
[ 477 ]
Contributions from Motorola discussed during the Rapporteur meetings of Q16/5 � Motorola Mobility LLC Q16/5 2014-11-25
[ 476 ]
Proposed new Supplement on "Verification test and feasibility study of energy and space efficient cooling systems for data centres with high density ICT devices" � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 475 ]
Proposed new Supplement on "Potential for primary energy savings in TLC/ICT centres through free cooling" � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 474 ]
Proposed new Supplement on "Rationale for minimum data set for evaluating energy efficiency and for controlling data centre equipment in view of power saving" � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 473 ]
Proposed new Supplement on "Experimental studies on plates and ducts installed at equipment inlets and outlets" � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 472 ]
Proposed new Supplement on "Verification experiments related to increase of efficiency of air-conditioning and control technologies at a data centre" � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 471 ]
Proposed new Supplement on "Validation test of a data centre cooling method using renewable energy in a cold region" � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 470 ]
Proposed text for clause 10.2.1 of L.DC_minimum set � Hitachi, Ltd. , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 469 ]
Proposed Modification to Structure of Section10.1 and 10.2 in L.DC_minimum_set � Hitachi, Ltd. , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 468 ]
Proposed Updated draft of L.DC_minimum set � Hitachi, Ltd. , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 467 ]
Proposed input text for section 10.2 of L.DC_minimum set � Hitachi, Ltd. , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 466 ]
Proposal for revision of K.27 related to earthing configuration of 400 V DC systems � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q5/5 2014-11-25
[ 465 ]
Proposal on Clause 10.1.5 Accuracy of the measurement data of L.DC_minimum set � Hitachi, Ltd. , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 464 ]
Proposal on Clause 9.2 Minimum set of dynamic data of L.DC_minimum set � Hitachi, Ltd. , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 463 ]
Proposal on the reference document in Appendix I of L.DC_minimum set � Hitachi, Ltd. , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 462 ]
Proposal on insertion of an appendix describing use cases and editorial corrections to the last draft of L.DC_minimum set � Hitachi, Ltd. , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 461 ]
Proposal for Ethernet port protection against overvoltage using Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) arrestors (continued from the last meeting) � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q4/5 2014-11-25
[ 460 ]
Proposal on Appendix I of L.DC_minimum set � Hitachi, Ltd. , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 459 ]
Inputs for Handbook on Setting up Low-Cost Sustainable Telecommunication Infrastructure for Rural Communications in Developing Countries � India , Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Q14/5 2014-11-25
[ 458 ]
Proposal of a text of "interpretation example of the impact of a DC" etc. in the L.cities document � Fujitsu Limited Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 457 ]
Proposal to add some texts related to data centre to L.ICT in cities document � Fujitsu Limited Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 456 ]
Proposal for the new work item to develop a recommendation of the best practices in using ICTs for adaptation in Agriculture and food security � Fujitsu Limited , Egypt , Uganda Q15/5 2014-11-25
[ 455 ]
Withdrawn � N/A � 2014-11-25
[ 454 ]
Avoided emissions standardizations - reference information regarding L.1420 � Fujitsu Limited Q18/5 2014-11-25
[ 453 ]
Malaysian Mobile Operators Green Initiatives - Sustainable Concepts to Reduce Use of Depleting Resources � Malaysia Q13/5 2014-11-25
[ 452 ]
Proposal on general requirements on L.minimum data set � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q17/5 2014-11-25
[ 451 ]
4th Draft of Recommendation K.secmiti � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q10/5 2014-11-25
[ 450 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T K.mhn - "Techniques to mitigate interference between radio devices and cable or equipment connected to wired broadband networks and cable television networks" � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q8/5 2014-11-25
[ 449 ]
Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.74 for consent � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q8/5 2014-11-25
[ 448 ]
Draft of Recommendation K.e_faci : EMC requirements for electrical systems in telecommunication facilities � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q9/5 2014-11-25
[ 447 ]
Draft of new Recommendation on radiation immunity tests for telecommunication equipment when wireless devices are used in close proximity � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q9/5 2014-11-25
[ 446 ]
A proposal for a new Recommendation on radiation immunity tests for telecommunications equipment when wireless devices are used in close proximity � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q9/5 2014-11-25
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