Contribuciones�� |
[ 131 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[EES/MET CHAR] - Characteristics to be used for assessing interference to systems operating in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services, and for conducting sharing studies
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2013-03-27 |
[ 130 ]
� |
Proposed liaison statement to Working Party 5C - [Preliminary ]Draft Revisions of Recommendations ITU-R SA.1275-3 and ITU-R SA.1276-3
� |
Russian Federation
� |
� |
2013-03-27 |
[ 129 ]
� |
Experience in application of Articles 9 and 11 of the Radio Regulations to nano and pico satellite networks
� |
Radiocommunication Bureau
� |
� |
2013-03-27 |
[ 128 ]
� |
Request for reconsideration of Annex 9 to ITU-R Working Party 7B Chairman's Report
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 127 ]
� |
Working document towards a reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C - Information regarding WRC-15 Agenda item 1.9.2
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 126 ]
� |
Sharing studies between mobile-satellite service (MSS) in the 22-26 GHz range with impact on space research service (SRS) under WRC-15 Agenda item 1.10
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 125 ]
� |
Proposed updates of preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SA.[NANO/PICOSAT CHARACTERISTICS]
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 124 ]
� |
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SA.[SRS/AIRCRAFT 2-GHz] - Protection of SRS earth stations from transmitting aircraft stations in the 2 200-2 290 MHz band
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 123 ]
� |
Draft liaison statement to Working Party 4C regarding MMSS uplinks in the 8 025-8 400 MHz EESS band
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 122 ]
� |
Proposed revisions for working document towards a preliminary draft new Report on compatibility between the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) and the space research service in the frequency band 8 400-8 500 MHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 121 ]
� |
Draft liaison statement to Working Party 4C - Elements of CPM text for the draft CPM Report to WRC-15 Agenda item 1.9.2
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 120 ]
� |
Draft liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Elements of CPM text for the draft CPM Report to WRC-15 for Agenda item 1.9.1
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 119 ]
� |
Proposed revisions for a new Report on compatibility of the possible new MMSS (s-E) allocation in the 8 025-8 400 MHz band with EESS and SRS
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 118 ]
� |
Proposed revisions for preliminary draft new Report on feasibility of FSS/SRS sharing in the frequency bands 7 150-7 250 MHz and 8 400- 8 500 MHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-22 |
[ 117 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to the Handbook on Space Research Communication
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-08 |
[ 116 ]
� |
Draft CPM text for WRC-15 Agenda item 1.11
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-08 |
[ 115 ]
� |
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SA.[EESS 7-8 GHz_SHARING-SPACE] - Compatibility between EESS (Earth-to-space) and the Space Research Service or the Space Operation Service in the band 7 100-7 235 MHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-08 |
[ 114 ]
� |
Draft liaison statement to Working Party 4A regarding draft new Report ITU-R SA.[SRS SHARING 37 GHZ]
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-08 |
[ 113 ]
� |
Draft CPM text for WRC-15 Agenda item 1.13
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-08 |
[ 112 ]
� |
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1414 - Characteristics of data relay satellite systems
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-08 |
[ 111 ]
� |
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1276-3 - Orbital locations of data relay satellites to be protected from the emissions of fixed service systems operating in the band 25.25-27.5 GHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-08 |
[ 110 ]
� |
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1275-3 - Orbital locations of data relay satellites to be protected from the emissions of fixed service systems operating in the band 2 200-2 290 MHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-08 |
[ 109 ]
� |
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1155 - Protection criteria related to the operation of data relay satellite systems
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2013-03-08 |
[ 108 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1B, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 7B, 7C, JTG 4-5-6-7 and the Special Committee as responsible Groups for WRC-15 Agenda items 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.17, 1.18, 7, 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.5, 9.1.6, 9.1.8, 10 (copy to Working Party 5D)
� |
World Meteorological Organization
� |
� |
2013-03-06 |
[ 107 ]
� |
Proposal for a preliminary new revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.2001 by Working Party 3M
� |
� |
� |
2013-02-18 |
[ 106 ]
� |
Liaison statement to JTG 4-5-6-7 (copy to Working Party 4A, Working Party 4B, Working Party 4C, Working Party 5A, Working Party 5B, Working Party 5C, Working Party 6A, Working Party 7B, Working Party 7C, Working Party 7D, Working Party 1A, Working Party 3K, Working Party 3M)
� |
� |
� |
2013-02-18 |
[ 105 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 (copy to WPs 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7B, 7C, 7D, (WPs 1A, 3K, 3M)) - Suitable frequency ranges above 6 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2013-02-18 |
[ 104 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Study Groups 4, 5, 6 and 7 and Working Parties 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7B, 7C and 7D as concerned Groups for WRC-15 Agenda item 1.1 - Preparations for WRC-15 Agenda item 1.1 - Technical and operational characteristics
� |
JTG 4-5-6-7
� |
� |
2012-12-06 |
[ 103 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 7B (copied for information to Working Party 5C) - Sharing the 7-8 GHz band between proposed EESS (Earth-to-space) under WRC-15 Agenda item 1.11 and existing terrestrial services
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-28 |
[ 102 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 7B, 7C and 7D (copy to Working Parties 5B, 5C and 5D) - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.6 - Characteristics of and protection criteria for mobile systems operating in the frequency range 14.5-15.35 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-21 |
[ 101 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 4A (copy to Working Parties 3M and 7B for information) - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.9 issue 1.9.1
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-20 |
[ 100 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 and Study Group 4, 5, 6 and 7 - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.1 - Modelling considerations and other considerations for 5-6 GHz frequency range
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-16 |
[ 99 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 (copy to Working Parties (4A, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C 5D, 6A, 7B, 7C, 7D 1A, 3K 3M) for information) - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.1 - Working Party 5A initial information on spectrum requirements studies for WRC-15 Agenda item 1.1
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-16 |
[ 98 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 (copy to Working Parties (4A, 4B, 4C 5B, 5C, 5D, 6A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 1A, 3K, 3M) for information) - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.1 - Sharing considerations for the 5-6 GHz frequency range for WRC-15 Agenda item 1.1
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-16 |
[ 97 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B - Draft revisions of Recommendations ITU-R F.1247-2, ITU-R F.1249-2 and ITU-R F.1509-1
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-14 |
[ 96 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A (copy to Working Parties 4C, 5A, 5B, 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D for information) - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.8 - Possible review of the provisions relating to earth stations on board vessels in the 5 925-6 425 MHz and 14-14.5 GHz bands
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-14 |
[ 95 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 1A and 1B (for information to WPs 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5D, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7B, 7C, 7D on further studies on cognitive radio systems (CRS))
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-14 |
[ 94 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B - Fixed service characteristics, protection criteria and modelling for WRC-15 Agenda item 1.11
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-14 |
[ 93 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 5B (copy for information to Working Parties 1B, 3M, 5C, 7B, 7D) - Information on amateur service systems at 77.5-78 GHz for use in sharing studies for WRC-15 Agenda item 1.18
� |
� |
� |
2012-11-12 |
[ 92 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 - Initial information on spectrum requirements studies for WRC-15 Agenda item 1.1
� |
� |
� |
2012-10-16 |
[ 91 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7 on suitable frequency ranges under WRC-15 Agenda item 1.1
� |
� |
� |
2012-10-16 |
[ 90 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 5A and 5C (for action) and Working Parties 4C, 5B, 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D (for information) - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.8
� |
� |
� |
2012-10-05 |
[ 89 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 7B, 7C and 7D (copy to Working Parties 3M and 6B for information) - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.6
� |
� |
� |
2012-10-05 |
[ 88 ]
+Ann.1-21� |
Report on the September 2012 meeting of Working Party 7B with a view to its next meeting (April 2013) (Manta, Ecuador, 24-28 September 2012)
� |
Chairman, WP 7B
� |
� |
2012-09-28 |
[ 87 ]
� |
Lista final de participantes - Grupo de trabajo 7B (Manta, Ecuador, 24-28 de septiembre de 2012)
� |
Director, BR
� |
� |
2012-09-27 |
[ 86 ]
� |
Proposal for a new working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R RS.[9GHZ-EESS-CHAR] - Characteristics of synthetic aperture radars operating in the Earth
exploration-satellite service (active) around 9.6 GHz
� |
Germany (Federal Republic of)
� |
� |
2012-09-14 |
[ 85 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report - Compatibility between the Earth exploration-satellite Service (active) and the space research service in the frequency band 8 400-8 500 MHz
� |
Germany (Federal Republic of)
� |
� |
2012-09-14 |
[ 84 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3M, 5A, 5C, 7B - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.9.1
� |
� |
� |
2012-09-24 |
[ 83 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B - WRC-15 Agenda item 1.6
� |
� |
� |
2012-09-24 |
[ 82 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B - WRC-15 Agenda item 9.1.1
� |
� |
� |
2012-09-19 |
Resultados :381 documentos Resultados :�
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
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Telecarga de m�ltiples documentos:�Formatos e idiomas que hay que tener en cuenta (si est�n disponibles):