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Future networks including mobile and NGN

Study Period 2009

Results:1485 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 1142 ]
The OAuth 2.0 protocol's features supported in NGN environment � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1141 ]
Input to section Selection of the authorization grant types of the draft ITU-T Recommendation Y.NGN-OAuth � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1140 ]
Selection of the OAuth 2.0 clients for the use in NGN environment � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1139 ]
Input to section 3 Definitions of the draft ITU-T Recommendation Support for OAuth in NGN � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1138 ]
Outline of the proposed draft ITU-T Recommendation on support for OAuth in NGN (Y.NGN-OAuth) � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1137 ]
Input to Appendix I of the draft ITU-T Recommendation on framework for supporting OAuth and OpenID in NGN (Assertion use case) � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1136 ]
Input to Appendix I of the draft ITU-T Recommendation on framework for supporting OAuth and OpenID in NGN (Client credentials use case) � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1135 ]
Input to Appendix I of the draft ITU-T Recommendation on framework for supporting OAuth and OpenID in NGN (Web server use case ) � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1134 ]
Input to the section 6.1.3 of the draft ITU-T Recommendation on framework for supporting OAuth and OpenID in NGN � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1133 ]
Input to the sections 6, 6.1, 6.1.1, and 6.1.2 of the draft ITU-T Recommendation on framework for supporting OAuth and OpenID in NGN � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1131 ]
Input to section 3 Definitions of the draft ITU-T Recommendation on framework for supporting OAuth and OpenID in NGN (Y.NGN-OOF) � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1130 ]
Outline of the draft ITU-T Recommendation on framework for supporting OAuth and OpenID in NGN � Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc. Q16/13 2011-09-30
[ 1129 ]
Revised Text of Draft Recommendation Y.son-ngn � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q24/13 2011-09-30
[ 1128 ]
Propose revised text on 9.4 and Appendix V of Y.son-ngn � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q24/13 2011-09-30
[ 1127 ]
Additional text and editorial changes in section 8 and appendix II � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q24/13 2011-09-30
[ 1126 ]
Proposed additional text for Section 8.1.4 of Y.miptv-scen � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q24/13 2011-09-30
[ 1125 ]
The revised supplement Y.pass for approval � Korea (Rep. of) Q24/13 2011-09-30
[ 1124 ]
Proposal of adding the session cancelling for Y.dsnmmtel � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1123 ]
Proposed text for information flows for Y.dsncdf � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1122 ]
Proposal to merge Appendix I and Appendix II in Y.dsnarch � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1121 ]
Proposal of external interfaces for CDF and CSAF in Y.dsncdf � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1120 ]
Discussion about reference point between EF and RLF in Y.dsnarch � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1119 ]
Flow for personal mobility support for MMTEL in Y.dsnmmtel � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1118 ]
Updating contents and adding new figure of the draft Recommendation Y.iras � Korea (Rep. of) Q24/13 2011-09-30
[ 1116 ]
Revised Text of Draft Recommendation Y.SMF � Korea (Rep. of) Q22/13 2011-09-30
[ 1115 ]
Proposed Changes to Appendices of Draft Recommendation Y.SMF � Korea (Rep. of) Q22/13 2011-09-30
[ 1114 ]
Requesting the endorsement of Cloud Computing Question in ITU-T SG13 � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/13 2011-09-30
[ 1113 ]
Proposed requirements for energy measurement � Korea (Rep. of) Q21/13 2011-09-30
[ 1112 ]
Considerations on requirements of energy-saving of networks � Korea (Rep. of) Q21/13 2011-09-30
[ 1111 ]
Proposes to modify the information flows for content delivery � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1110 ]
Propose to add the general procedure of C2, C6, D2, A1 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1109 ]
Proposes to modify the description of C3, C4, C5, D4 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1108 ]
Proposes to modify the description of CDF and FEs of CDF � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-30
[ 1107 ]
Seamless Handover Support for WiMAX and UMTS Interworking � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q22/13 2011-09-30
[ 1106 ]
Revised Text for Requirements of Draft Recommendation Y.MM-WAU � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q22/13 2011-09-30
[ 1105 ]
Revised Text for Draft Recommendation Y.MM-WAU (v0.9) � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q22/13 2011-09-30
[ 1104 ]
Proposal for Adding EF Inter-Domain Roaming in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1103 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for advertising insertion in clause 7.5 of Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1102 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for content node status information report in clause 7.5 of Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1101 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for content registration in clause 7.5 of Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1100 ]
Proposal for adding procedures for user generated content in clause 7.5 of Y.dsncdf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1099 ]
Proposal for modifying multi relay path update procedures in Y.dsnrf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1096 ]
Proposal for modifying node join procedures in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1095 ]
Proposal for modifying node leave procedures in Y.dsnmmtel � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1094 ]
Proposal of adding DSN Service Routing scenarios related to service access in Y.dsnsr � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1093 ]
Proposal of adding service interconnection scenarios in Y.dsnsr � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1092 ]
Proposal of adding service routing functional architecture in Y.dsnsr � China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2011-09-29
[ 1091 ]
Proposal to consider the launch of a new Draft Recommendation on Cloud enabled service infrastructure � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2011-09-29
[ 1090 ]
Proposal for possible modifications to the scope of draft Recommendation Y.MOC-Reqts � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2011-09-29
[ 1089 ]
Considerations concerning SG13 standardization work plan on Smart Ubiquitous Networks (SUN) � ZTE Corporation QALL/13 2011-09-29
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