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Optical and other transport network infrastructures

Study Period 2005

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 613 ]
Subnetwork, Matrix and Link � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 612 ]
Pre-condition for client/server independence � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 611 ]
E-LAN and E-TREE service support in T-MPLS networks � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 610 ]
Designing a scalable T-MPLS network architecture � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 609 ]
Wording for "Reference source selection mechanism" in G.paclock � Semtech Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 608 ]
Wording for "Frequency accuracy" in G.paclock � Semtech Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 607 ]
Managed- FDB APS scheme by selective deletion for Ethernet ring protection � ETRI Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 606 ]
Notion of alignment in time, phase, and frequency � Semtech Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 605 ]
Min_TDEV Metric � Semtech Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 604 ]
Performance of DP-QPSK in 40 Gbit/s Networks � Nortel Networks (Europe) Q6/15 2007-05-25
[ 603 ]
Verifying Differential Methods of TDM Clock Recovery � Semtech Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 602 ]
G.ploam: G.vdsl: Proposal for updates of the baseline text on INM � Infineon Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 601 ]
G.vdsl: Comparison of Retransmission and Frame Blanking in REIN � Infineon Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 600 ]
G.992.3/G.992.5: Proposed accuracy for the absolute error of HLOG and QLN � Infineon Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 599 ]
G.vdsl, G.ploam: Proposal for SNRM per latency path � Infineon Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 598 ] On the FEC structure in � Infineon Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 597 ]
Proposal for T-MPLS TCS (Traffic Conditioning and Shaping) in G.8110.1 � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 596 ]
Support of PDH over T-MPLS (PW adaptation) � Alcatel-Lucent Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 595 ]
IP/MPLS and T-MPLS Interoperability � Alcatel-Lucent Q14/15, Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 594 ]
Support of ATM over T-MPLS (PW adaptation) � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 593 ]
Proposals for Current Draft of G.ufatn and Future Work � BT Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 592 ]
MCC and SCC Options for T-MPLS � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q14/15 2007-05-25
[ 591 ]
Proposal how to eliminate the SCC/MCC PDU length limitation in G.8114 � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q14/15 2007-05-25
[ 590 ]
Proposal for an Amendment 1 to G.8112 � Alcatel-Lucent Q11/15 2007-05-25
[ 589 ]
Textual proposal for APS protocol description G.8132 � Alcatel-Lucent Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 588 ]
G.VDSL2, G.ADSL: Spreading of uncorrectable errors by the Reed-Solomon Interleaver � Infineon Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 587 ]
G.VDSL2, G.ADSL: A proposal for a new data-continuous interleaver � Infineon Q4/15 2007-05-25
[ 586 ]
(NRZ-)DQPSK as a suitable modulation format for 100+ Gb/s serial transport � Alcatel-Lucent Germany Q6/15 2007-05-25
[ 585 ]
Comments on draft new Amendment 2 to G.7041 � Alcatel-Lucent Q14/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 584 ]
Inconsistencies in G.8021v2 � ITEK Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 583 ]
Computing cost of managed FDB APS scheme in ERP � ETRI Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 582 ]
Synchronization inputs in G.paclock � Semtech Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 581 ]
Scope of G.paclock � Semtech Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 580 ]
Wording for "Scope" in G.paclock � Semtech Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 579 ]
Proposal to keep SSM transport based upon IEEE802.3ah as an option � Tellabs Oy Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 578 ]
Addition of "Through Clock" for Synchronous Ethernet � Tellabs Oy Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 577 ]
Two-Way Protocols Test Cases in Appendix VI/G.8261 � IL-MOC Q13/15 2007-05-27
[ 576 ]
A New Appendix for Background Traffic Models Generation Examples � IL-MOC Q13/15 2007-05-27
[ 575 ]
Modification for Test Case 7 of G.8261 � IL-MOC Q13/15 2007-05-27
[ 574 ]
Information on alternative modulation formats for revision of sup.39 � Alcatel-Lucent Q6/15 2007-05-25
[ 573 ]
Proposal for 43Gb/s application at G.dapp2 considering PSBT (ODB) modulation format for 100GHz and for 50 GHz channel spacing. � Alcatel-Lucent Q6/15 2007-05-25
[ 572 ]
Proposal for revision of G.671 to extend the wavelength range of chromatic dispersion compensating components � Alcatel-Lucent Q7/15 2007-05-25
[ 571 ]
G.paclock document structure � Zarlink Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 570 ]
G.paclock - editorial/clarifications � Zarlink Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 569 ]
G.paclock - Clause - Phase discontinuity for EEC-Option 1 � Zarlink Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 568 ]
G.paclock - Clause 5.7.3 - Phase response to input signal interruptions � Zarlink Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 567 ]
G.paclock - Figure 14 � Zarlink Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 566 ]
Synchronous Ethernet - jitter requirements � Zarlink Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 565 ]
G.paclock - Clause 5.4.3 Jitter � Zarlink Q13/15 2007-05-25
[ 564 ]
G.paclock - Clause 5.5.2 Jitter Tolerance � Zarlink Q13/15 2007-05-25
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