Contributions�� |
[ 1446 ]
� |
Proposed modification to summary of results on sharing study of the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) and IMT systems operating in the 7 025-7 125 MHz frequency band
� |
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1445 ]
� |
Proposed new technical analysis for studies on RR No. 21.5
� |
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1444 ]
� |
Finalization of draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1036-6 - Frequency arrangements for implementation of the terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunications in the bands identified for IMT in the Radio Regulations
� |
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1443 ]
� |
Proposals for modification of the working document towards a draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 1.4
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1442 ]
� |
Updates to the draft working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.ABOVE 100 GHz] - Technical feasibility of IMT in bands above 100 GHz
� |
Wireless World Research Forum
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1441 ]
� |
Feedback from Step 5 consultation workshop between the proponent Nufront and the Independent Evaluation Groups
� |
Wireless World Research Forum
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1440 ]
� |
Proposal on the development of preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.ABOVE 100GHz]
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1439 ]
� |
Proposal for the liaison statement to ITU-R Woking Parties 5A, 5C, 6A, 6B, 6C, and ITU-T Study Group 16
� |
China (People's Republic of)
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1438 ]
� |
Proposal for working document toward preliminary draft new Report on ITU-R M.[IMT.MULTIMEDIA]
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1437 ]
� |
Proposals on working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.INDUSTRY]
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1436 ]
� |
Proposed revision of Resolution ITU-R 56-2 - Naming for International Mobile Telecommunications
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1435 ]
� |
Proposals on draft summary of Report ITU-R M.[IMT.FUTURE TECHNOLOGY TRENDS OF TERRESTRIAL IMT SYSTEMS TOWARDS 2030 AND BEYOND] for Sub-Working Group Vision
� |
China (People's Republic of)
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1434 ]
� |
Proposals on the development of a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.VISION 2030 AND BEYOND]
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1433 ]
� |
Proposals on the working document towards sharing and compatibility studies of HIBS under WRC-23 agenda item 1.4
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1432 ]
� |
Update of working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[HIBS-CHARACTERISTICS]
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1431 ]
� |
Proposals for modification of the working document towards a draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 1.4
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1430 ]
� |
Sharing and compatibility of RLS and IMT operating in the frequency band 10-10.5 GHz
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1429 ]
� |
Revision of working document for sharing and compatibility studies of IMT systems in the frequency band 10-10.5 GHz in Region 2
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1428 ]
� |
Proposed revision of working document of FS and IMT sharing and compatibility in the frequency band 6 425-7 125 MHz
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1427 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to section 3 of working document on sharing and compatibility of FSS (Earth-to-space) operating in the frequency band 6 425-7 025 MHz and IMT operating in the frequency band 6 425-7 125 MHz
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1426 ]
� |
Proposed update working document on sharing and compatibility of FSS (Earth-to-space) operating in the frequency band 6 425-7 025 MHz and IMT operating in the frequency band 6 425-7 125 MHz
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1425 ]
� |
Proposed update to Attachment 2 of the working document on sharing and compatibility studies of IMT systems in the frequency band 3 300-3 800 MHz
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1424 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to working document towards draft CPM text on WRC-23 agenda item 1.2
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1423 ]
� |
Proposed modification on working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CONDITIONS 1.1] - Working document related to WRC-23 agenda item 1.1
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1422 ]
� |
Proposed modification on working document towards a preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 1.1
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1421 ]
� |
Technical requirements to the services of the future IMT-2030 networks
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1420 ]
� |
Proposal for the CPM text on WRC-23 agenda item 1.2
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1419 ]
� |
Sharing studies between IMT using AAS and aeronautical/maritime mobile service in the frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz - WRC-23 agenda item 1.1
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1418 ]
� |
Proposals for modification of the draft CPM Report on WRC-23 agenda item 1.1
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1417 ]
� |
Proposals for modification of the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CONDITIONS 1.1]
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1416 ]
� |
Proposed modifications towards working document on sharing and compatibility studies of IMT systems in the frequency band 6 425-7 125 MHz
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1415 ]
� |
Sharing and compatibility studies of high-altitude platform stations as IMT base stations (HIBS) on WRC-23 agenda item 1.4
� |
Scientific Committee on Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy and Space Science
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1414 ]
� |
Proposed update to the working document towards draft CPM text on WRC-23 agenda item 1.4
� |
Scientific Committee on Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy and Space Science
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1413 ]
� |
Text proposal on the development of preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.ABOVE 100GHz] - The technical feasibility of IMT in bands above 100 GHz
� |
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Spark NZ Limited
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1412 ]
� |
Final evaluation Report from the Fifth Generation Mobile communications promotion forum on the IMT-2020 proposal in Document IMT-2020/76 by "Nufront" in the IMT-2020 evaluation process
� |
Director, BR
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1411 ]
� |
Proposed modifications of working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.VISION 2030 AND BYOND]
� |
Singapore (Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1410 ]
� |
Working document for sharing and compatibility studies of IMT systems in the frequency band 10-10.5 GHz in Region 2
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1409 ]
� |
Working document towards draft CPM text on WRC-23 agenda item 1.2
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2022-09-30 |
[ 1408 ]
� |
Update on activities in Region 2
� |
Region 2 Rapporteur
� |
� |
2022-09-29 |
[ 1407 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-VISION 2030 AND BEYOND]
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2022-09-29 |
[ 1406 ]
� |
Proposal to add text to the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.ABOVE 100 GHZ]
� |
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-29 |
[ 1405 ]
� |
Proposal for update to a working document towards preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.VISION 2030 AND BEYOND]
� |
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-29 |
[ 1404 ]
� |
Proposal for updated timeline figure to a working document towards preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.VISION 2030 AND BEYOND]
� |
China (People's Republic of)
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-29 |
[ 1403 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proposal to the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.ABOVE 100 GHZ]
� |
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2022-09-29 |
[ 1402 ]
� |
� |
Spark NZ Limited
� |
� |
2022-09-28 |
[ 1401 ]
� |
Working document towards sharing and compatibility studies of HIBS under WRC-23 agenda item 1.4
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2022-09-28 |
[ 1400 ]
� |
Working document toward a draft Note to the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2022-09-28 |
[ 1399 ]
� |
Update to Attachment 3 of the "Working document for sharing and compatibility studies of IMT systems in the frequency band 10-10.5 GHz in Region 2" - Sharing and compatibility of EESS (passive) operating in the band 10.6-10.7 GHz and IMT operating in the frequency band 10-10.5 GHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2022-09-28 |
[ 1398 ]
� |
Working document for sharing and compatibility studies of IMT systems in the frequency band 3 300-3 400 MHz in Region 2
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2022-09-28 |
[ 1397 ]
� |
Working document towards sharing and compatibility studies of HIBS under WRC-23 agenda item 1.4
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2022-09-29 |
Results:1796 total items. Result page:�
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