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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : R�union�2009-05-11�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2009-05-11)�


Initiative "Normes mondiales sur les r�seaux NGN"

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2009-05-11 au 2009-05-22

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-01-12�

Resultats:300 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 50 ]
Proposed modifications for Y.dsnscen "Supplement on DSN scenarios" about the peer to peer facilitated user plane � China Mobile Q19/13 2009-05-01
[ 49 ]
Proposed modifications for Y.dsnscen "Supplement on DSN scenarios" about the distributed service control plane � China Mobile Q19/13 2009-05-01
[ 48 ]
Proposing the high level network description and control procedure for Flow Aggregate Information Exchange in Y.FAinX � ETRI Q4/13 2009-05-01
[ 47 ]
Proposed additional scenario of setting topology information in Y.iSCP-scen � NTT Corporation Q20/13 2009-05-01
[ 46 ]
Proposal to define the management plane in Y.iSCP-req � NTT Corporation Q20/13 2009-05-01
[ 45 ]
Proposal for 6.6.3 Security of IdM Communications and Exchange of the draft Y.IdMmechanisms � NTT Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-01
[ 44 ]
Proposal for update of reference to RFC documents � NTT Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-01
[ 43 ]
Proposal for deletion of section 8.1 of Y.secMechanisms � NTT Corporation Q16/13 2009-05-01
[ 42 ]
Proposal for arrangement of mobility management studies in ITU-T � NTT Corporation Q1/13 2009-05-01
[ 41 ]
Proposal for updates of NGN Capability Set 2 � NTT Corporation Q1/13 2009-05-01
[ 40 ]
Proposal for updates of NGN roadmap document � NTT Corporation Q1/13 2009-05-01
[ 39 ]
Application Scenarios for packet forwarding and deep packet inspection for multiple services in packet-based networks and NGN environment � MIIT of China Q17/13 2009-05-01
[ 38 ]
Y.dpireq -- DPI Requirements in packet-based networks and NGN environment � MIIT of China Q17/13 2009-05-01
[ 37 ]
Information on some multimedia enhancement functional components (Q24/16) � CATR of MIIT, P.R. China Q5/13, Q4/13 2009-05-01
[ 36 ]
Proposal to enrich the content of clause 7.2.1 in Y.PTDN � CATR of MIIT Q20/13 2009-05-01
[ 35 ]
Proposal to initiate the study of NGN to support Converged Services � CATR of MIIT Q3/13, Q13/13, Q12/13 2009-05-01
[ 34 ]
Proposal to revise the content of clause in Y.PTDN � CATR of MIIT Q20/13 2009-05-01
[ 33 ]
Information of Global ICT fora/Consortia Survey � CATR of MIIT Q1/13 2009-05-01
[ 32 ]
Proposal of modifications for Y.ngn-mcastfa � NEC Corporation Q5/13 2009-05-01
[ 31 ]
Related documents and future plan for H.mmarch � NTT Corporation Q21/16 2009-05-01
[ 30 ]
Proposed text about message specification on Q.nacp.Ng � ETRI Q7/11 2009-04-30
[ 29 ]
Proposed text about Section 8 Use of the Diameter base protocol on Q.nacp.Ng � ETRI Q7/11 2009-04-30
[ 28 ]
Proposed clarifications for the access network selection function in Multi-Connection requirements � Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Co, Ltd Q9/13 2009-04-30
[ 27 ]
Proposed clarifications for the scope and IP technology requirements in Multi-connection � Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Co, Ltd Q9/13 2009-04-30
[ 26 ]
Proposed clarifications for DSN requirements � Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Co, Ltd Q19/13 2009-04-30
[ 25 ]
Proposal for Y.phy_arch_ngn � Ministry of Communications & IT, India Q5/13 2009-04-30
[ 24 ]
Proposal of the use cases for RACF-MPM communications � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-04-30
[ 23 ]
Proposed scheme of the performance notification for RACF-MPM communications � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-04-30
[ 22 ]
Proposed study of the Rc reference point for RACF-MPM communications � KDDI Corporation (KDDI R&D Laboratories) Q4/13 2009-04-30
[ 21 ]
Proposal of a new work item for signalling requirements and architecture of the interfaces between transport stratum and Id management function. � KT Q7/11 2009-04-30
[ 20 ]
Proposed Clarification on Economic Incentives for Future Network (FN) � KT Q21/13 2009-04-29
[ 19 ]
Proposed update for Q.nacp.0 � ETRI Q7/11 2009-04-29
[ 18 ]
Proposed Draft Supplement on "Future Network : Vision, Concept, and Requirements" � ETRI Q21/13 2009-04-29
[ 17 ]
Proposed Draft New Annex for Rec. Y.1910 for alignment with Rec. J.700 � Cisco Q5/13 2009-04-29
[ 16 ]
IPTV architecture alignment between ITU-T and Industry Consortia/Forums � Cisco Q5/13 2009-04-28
[ 15 ]
Clarification for Mobility Management Issues in NGN � Korea Telecom Q8/13, Q5/13, Q3/13, Q11/13, Q1/13 2009-04-28
[ 14 ]
Hybrid MIP for Interworking between WiMAX and UMTS � Korea Telecom Q8/13 2009-04-28
[ 13 ]
New Contents of Handbook on Testing � Russian Federation Q6/11 2009-05-07
[ 12 ]
Proposal for Organizing Work Items and Related Research Project Outputs � Hitachi, Ltd. Q21/13 2009-05-07
[ 11 ]
Proposal for editorial update of Q.nacp.Ru � ETRI Q7/11 2009-04-27
[ 10 ]
Related Research Project Outputs of Infrastructure Virtualization � Hitachi, Ltd. Q21/13 2009-04-27
[ 9 ]
Proposal for IPTV service capability parameter in Ni interface of NACF � KDDI Corporation Q5/13 2009-04-27
[ 8 ]
Addition of NA(P)T-related description on procedures in Ri � KDDI Corporation Q5/11 2009-04-27
[ 7 ]
Modification of a definition about direction of Flow-Description AVP on Ri � KDDI Corporation Q5/11 2009-04-27
[ 6 ]
Additions of new clause to describe use of Diameter base protocol in Ri � KDDI Corporation Q5/11 2009-04-27
[ 5 ]
Additions of security considerations on Ri � KDDI Corporation Q5/11 2009-04-27
[ 4 ]
Additions of terms and definitions on Ri � KDDI Corporation Q5/11 2009-04-27
[ 3 ]
Modification on protocol specification of Ri � KDDI Corporation Q5/11 2009-04-27
[ 2 ]
Editorial changes on Ri � KDDI Corporation Q5/11 2009-04-27
[ 1 ]
Revised draft Recommendation on functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for applications and services using tag-based identification (Y.idserv-arch) � ETRI Q5/13 2009-04-27
Resultats:300 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
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