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UIT-T�SG 12� C�


Qualit� de fonctionnement, qualit� de service et qualit� d'exp�rience

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

Resultats:347 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 47 ]
Considerations on G.107 packet loss-related default values and proposals � AT&T Q8/12 2009-02-28
[ 46 ]
Remarks on ITU-T Rec.P.310 and ITU-T Rec.P.342 � France Telecom Q3/12 2009-02-28
[ 45 ]
Participation of France T�l�com in P.CQO-L development � France Telecom Q15/12 2009-02-28
[ 44 ]
Derivation of Wideband Equipment Impairment Factors for the G.711.1 Speech Codec � Federal Republic of Germany Q8/12, Q10/12 2009-02-28
[ 43 ]
Proposed Text for a New Recommendation P.834.1 "Extension of the methodology for the derivation of equipment impairment factors from instrumental models for wideband speech codecs" � Federal Republic of Germany Q8/12 2009-02-28
[ 42 ]
User perception of VoIP quality in dynamic wireless heterogeneous NGNs � Federal Republic of Germany Q11/12, Q10/12 2009-02-28
[ 41 ]
Proposal for the subjective assessment of single perceptual dimensions for conditions containing multi-dimensional degradations � Federal Republic of Germany Q9/12, Q7/12 2009-02-28
[ 40 ]
Proposed Corrigendum to Rec. P.833.1 � Federal Republic of Germany Q8/12 2009-02-28
[ 39 ]
Comparison between the discrete ACR scale and an extended continuous scale for the quality assessment of transmitted speech � Federal Republic of Germany Q9/12, Q8/12, Q7/12 2009-02-28
[ 38 ]
A subjective loudness equalization test related to bandwidth and 3D-positioning � France Telecom Q7/12, Q6/12 2009-02-28
[ 37 ]
Results of characterization phase step2 of G.718 in French language � France Telecom Q7/12 2009-02-28
[ 36 ]
Proposal for a test methodology to be used for evaluation of high quality speech codecs � Nokia Corporation Q7/12 2009-02-28
[ 35 ]
Results of G.718 Quality Assessment Optimization/Characterization Phase II Tests, Experiment 2 (WB-ACR Music), Experiment 4a (WB-DCR, Noisy speech car noise), Swedish � L M Ericsson Q7/12 2009-02-27
[ 34 ]
Report for Exp.3b and Exp4a for the G.718 Characterization Phase II Test in Chinese Language � Huawei Q7/12 2009-02-27
[ 33 ]
Answers to questionnaire for participants in P.NAMS project � Huawei Q14/12 2009-02-27
[ 32 ]
Proposal for the scope of the work item "End-user requirements and mechanisms for quality assurance for video streaming services" � Huawei Q13/12 2009-02-27
[ 31 ]
Proposal to include the study of end-user requirements and mechanisms for providing quality assurance for video streaming services in the Q13/12 workplan � Huawei Q13/12 2009-02-27
[ 30 ]
Draft text of G.RQAM � Huawei Q13/12 2009-02-27
[ 29 ]
IP-layer capacity framework � L M Ericsson Q17/12 2009-02-27
[ 28 ]
Stable draft for Rec. G.IPTV_MMRP � Huawei Q13/12 2009-02-27
[ 27 ]
Proposal on modifications to Y.1562 � MII, P.R. China Q13/12 2009-02-27
[ 26 ]
The stable draft of P.342 revision � MII, P.R. China Q3/12 2009-02-27
[ 25 ]
The stable draft of P.310 revision � MII, P.R. China Q3/12 2009-02-27
[ 24 ]
Additional consideration for achieving end-to-end performance objectives for NGN environment � NTT Q11/12 2009-02-27
[ 23 ]
Wideband Equipment Impairment Factors Ie,wb for the G.729.1 and Packet Loss Robustness Factors Bpl for the G.729.1, the G.722.2 and the G.722 WB-Codecs for usage in the WB-E-Model � Deutsche Telekom AG Q8/12 2009-02-27
[ 22 ]
The use of PESQ for non intrusive measurement in VoIP � France Telecom Q9/12, Q15/12 2009-02-27
[ 21 ]
Proposed text for Draft Recommendation G.RQAM � NEC Corporation Q13/12 2009-02-26
[ 20 ]
Proposed text for Draft Recommendation G.IPTV-PMMM � NEC Corporation Q13/12 2009-02-26
[ 19 ]
Japanese listening laboratory report on the results of experiments 1a and 3a of the G.718 characterization phase step2 � Panasonic Corporation Q7/12 2009-02-26
[ 18 ]
Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) for P.NBAMS � NTT Q14/12 2009-02-26
[ 17 ]
Draft Section 7 of Recommendation G.RQAM � NTT Q13/12 2009-02-26
[ 16 ]
ToR of G.OMVAS � NTT Q13/12 2009-02-26
[ 15 ]
Video quality dependence on codec implementation � NTT Q14/12 2009-02-26
[ 14 ]
Proposed on the modification of clause 7.7 of G.IPTV-PMPD � China Telecom Q13/12 2009-02-26
[ 13 ]
Comments on test vectors generation in ITU-T Recommendation P.564 � France Telecom Q8/12, Q15/12, Q13/12 2009-02-24
[ 12 ]
Influence of informational content of background noise on speech quality evaluation for VoIP application � France Telecom Q9/12, Q8/12, Q7/12, Q15/12 2009-02-24
[ 11 ]
Listening Laboratory Report for the G.718 Characterization Phase Step 2 Quality Assessment Test - Motorola Experiments 1a and 1c � Dynastat Q7/12 2009-02-24
[ 10 ]
Listening Laboratory Report for the G.718 Characterization Phase Step 2 Quality Assessment Test - Qualcomm Experiments 1b and 2 � Dynastat Q7/12 2009-02-24
[ 9 ]
VoiceAge listening laboratory report on the results for Experiments 1c & 4b of the G.718 Characterization, Phase II � Canada Q7/12 2009-02-24
[ 8 ]
Draft Text for G.IDFEO � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q16/12 2009-02-24
[ 7 ]
Draft Text for G.ADF � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q16/12 2009-02-24
[ 6 ]
Draft Text for G.RDFA � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q16/12 2009-02-24
[ 5 ]
A proposal regarding the Q.16/12 work program � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q16/12 2009-02-24
[ 4 ]
A vision of the Q.16/12 and its associated work program � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q16/12 2009-02-24
[ 3 ]
Proposal to withdraw Recommendation P.82 � Telekom Austria Q7/12, Q1/12 2009-02-09
[ 2 ]
Multimedia video quality: results from the VQEG multimedia test (ex C 186) � Verizon Q9/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2008-12-08
[ 1 ]
Questions allocated to Study Group 12 (Performance, QoS and QoE) for the 2009-2012 study period � WTSA-08 QALL/12 2008-12-08
Resultats:347 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
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