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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 20 : Reuni�n�2017-09-04�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 20� TD-GEN�(2017-09-04)�


IoT and smart cities

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2017-09-04 al 2017-09-15

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2022-02-032021-10-112021-05-172020-12-162020-11-062020-07-062019-11-252019-04-092018-12-032018-05-062018-01-24� [ 2017-09-04 ]� 2017-03-13

Resultados :307 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 305-GEN ]
Report of Q2/20 meeting, Geneva, 20-28 July 2017 � Rapporteur Q2/20 Q2/20 2017-07-27
[ 304-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-sec-safety. Security capabilities supporting safety of the Internet of Things, output of Q6/20 meeting, Geneva, 20-26 July 2017 � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2017-07-26
[ 303-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 6/20 Rapporteur Meeting (Geneva, 20-28 July 2017) � Rapporteur Q6/20 Q6/20 2017-07-26
[ 302-GEN ]
LS/i on the first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM) [from FG-DPM] � FG-DPM QALL/20 2017-07-21
[ 301-GEN ]
SG20 Work programme � TSB QALL/20 2017-07-20
[ 300-GEN ]
LS/i on the progress of draft F.DLS "Requirements and capabilities of decentralized ledger services" [from ITU-T Q21/16] � ITU-T Q21/16 QALL/20 2017-07-18
[ 299-GEN ]
Newcomers' welcome pack for SG20 meeting (Geneva, 4-15 September 2017) � ITU-T SG20 Mentor QALL/20 2017-07-17
[ 298-GEN ]
LS/i on appointment of ITU technical experts [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 QALL/20 2017-07-14
[ 297-GEN ]
LS/i on latest version of the Access Network Transport (ANT), Smart Grid and Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overviews and Work Plans [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 QALL/20 2017-07-06
[ 296-GEN ]
LS/i/r on smart energy (reply to SG20 - LS 17 -E) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 Q4/20 2017-06-26
[ 295-GEN ]
LS/i on the new structure of ITU-T SG5 and revised text of Questions 6, 7 and 9 [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 QALL/20, Q7/20 2017-06-26
[ 294-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU-T Study Group 5 lead study group activities [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 QALL/20, Q7/20 2017-06-19
[ 293-GEN ]
LS/i/r on JCA-IdM (reply to SG17 - LS 15 -E) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 Q6/20 2017-06-16
[ 292-GEN ]
LS/i/r on stale work items and SG Reports on lead study group activities (reply to TSAG - LS 6 -E) [ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 QALL/20 2017-06-16
[ 291-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (reply to SG2 - LS 5 -E) [ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 QALL/20 2017-06-16
[ 290-GEN ]
LS/i/r on the IAB statement on IPv6 (reply to TSAG - LS 3 -E) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 QALL/20 2017-06-16
[ 289-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Open Source (reply to TSAG - LS 4 -E) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 QALL/20 2017-06-16
[ 288-GEN ]
LS/i/r on ITU inter-Sector coordination (reply to TSAG - LS 1 -E) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 QALL/20 2017-06-16
[ 287-GEN ]
LS/i on Operational Plan for Implementation of WTSA-16 Resolutions 72 and 73 (Hammamet, 2016), and Resolution 79 (Dubai, 2012) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 QALL/20 2017-06-16
[ 286-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Operational Plan for Implementation of WTSA-16 Resolution 95 (Hammamet, 2016) (reply to SG12 - LS 4 -E ) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 QALL/20 2017-06-16
[ 285-GEN ]
LS/i/r on new structure of ITU-T SG20 (reply to SG20 - LS 33) [from oneM2M] � oneM2M QALL/20 2017-06-06
[ 284-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.wpt-usecase, output of Q2/20 e-meeting, 15-18 May 2017 � Editors Q2/20 2017-05-19
[ 283-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation "Overview of Smart Manufacturing in the context of Industrial Internet of Things" (Y.SmartMan-IIoT-overview), output of Q.2/20 e-meeting, 15-18 May 2017 � Editor Q2/20 2017-05-19
[ 282-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2067-R1, output of Q2/20 e-meeting, 15-18 May 2017 � Editor Q2/20 2017-05-19
[ 281-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation "Requirements and capabilities of Internet of Things for support of wearable devices and related services" (Y.IoT-WDS-Reqts), output of Q2/20 e-meeting, 15-18 May 2017 � Editors Q2/20 2017-05-19
[ 280-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-AC-reqts, output of Q2/20 e-meeting, 15-18 May 2017 � Editors Q2/20 2017-05-19
[ 279-GEN ]
Y.TPS-req "Requirements of transportation safety service including use cases and service scenarios", output of Q2/20 e-meeting, 15-18 May 2017 � Editor Q2/20 2017-05-19
[ 278-GEN ]
Report of Q2/20 e-meeting, 15-18 May 2017 � Rapporteur Q2/20 Q2/20 2017-05-19
[ 277-GEN ]
LS/i on ToR on Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things and Smart Cities and Communities (from JCA IoT and SC&C) � JCA- IoT and SC&C QALL/20 2017-05-16
[ 276-GEN ]
LS/i on List of collaboration mechanisms in ITU-T [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/20 2017-05-09
[ 275-GEN ]
LS/i on the IAB statement on IPv6 [from TSAG] � TSAG Q3/20 2017-05-09
[ 274-GEN ]
LS/i on Open Source [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/20 2017-05-09
[ 273-GEN ]
LS/i on transfer of FG DFS (Focus Group on Digital Financial Services) outputs to ITU-T Study Groups [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/20 2017-05-09
[ 272-GEN ]
LS/i on stale work items and SG Reports on lead study group activities [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/20 2017-05-09
[ 271-GEN ]
LS/i - ETSI ISG CIM liaison letter to ITU-T Opening Discussions [from ETSI ISG CIM] � ETSI ISG CIM Q4/20 2017-05-09
[ 270-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU inter-Sector coordination [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/20 2017-05-09
[ 269-GEN ]
LS/i on Terms and Definitions harmonization [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 Q5/20 2017-05-09
[ 268-GEN ]
LS/i on the new work item on "Requirements for Data Management in the TMN" [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 Q4/20 2017-05-09
[ 267-GEN ]
LS/i/r on IoT management collaboration request (reply to SG20 - LS22 and SG20 - LS24) [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 Q6/20 2017-05-09
[ 266-GEN ]
LS/i/r on response to ITU-T SG20 (reply to SG20 LS23) [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 Q6/20 2017-05-09
[ 265-GEN ]
LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 QALL/20 2017-05-09
[ 264-GEN ]
LS/i on new work item 'Technical framework of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) handling system in IoT environment' [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 Q6/20 2017-05-09
[ 263-GEN ]
WTSA-16 Resolution 86 - Facilitating the implementation of the Smart Africa Manifesto � TSB QALL/20 2017-05-09
[ 262-GEN ]
LS/i on the implementation of WTSA-16 Res. 94 on the security aspects of event data technologies [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 Q6/20 2017-05-09
[ 261-GEN ]
LS/i on revised terms of reference for Correspondence Group on Security and Privacy for IoT (CG-IoTsec) [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 Q6/20 2017-05-09
[ 260-GEN ]
LS/i on IoT Identification [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 QALL/20, Q6/20 2017-05-09
[ 259-GEN ]
LS/i on JCA-COP [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 Q6/20 2017-05-09
[ 258-GEN ]
LS/i on JCA-IdM [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 QALL/20 2017-05-09
[ 257-GEN ]
LS/i on proposal for establishment of Focus Group on Blockchain [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 QALL/20 2017-05-09
[ 256-GEN ]
LS/i on Security Contacts List of ITU-T SG17 lead Study Group on security [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 Q6/20 2017-05-08
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