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ITU-T�SG20� TD�(2025-01-15)�


IoT and smart cities

Study Period 2025

Meeting� from 2025-01-15 to 2025-01-24

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : [ 2025-01-15 ]�

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 86-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Question 6/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Rapporteur Q6/20 and Associate Rapporteurs Q6/20 Q6/20 2024-12-05
[ 85-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Question 5/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Rapporteur Q5/20 and Associate Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2024-12-05
[ 84-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Question 4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Rapporteur Q4/20 Q4/20 2024-12-05
[ 83-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Question 3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Co-rapporteur Q3/20 Q3/20 2024-12-05
[ 82-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Question 2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Acting Rapporteur Q2/20 Q2/20 2024-12-05
[ 81-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Question 1/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Rapporteur Q1/20 Q1/20 2024-12-05
[ 80-GEN ]
Draft agenda for WP3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � WP3/20 Chair Q9/20, Q6/20, Q4/20 2024-12-05
[ 79-GEN ]
Draft agenda for WP2/20 meeting (Geneva,15-24 January 2025) � WP2/20 Chair Q5/20, Q3/20, Q1/20 2024-12-05
[ 78-GEN ]
Draft agenda for WP1/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � WP1/20 Chair Q8/20, Q7/20, Q2/20 2024-12-05
[ 77-GEN ]
Information on Publication of geographical maps and infographics in documents and publications � TSB QALL/20 2024-12-05
[ 76-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 7/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 14 November 2024) � Acting Co-rapporteur Q7/20 Q7/20 2024-11-29
[ 75-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.Evaluation-SE "Evaluation of capabilities for IoT-enabled frameworks of smart education", Q7/20 Rapporteur Meeting (Virtual, 14 November 2024) � Editors Q7/20 2024-11-29
[ 74-GEN ]
Output text of Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.KPI-Flood on "Key Performance Indicators of ICT based Urban Flood Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Capability", Q7/20 meeting (Virtual, 14 November 2024) � Editors Q7/20 2024-11-29
[ 73-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 3/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 26-28 November 2024) � Acting Rapporteur Q3/20 Q3/20 2024-11-28
[ 72-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SC-DESMS "Functional architecture of IoT-based distributed energy storage management system in smart cities", Q3/20 meeting (Virtual, 26-28 November 2024) � Editors Q3/20 2024-11-27
[ 71-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SFPP "Reference framework for the smart farmland production platform", Q3/20 meeting (Virtual, 26-28 November 2024) � Acting Rapporteur Q3/20 Q3/20 2024-11-27
[ 70-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-CMP-VR "Functional framework and capabilities of coordination management platform for IoT based vehicle-road", Q3/20 meeting (Virtual, 26-28 November 2024) � Editors Q3/20 2024-11-27
[ 69-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-DPE "Management framework for IoT-based distributed power equipment", Q3/20 meeting (Virtual, 26-28 November 2024) � Editors Q3/20 2024-11-27
[ 68-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.AI-DECCS "Functional architecture of AI enabled device-edge-cloud collaborative services for IoT and smart city", Q3/20 meeting (Virtual, 26-28 November 2024) � Editors Q3/20 2024-11-27
[ 67-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4420-rev "Framework of Internet of things based monitoring and management for Lift", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 66-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup-datainterop-usecases "Supplement to ITU-T Y.4563 - Use cases of data interoperability in Internet of things", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editor Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 65-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.EdgeIoT-usecases "Supplement to ITU-T Y.4208 - Use cases of edge computing based Internet of Things", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 64-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SCGMS "Requirements and capabilities of IoT-based smart crop growth monitoring system", Q2/20 meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 63-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.EV-PUD "Requirements of electric vehicle power usage data acquisition and management for smart city", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 62-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T "Requirements and capability framework of energy storage service for residential community in smart city", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 61-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SCCNS-Reqts "Requirements of smart city communication network system", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 60-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup-IoT-BC "Applicability cases of blockchain in the IoT", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) - now under Q9/20 � Editors Q9/20 2024-11-27
[ 59-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.SmartAqua-usecases "ITU-T Y.4000-series - Use cases of IoT-based smart aquaculture", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 58-GEN ]
Output text of draft Technical Report ITU-T YSTR.Ambient-IoT "Analysis on requirements and use cases of ambient power-enabled IoT", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 57-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.EMM-Reqts "Requirements for Real-Time Event Monitoring and Integrated Management in Smart City Platforms", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 56-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.PGComNet-Reqts "Requirements of IoT-based power grid communication network", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 55-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.dt-IWCS "Requirements and capability framework of digital twin for intelligent water conservancy system", Q2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Editors Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 54-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 2/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 18, 19, 21, 25 and 26 November 2024) � Acting Rapporteur Q2/20 and Acting Associate Rapporteur Q2/20 Q2/20 2024-11-27
[ 53-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 4/20 Rapporteur meeting (Virtual, 13-15 November 2024) � Acting Rapporteur Q4/20 Q4/20 2024-11-22
[ 52-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.metadata-EPI "Metadata for IoT-based electric power infrastructure monitoring system", Q4/20 meeting (Virtual, 13 - 15 November 2024) � Editors Q4/20 2024-11-22
[ 51-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.EDSS "Framework and requirements of electricity data sharing system", Q4/20 meeting (Virtual, 13-15 November 2024) � Editors Q4/20 2024-11-22
[ 50-GEN ]
LS/i/r on response to the draft ToR of QI/20 "IoT, digital twins and AI for effective energy management" (AHG-EEM-DOC1 (240923)) (reply to SG20-LS172) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T Study Group 5 QALL/20 2024-11-20
[ 49-GEN ]
LS/i on the validation of terms and definitions developed by ITU-T Study Group 20 (17 September meeting) [from SCV/CCT] � SCV/CCT Q5/20 2024-11-20
[ 48-GEN ]
LS/i on comments regarding the term "3D ultra-high density Internet of things" [from SCV/CCT] � SCV/CCT Q5/20 2024-11-20
[ 47-GEN ]
LS/i on Reminder to comment on terms and definitions being developed by ITU-T SG17 [from SCV/CCT] � SCV/CCT Q5/20 2024-11-20
[ 46-GEN ]
LS/i on highlights from the final meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID-19 Certificates (JCA-DCC) [from JCA-DCC] � JCA-DCC QALL/20 2024-11-20
[ 45-GEN ]
LS/i on the Initial Submission of TSAG to the Council Working Group on Strategic and Financial Planning [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/20 2024-11-20
[ 44-GEN ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item ITU-T H.CEC-AP "Architecture and protocols of cloud-edge collaboration in industrial machine vision systems" [from ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T Study Group 16 Q3/20 2024-11-20
[ 43-GEN ]
LS/i/r on the resolution of AAP comments (reply to TSAG-LS44) [from ITU-T SG9] � ITU-T Study Group 9 QALL/20 2024-11-20
[ 42-GEN ]
LS/i on the establishment of the Working Group 2 on Vehicular communications for advanced emergency braking, including to protect VRUs [from CITS Expert Group on Communications Technology for Automated Driving] � CITS QALL/20 2024-11-20
[ 41-GEN ]
LS/i on terms contained in ITU-T Study Group 5 draft Recommendations and Supplements [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q5/20 2024-11-20
[ 40-GEN ]
LS/i on progress of the Correspondence Group on AI Security (CG-AISEC) [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q6/20 2024-11-20
[ 39-GEN ]
LS/i on SG17 new work item X.stm-dpm: Security for things across metaverses in aspects of data processing and management [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q6/20 2024-11-20
[ 38-GEN ]
LS/i on distributed ledger technology security [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q6/20 2024-11-20
[ 37-GEN ]
LS/i on SG17 progress on IoT security [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q6/20 2024-11-20
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