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Service mobile maritime, y compris le Syst�me mondial de d�tresse et de s�curit� en mer (SMDSM); service mobile a�ronautique et service de radiorep�rage

Resultats:645 documents
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 345 ]
Modification of the draft CPM text on WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13 � France , Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2006-03-07
[ 344 ]
Spectrum sharing considerations in relation to Agenda item 1.13 WRC-07 � British Broadcasting Corporation 2006-03-06
[ 343 ]
Report on IEC TC80 Activities � WP 8B Rapporteur to IEC-TC80 2006-03-03
[ 342 ]
Draft elements for CPM text on agenda item 1.13 regarding the amateur service � IARU 2006-02-27
[ 341 ]
Revised draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.14 � Finland 2006-02-22
[ 340 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8B - Frequency-related matters for IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced related to WRC-07 agenda item 1.4 � WP 8F 2006-02-17
[ 339 ]
Continued transition to the GMDSS - Revision of Articles 30 to 33 � Switzerland (Confederation of) 2006-02-16
[ 338 ]
WRC-07, Agenda item 1.13: EBU views on suitable HF alocations � European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 2006-01-27
[ 337 ]
Compatibility study between land-based radiolocation receivers and MSS feeder links (Earth-to-space) in the 1 390-1 392 MHz frequency band � Spain 2006-01-18
[ 336 ]
LS to WP's 6E and 9C, copy to WP's 8A and 8B - Advice on the example regulatory text for Agenda item 1.13 � WP-SC 2006-01-23
[ 335 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A and 8B � WP-SC 2006-01-23
[ 334 ]
Work on software defined radio � SG 8 2006-01-04
[ 333 ]
Compatibility studies between aeronautical radiolocation receivers and MSS feeder links (Earth-to-space) � Australia 2005-12-23
[ 332 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 1A, 1B, 4A, 6E, 6M, 6S, 7B, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B, 8D and 8F and to TG 1/9 and to JTG 6-8-9 - Revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1336 � WP 9D 2005-12-21
[ 331 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8B AND copy to Working Party 8A - Studies of frequency sharing between aeronautical mobile telemetry and fixed service in the 4 400-4 940 and 5 925-6 700 MHz bands � WP 9D 2005-12-16
[ 330 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6E, 8A and 8B - Revised draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.13 � WP 9C 2005-12-13
[ 329 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8B - Sharing with aeronautical mobile systems - Preliminary draft Report, "Compatibility between proposed systems in the aeronautical mobile service and the existing fixed-satellite service in the 5 091-5 150 MHz band" � WP 4A 2005-12-12
[ 328 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8B - Compatibility studies between aeronautical mobile telemetry systems and systems operating under primary radiocommunication services in 4 500-4 800 MHz and 5 925-6 700 MHz bands identified as candidates for further study � WP 4A 2005-12-07
[ 327 ]
Liaison statement to the Working Party of the Special Committee, copy to Working Parties 6E, 8A and 8B - Advice requested from the Working Party of the Special Committee on the example regulatory text for Agenda item 1.13 � WP 9C 2005-11-30
[ 326 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8B - Characteristics of space research data relay satellite networks operating in the inter-satellite service in the 22.55-23.55 GHz band for use in sharing studies with aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) systems � WP 7B 2005-11-22
[ 325 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8B - WRC-07 Agenda item 1.3, Resolution 747 (WRC-03): Possible extension of the existing primary allocations to the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) and the space research service (active) in the band 9 500-9 800 MHz � WP 7C 2005-11-22
[ 324 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8B and for information to Task Group 1/9 - Characteristics of EESS passive sensors in the 23.6-24 GHz band to be used in compatibility studies involving aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) systems under Agenda item 1.5 (WRC-07) � WP 7C 2005-11-22
[ 323 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8B - Typical parameters of radiolocation and aeronautical radionavigation systems � WP 7C 234/7 2005-11-22
[ 322 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8B - Compatibility studies between aeronautical mobile telemetry systems and the radio astronomy service in the 23.6-24 GHz band � WP 7D 2005-11-18
[ 321 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8B - Compatibility studies between aeronautical mobile telemetry systems and the radio astronomy service in the 4 825-4 835 MHz band � WP 7D 2005-11-18
[ 320 ]
Suggested modifications to the revised draft CPM text for WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13, as documented in Document 9C/93 � Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) 2005-11-07
[ 319 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 9C - copy to Working Party of the Special Committee, Working Party 8A and Working Party 8B - Advice requested from the Working Party of the Special Committee on the example regulatory text for Agenda item 1.13 � WP 6E 2005-10-19
[ 318 ]
Liaison statement to WP 6E and to WPs 8A, 8B and 9D and the Intersessional Planning Group (IPG) RRC-06 for information � WP 6S 2005-10-19
[ 317 ]
Liaison statement to WP 6E and WP 8B - Protection of the aeronautical radionavigation service operating in accordance with RR NO. 5.312 from the broadcasting-satellite service in the band 620-790 MHz � WP 6S 2005-10-19
[ 316 ]
Liaison statement to the IPG Chairman and Working Parties 8A and 8B - copies to Working Parties 9D and 7D - Possible initial proposals for methods to identify administrations potentially affected by assignments or allotments in the broadcasting service and other services in the RRC-06 bands � WP 6E 2005-10-18
[ 315 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8B - Protection of the aeronautical radionavigation service operating in accordance with RR No. 5.312 from the broadcasting-satellite service in the band 620-790 MHz � WP 6E 2005-10-18
[ 314 ]
Liaison statement to WP 6E and to WPs 8A, 8B and 9D for information - Analysis of polarization loss for circularly polarized satellite signals interfering with linearly polarized terrestrial systems � WP 6S 2005-10-18
[ 313 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 8A, 8B and 9C - Revised draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.13 � WP 6E 2005-10-11
[ 312 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8B - Compatibility analysis between feeder links of non-geostationary mobile-satellite service systems and aeronautical telemetry and radiolocation systems in the bands around 1.4 GHz � WP 8D 2005-10-11
[ 311 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 1A and 8B - Compatibility studies between aeronautical mobile telemetry systems and systems operating under primary radiocommunication services in 4 500-4 800 MHz and 5 925-6 700 MHz bands identified as candidates for further study � WP 3M 2005-10-11
[ 310 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8B - Effects of anomalous propagation (AP) on automatic identification system (AIS) performance � WP 3K 2005-10-08
[ 309 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 8B and 4A - Compatibility studies between aeronautical mobile telemetry and other primary radiocommunication services in bands identified as candidates for further study � WP 8D 2005-10-10
[ 308 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 8B and 4A - Compatibility studies between aeronautical mobile (route) and other primary radiocommunication services in bands identified as candidates for further study � WP 8D 2005-10-10
[ 307 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8B - Compatibility studies between aeronautical mobile telemetry and the mobile service in bands identified as candidates for further study � WP 8A 2005-10-06
[ 306 ]
Liaison statement to WP 6E (Copy to WP 7D, WP 9D, WP 8B) - Methods to identify administrations potentially affected by assignments or allotments in the broadcasting service and other primary services in the RRC-06 bands � WP 8A 2005-10-04
[ 305 ]
Liaison statement to Study Groups 6 and 7 and Working Parties 4-9S, 4A, 6E, 6S, 8A, 8B, 8D, 8F and 9B - Improving the international spectrum regulatory framework � WP 1B 2005-10-04
[ 304 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3M, 4A and 8B - Compatibility studies between aeronautical mobile telemetry systems and systems operating under primary radiocommunication services in 4 500-4 800 MHz and 5 925-6 700 MHz bands identified as candidates for further study � WP 1A 2005-10-04
[ 303 ]
Modifications to Article 5 consequential to the review of Appendix 18 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2005-10-03
[ 302 ]
Continued transition ot the GMDSS - Revision of Articles 30 to 33 � Germany (Federal Republic of) , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2005-10-03
[ 301 ]
Revision of Resolution 331 transition to the global maritime distress and safety system � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2005-09-30
[ 300 ]
Chairman's report � Chairman, WP 8B 2005-09-28
[ 299 ]
Final List of Participants - Working Party 8B � Director, BR 2005-09-26
[ 298 ]
Preliminary observations concerning coordination trigger criteria � Director, Radiocommunication Bureau 2005-09-21
[ 297 ]
List of documents issued � BR Study Group Department 2005-09-19
[ 296 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.827-2 � International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) 2005-09-07
Resultats:645 documents
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