Contributions�� |
[ 394 ]
� |
Proposal for development of a new Report on mobile broadband PPDR requirements
� |
India (Republic of)
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 393 ]
� |
Way forward on agenda item 1.3 (WRC-15)
� |
India (Republic of)
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 392 ]
� |
Editorial update proposal for the finalization of the preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[LMS.CRS2]
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 391 ]
� |
Report on the recent activities of Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)
� |
WWRF Liaison Rapporteur
� |
� |
2013-11-12 |
[ 390 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to the draft new recommendation of systems characteristics of automotive radars operating in the frequency ban 76-81 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 389 ]
� |
Proposed revisions to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[5 MHz COMPAT] - Compatibility analysis of possible amateur systems with fixed/land mobile services in the frequency band 5 250-5 450 kHz
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 388 ]
� |
Proposed contribution to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report - Cognitive radio systems in the land mobile service -Technical characteristics of performance evaluation in cognitive radio systems
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 387 ]
� |
Proposed revision of Annex 21 to Working Party 5A Chairman's Report - Working document toward a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[B-PPDR] "Broadband public protection and disaster relief communications"
� |
China (People's Republic of)
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 386 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5A on the technologies for public protection and disaster relief communications
� |
Director, BR
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 385 ]
� |
Proposals for modification of new Handbook ITU-R F.[CROSS-BORDER]
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 384 ]
� |
Proposals for modification of draft CPM report text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.4
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 383 ]
� |
Preliminary estimates of interference for proposed systems in the amateur service
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 382 ]
� |
Proposals for modification of a working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[5 MHz COMPAT] - Compatibility analysis of possible amateur systems with fixed, land mobile, maritime mobile and radiolocation services in the frequency band 5 250-5 450 kHz and the aeronautical mobile service in an adjacent band
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 381 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[V2X]
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 380 ]
� |
Proposed modification to a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AUTO] - Systems characteristics of automotive radars operating in the frequency band 76-81 GHz for intelligent transport systems applications
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 379 ]
� |
Proposed modification of the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[LMS.CRS2]
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 378 ]
� |
Proposal for a study on operational guideline for deployment of broadband mobile systems for local coverage in frequency bands above 3 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 377 ]
� |
Proposed modification to preliminary draft new Report ITU-R [LMS.ATG], "Systems for public mobile communications with aircraft"
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 376 ]
� |
Proposal to update the working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1763 - Radio interface standards for broadband wireless access systems in the fixed service operating below 66 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 375 ]
� |
Collaboration on its communication standards
� |
Liaison Rapporteur
� |
� |
2013-11-11 |
[ 374 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R [LMS.CRS2] - 5 GHz RLANs mitigation techniques
� |
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Motorola Mobility LCC
� |
� |
2013-11-08 |
[ 373 ]
� |
Support for wireless feeds for news gathering applications
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-08 |
[ 372 ]
� |
Liaison response to liaison statement to external organizations on the technologies for public protection and disaster relief communications associated with work on WRC-15 agenda item 1.3
� |
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
� |
� |
2013-11-08 |
[ 371 ]
� |
Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AUTO] - Systems characteristics of automotive radars operating in the frequency band 76-81 GHz for intelligent transport systems applications
� |
Germany (Federal Republic of)
� |
� |
2013-11-08 |
[ 370 ]
� |
Proposed amendments to the working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2009 - Radio interface standards for use by public protection and disaster relief operations in some parts of the UHF band in accordance with Resolution 646 (WRC-03)
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-07 |
[ 369 ]
� |
Proposal for development of a single new Report on Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) requirements
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-07 |
[ 368 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[ 5 MHZ COMPAT ]
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-07 |
[ 367 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[5 MHz COMPAT]
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-07 |
[ 366 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to working document towards the draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.4
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-07 |
[ 365 ]
� |
Proposed modification to Annex 2 of Recommendation ITU-R F.1763 on XGP radio interface standard
� |
Director, BR
� |
� |
2013-11-07 |
[ 364 ]
� |
ATG Report - Updated information on on-going work in CEPT with regard to ATG activity
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-06 |
[ 363 ]
� |
Characteristics of and protection criteria for mobile systems operating in the frequency range 14.5 - 15.35 GHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 362 ]
� |
US views on the proposal to split the current working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R [LMS.CRS2] into two separate Reports
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 361 ]
� |
Proposed revision of text element for possible inclusion in preliminary draft new Report ITU-R [LMS.CRS2] in annex 26 to Working Party 5A Chairman's Report
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 360 ]
� |
Revision of working document towards the draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.4
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 359 ]
� |
Revision of working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[5 MHz COMPAT] - Compatibility analysis of possible amateur systems with fixed, land mobile, maritime mobile and radiolocation services in the frequency band 5 250-5 450 kHz and the aeronautical mobile service in an adjacent band
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 358 ]
� |
Proposed liaison statement to ITU-R WP 1B regarding working document towards a Preliminary Draft New Report ITU-R SM.[WHITE-SPACE] (Annex 8 to Doc. 1B/92)
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 357 ]
� |
Proposed improvements to working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 - Wireless communication systems for persons with impaired hearing
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 356 ]
� |
Proposed improvements to working document towards a Preliminary Draft New Question ITU-R[M.HEAR] regarding the operation of wireless communication systems for persons with impaired hearing
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 355 ]
� |
Draft terms of reference of a Correspondence Group to update the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[N+B-PPDR]
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 354 ]
� |
Work on the Recommendation database search facility
� |
Chairman, SG 5
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 353 ]
� |
Report of the ninth meeting of the Joint IMO/ITU Experts Group on maritime radiocommunication matters
� |
International Maritime Organization
� |
� |
2013-11-01 |
[ 352 ]
� |
Updating of the progress of the studies requested in the ITU-R Resolutions
� |
Chairman, SG 5
� |
� |
2013-11-05 |
[ 351 ]
� |
Liaison statement on coexistence of wired telecommunications with radiocommunication systems - Consideration with respect to work on Recommendation ITU-T J.195.1 (J.HINOC-REQ)
� |
� |
� |
2013-11-04 |
[ 350 ]
� |
Progress Report of Joint Correspondence Group Activity
� |
Chairman, JCG 5A/5C
� |
� |
2013-11-01 |
[ 349 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 5A (copy to Working Party 5B for information) - Mitigation techniques for radio local area networks
� |
JTG 4-5-6-7
� |
� |
2013-10-30 |
[ 348 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 (copy to all concerned Groups under WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 (Working Parties 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 3K, 3M, and Working Party 1A)) - Sharing parameters for WRC-15 agenda item 1.1
� |
� |
� |
2013-10-29 |
[ 347 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 5A and 5C - Sectoral antenna pattern approximations in Recommendation ITU-R F.1336-3
� |
� |
� |
2013-10-23 |
[ 346 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5A - The use of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) for broadband public protection and disaster relief (PPDR) applications
� |
� |
� |
2013-10-23 |
[ 345 ]
� |
Question ITU-R 136-2/6
� |
SG 6
� |
� |
2013-10-22 |
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