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Study Period 2013

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 317 ]
ITU-T x.orf: proposed modification for Consent � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q11/17 2015-03-18
[ 316 ]
Proposal for a new work item on "Security assessment mechanisms in telecommunication/ICT networks" � Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Q4/17 2015-03-16
[ 315 ]
Proposed updates to Draft Recommendation X.pki-prof � Danish Business Authority Q11/17 2015-03-14
[ 314 ]
Proposal of establishing African Regional Group for SG17 � Sudan QALL/17 2015-03-02
[ 313 ]
Proposal to reflect additional digital signature algorithms in Rec. ITU-T X.509 � Orange Q11/17 2015-02-23
[ 312 ]
Government policy of the Republic of Guinea on Cyber Security � Minist�re des Postes, T�l�communications et Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication Q5/17, Q4/17 2015-02-18
[ 311 ]
Withdrawn � N/A 2015-02-11
[ 310 ]
Security � Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Minist�re des Postes, T�l�communications et Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication Q3/17 2015-01-15
[ 309 ]
Governance of Information Security of Burkina's Electronic Council of Ministers � Burkina Faso , Minist�re du D�veloppement, de l'Economie num�rique et des Poste Q3/17, Q1/17 2015-01-07
[ 308 ]
Comments on x.msec-8 � United Kingdom Q6/17 2014-09-04
[ 307 ]
Comments on x.msec-7 � United Kingdom Q6/17 2014-09-04
[ 306 ]
Proposal of a new work item : Secure software update for ITS communications devices (X.suits) � KDDI Corporation , National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Q6/17 2014-09-04
[ 305 ]
Proposed revision of Draft X.mgv6 (Security management guideline for implementation of IPv6 environment in telecommunications organizations) - Supplement of X.1037 (Clause 9) � KDDI Corporation , National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Q3/17, Q2/17 2014-09-04
[ 304 ]
A proposal for the sixth draft Recommendation of ITU-T � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q7/17 2014-09-04
[ 303 ]
New work item for enhanced user authentication based on user-centric attribute aggregation � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q7/17, Q10/17 2014-09-04
[ 302 ]
Contribution for Discussion � Corporation for National Research Initiatives Q11/17, Q10/17 2014-09-04
[ 301 ]
Proposed comments on � China Q8/17 2014-09-04
[ 300 ]
Proposal of new work item -Guidelines for Data Protection in Public Cloud Computing � China Q8/17 2014-09-04
[ 299 ]
Comments on draft text x.ticvs � United Kingdom Q5/17 2014-09-04
[ 298 ]
[ 297 ]
Proposed security requirements for SaaS application environment for X.sfcse � China Telecommunications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q8/17 2014-09-04
[ 296 ]
Proposed editorial revision of the Draft recommendation X.sfcse "Security requirements for SaaS application environments" � China Telecommunications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q8/17 2014-09-04
[ 295 ]
Proposed revised characteristics of the maturity model for X.sfcse � China Telecommunications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q8/17 2014-09-04
[ 294 ]
Proposed editorial revision of the Draft recommendation X.goscc � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/17 2014-09-04
[ 293 ]
Proposed text of backup section for X.goscc � China Telecommunications Corporation Q8/17 2014-09-04
[ 292 ]
Proposed revised text for X.cspim: Technical Requirements for Countering Instant Messaging Spam (SPIM) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/17 2014-09-04
[ 291 ]
Proposed revisions to draft ITU-T Recommendation X.1051-rev, "Information security control guidelines based on ISO/IEC 27002 for telecommunications organizations." � KDDI Corporation Q3/17 2014-09-03
[ 290 ]
Information on risk analysis and MAC related to proposal of a new work item, Secure software update for ITS communications devices (X.suits) � Hitachi, Ltd. Q6/17 2014-09-03
[ 289 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the visited network of VoLTE � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 288 ]
Revised draft text of X.ticvs: Technologies involved in countering voice spam in telecommunication organizations � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 287 ]
Revised draft text of X.msec-7: Guidelines on the management of infected terminals in mobile networks � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q6/17 2014-09-03
[ 286 ]
A proposal of a new work item: Simple encryption procedure for IoT device security � Hitachi, Ltd. Q6/17 2014-09-03
[ 285 ]
The draft Recommendation for X.p2p-3:Security requirements and mechanisms of P2P-based telecommunication network � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q7/17 2014-09-03
[ 284 ]
Proposals to protect the PII data in X.gpim � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q3/17 2014-09-03
[ 283 ]
Draft X.authi: Guideline to implement the integration of service authentication with network authentication � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q10/17 2014-09-03
[ 282 ]
Proposal for re-structure draft Recommendation X.idmcc � China Unicom Q10/17 2014-09-03
[ 281 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm revise contents for Clause 9,10 � China Unicom Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 280 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm add contents for Clause 8 � China Unicom Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 279 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm: revise contents for Clause 4,6,7 � China Unicom Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 278 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Security requirements for database in cloud � China Unicom , China , ZTE Corporation Q8/17 2014-09-03
[ 277 ]
07-ITU-SG17-Q2 - Proposal for X.gsiiso - add content in section 5.4 � China Unicom Q2/17 2014-09-03
[ 276 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Security Framework and Requirements for Telecom Service Capability Open � China Unicom Q7/17 2014-09-03
[ 275 ]
06-ITU-SG17-Q4-X.sbb - Proposal for X.sbb Add content for Section 9 � China Unicom Q4/17 2014-09-03
[ 274 ]
05-ITU-SG17-Q4-X.sbb - Proposal for X.sbb Add content for Section 8 � China Unicom Q4/17 2014-09-03
[ 273 ]
Proposal for X.sbb - Add content for Section 7 � China Unicom Q4/17 2014-09-03
[ 272 ]
03-ITU-SG17-Q4-X.sbb - Proposal for X.sbb Add content for Section 6 � China Unicom Q4/17 2014-09-03
[ 271 ]
02-ITU-SG17-Q10 - Proposal for X.giim - add clause 9 the rating of trust levels � China Unicom Q10/17 2014-09-03
[ 270 ]
01-ITU-SG17-Q6 - Proposal for X.unsec-1 - Editorial changes for consent � China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q6/17 2014-09-03
[ 269 ]
Proposal for additional restructuring and updates of Rec. ITU-T X.509 | ISO/IEC 9594-8 � Denmark Q11/17 2014-09-03
[ 268 ]
Proposal for including whitelist support in Rec. ITU-T X.509 | ISO/IEC 9594-8 � Denmark Q11/17 2014-09-03
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