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Metodolog�as para la Gesti�n Eficaz del Espectro y Estrategias Econ�micas

Resultados :383 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 83 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[INNOVATIVE REGULATORY TOOLS] - Innovative regulatory tools to support enhanced shared use of the spectrum and the infrastructure of telecommunications network � United States of America 2016-11-08
[ 82 ]
Proposed frequency bands for wireless power transmission systems � Robert Bosch GmbH Q210/1 2016-11-07
[ 81 ]
Liaison statement WPT activities � European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2016-11-02
[ 80 ]
Liaison statement - Possible new frequency range(s) for global harmonisation of UWB SRD applications � European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2016-11-02
[ 79 ]
Liaison statement to Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) and Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV), (copy to ITU-R Study Group 1 and Working Party1B) - Proposal to add Broadcasting terms to the ITU Terminology Database � SG 6 2016-11-04
[ 78 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 5A (copy to Working Parties 1B, 5B, 5C, 3K and 3M) WRC-19 agenda item 1.1 � WP 6A AI1.1 2016-11-04
[ 77 ] �
This document has been withdrawn � WP 6A 2016-11-04
[ 76 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 1B - Regarding working document towards a draft new Report ITU-R SM.[CRS SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES] � WP 7D 2016-11-01
[ 75 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 1A (copy to Working Parties 1B, 5B, 5C, 6A and 7A) - Radio frequency ranges for wireless power transmission using technologies other than radio frequency beam � WP 7D Q210/3 2016-11-01
[ 74 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 1B (copy to Working Party 5A) - Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[CRS SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES] - Spectrum management principles, challenges and issues related to dynamic access to frequency bands by means of radio systems employing cognitive capabilities � WP 7C 2016-10-28
[ 73 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1B and 5A - Work on WRC-19 agenda item 9.1 issue 9.1.8 � WP 5D AI9.1 2016-10-24
[ 72 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 9/2 to ITU-T and ITU-R Study Groups on ongoing collaboration � ITU-D SG 2 2016-10-24
[ 71 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 1B - Clarification of terms used in Recommendation ITU-R S.1503-2 � WP 4A 2016-10-24
[ 70 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1A, 1B, 1C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 7A and 7D - Radio frequency ranges for wireless power transfer (WPT) � WP 6A Q210/1 2016-10-21
[ 69 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 1B - Response to request for comments on working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[CRS SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES] � WP 4A 2016-10-20
[ 68 ]
Liaison statement on information about work that is being carried out within work under study in ITU-T Q7/5 � ITU-T SG 5 2016-10-18
[ 67 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 1B on infrastructure sharing (copy to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5A and 5C) - Innovative regulatory tools to support enhanced shared use of the spectrum � WP 5D 2016-10-17
[ 66 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 1B on infrastructure sharing (copy to Working Parties 4A, 5A, 5C and 5D) - "Innovative" regulatory tools to support enhanced shared use of the spectrum � WP 4C 208-1/1 2016-09-27
[ 65 ]
Liaison statement on recent work by JCA-IoT and SC&C � ITU-T JCA-IoT & SC&C 2016-09-26
[ 64 ]
Information on the preparation of texts for the draft CPM Report to WRC-19 � Chairman, CPM-19 2016-09-19
[ 63 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 1A (copy to Working Party 1B and RG-WPT) - Information on current status of study on Question ITU-R 210-3/1 "Wireless power transmission" in APT Wireless Group � Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Q210/1 2016-09-16
[ 62 ]
Note to the Chairmen of Study Groups 1 and 5 (copy to Working Parties 5A and 1B) - Working Party 5D perspective on Workshop on "Spectrum management for Internet of Things deployment" � Chairman, WP 5D 2016-07-04
[ 61 ]
Reply liaison statement to the Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) and the Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV) (copy to ITU-R Study Group 6 and Working Party 1B) - Terminology relating to the transition from analogue to digital radio technologies � SG 1 2016-07-04
[ 60 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1B & 5A - Information on anticipated draft CPM text deadlines by contributing groups for WRC-19 agenda items / issues where Working Party 5D is the responsible group � WP 5D 2016-06-29
[ 59 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R /ITU-D Joint Group on WTDC Resolution 9 on the progress of ongoing work on WTDC Resolution 9 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) during the ITU-D Study period 2014-2017 (copied to ITU-R Working Parties 1A, 1B, 1C, 5A, 5B, 5C and 6A for information) � WP 5D 2016-06-28
[ 58 ]
WPT activities � European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2016-06-17
[ 57 ]
Liaison to ITU-R Working Parties 1A & 1B on Technical Report on UWB worldwide � European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2016-06-17
[ 56 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 7D (copy to Working Parties 1B, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A and 7A) - Radio frequency ranges for wireless power transmission using technologies other than radio frequency beam relative to protection of the passive services � WP 1A Q210/3 2016-11-16
[ 55 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5B (copied for information to Working Parties 1B, 5A, 5C, 6A, 7A and 7D) - Radio frequency ranges for wireless power transmission using technologies other than radio frequency beam relative to the services under the purview of WP 5B � WP 1A Q210/1 2016-11-16
[ 54 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5A (copied for information to Working Parties 1B, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7A and 7D) - Radio frequency ranges for wireless power transmission using technologies other than radio frequency beam � WP 1A Q210/1 2016-11-16
[ 53 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 1B - Radio frequency ranges for wireless power transmission using technologies other than radio frequency beam � WP 1A Q210/1 2016-11-16
[ 52 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1B, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7A and 7D - Radio frequency ranges for wireless power transmission using technologies other than radio frequency beam � WP 1A Q210/1 2016-06-16
[ 51 ]
Report of the meeting of Working Party 1B (Geneva, 2 - 9 June 2016) � Chairman, WP 1B 2016-06-08
[ 50 ]
Final list of participants - Working Party 1B (Geneva, 2-9 June 2016) � Director, BR 2016-06-08
[ 49 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 7/2 to ITU-T Study Group 5, ITU-R Study Groups 1, 5, 6 and their relevant Working Parties on ongoing collaboration � ITU-D SG 2 2016-06-06
[ 48 ]
Liaison statement on Recommendation ITU-T G.9959 � ITU-T SG 15 2016-06-06
[ 47 ]
CISPR reply liaison statement to ITU-R WP 1A on WPT - Study Question ITU-R 210-3/1 "Wireless Power Transmission" � Chairman, WP 1B 2016-06-02
[ 46 ]
List of documents issued (Documents 1B/1 - 1B/46) � BR Study Groups Department 2016-06-01
[ 45 ]
Report on CISPR activities June 2015 to May 2016 � Rapporteur, SG 1 RG on Liaison with CISPR 2016-06-01
[ 44 ]
RF human exposure - WHO: Fundamental safety principles for protection against non-ionizing radiation � ATDI 2016-05-26
[ 43 ]
Proposed liaison reply to ITU-D/ITU-R Joint Group on WTDC Resolution 9 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) regarding relevant text from the chapters of the draft Report on WTDC Resolution 9 � France 2016-05-30
[ 42 ]
Working document towards a draft new Report ITU-R SM.[DATABASE SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES] � France 2016-05-26
[ 41 ]
Proposal to develop a new ITU-R Recommendation on licenced shared access � France 2016-05-26
[ 40 ]
Revision proposal of Report ITU-R SM.2303 to update information and to incorporate assessment process and methodology in studies on the impact of wireless power transmission systems applied to electric vehicles � Japan Q210/1 2016-05-26
[ 39 ]
Proposed modification to preliminary draft modification to Report ITU-R SM.2012-4 - Economic aspects of spectrum management � Colombia (Republic of) 2016-05-26
[ 38 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5B and 5C (copied for information to Working parties 1B, 3J, 3K, 3M and 5D) - Request for technical characteristics relevant to the work under WRC-19 agenda item 1.16 � WP 5A AI1.16 2016-05-25
[ 37 ]
Proposed scope for the working document toward a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[INNOVATIVE REGULATORY TOOLS] � Germany (Federal Republic of) , Finland 2016-05-25
[ 36 ]
Modification proposal for the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[CRS SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES] � Finland 2016-05-25
[ 35 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1A, 1B, 4A, 5B, 5C and 5D - Study of sharing schemes in the land mobile service on the basis of geographical use, frequencies, services, new technologies and applications � WP 5A 2016-05-25
[ 34 ]
Possible studies to address WRC-19 agenda item 9.1.7 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) , Oman (Sultanate of) , Qatar (State of) 2016-05-25
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