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IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities (SC&C)

Study Period 2013

Results:315 total items.
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 15 ]
Assessing the potential and strategic role of IPv6 for the IoT, smart cities and 5G � Mandat International Q1/20 2015-09-23
[ 14 ]
Proposal to support an inclusive conference on IoT in 2017 � Mandat International Q1/20 2015-09-23
[ 13 ]
Proposing an IoT Standards overview and knowledge database � Mandat International Q1/20 2015-09-23
[ 12 ]
Defining a Reference Model and Protocol Pile for the IoT � Mandat International Q1/20 2015-09-23
[ 11 ]
Proposal to develop an ITU-T recommendation to address IoT and privacy, including personal data protection � Mandat International Q1/20 2015-09-23
[ 10 ]
Assessing the potential of crowdsourcing for the IoT � Mandat International Q1/20 2015-09-23
[ 9 ]
ETSI IP6 ISG Cooperation with SG20 � Mandat International Q1/20 2015-09-23
[ 8 ]
IoT testbeds and formal collaboration with the IoT Lab platform. � Mandat International Q1/20 2015-09-23
[ 7 ]
Support the structure of SG20 � Mandat International QALL/20 2015-09-22
[ 6 ]
Proposal for a new work item on "Reference architecture for IoT service capability exposure" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , FiberHome Technologies Group Q3/20 2015-09-18
[ 5 ]
Utilization of IoT application services for the implementation of Smart City in Indonesia � Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Q6/20, Q5/20 2015-09-15
[ 4 ]
Support the structure of SG20 � Italy QALL/20 2015-09-11
[ 3 ]
Identification of a set of requirements for the IoT from Africa � Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Q2/20 2015-08-31
[ 2 ]
Support for the new Study Group 20 Structure � United Arab Emirates , Egypt , Saudi Arabia , Sudan QALL/20 2015-07-07
[ 1 ]
Questions assigned to ITU-T Study Group 20 by TSAG-15 � TSAG QALL/20 2015-07-07
Results:315 total items.
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