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Reuniones de los Grupos de Relator de la Comisi�n de Estudio 1 del UIT-D

Resultados :460 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 210 ]
Policy recommendations for Lao PDR's broadband development � Korea (Republic of) Q1/1 2019-08-08
[ 209 ]
Promoting last mile connectivity using reverse auctions � United States of America Q5/1, Q1/1 2019-08-08
[ 208 ]
June 2020 workshop concept for discussion: "Consumer trends: technologies and challenges" � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q6/1 2019-08-08
[ 207 ]
Preliminary Draft of the Report for Question 6/1 - Chapter 3 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q6/1 2019-08-08
[ 206 ]
Brazilian status on unsolicited calls (abusive calls), telemarketing and the institutional framework � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q6/1 2019-08-08
[ 205 ]
Regulatory strategy and policies for electronic communication services � Burkina Faso Q4/1 2019-08-08
[ 204 ]
Proposed contribution of ITU-D Question 7/1 to the intra-sectoral coordination of ITU-D study groups � Russian Federation Q7/1 2019-08-08
[ 203 ]
Access to television and video content for persons with sight impairments: audio description � Russian Federation Q7/1 2019-08-08
[ 202 ]
Accessible digital environment for persons with hearing impairments � Russian Federation Q7/1 2019-08-08
[ 201 ]
Protection of consumer rights in the provision of communication services: communication service quality � Russian Federation Q6/1 2019-08-08
[ 200 ]
Access to banking services in remote, hard-to-reach and sparsely populated areas � Russian Federation Q5/1 2019-08-08
[ 199 ]
Contribution for preparation of final report on Question 4/1, chapter 3, section 1: "The impact of infrastructure and spectrum sharing on prices to consumers" � Madagascar (Republic of) Q4/1 2019-08-08
[ 198 ]
Contribution for preparation of final report on Question 4/1, chapter 4, section 3: "Impacts of MVNO on market competition" � Madagascar (Republic of) Q4/1 2019-08-08
[ 197 ]
Draft Chapter 2 of final report on ICT requirements of people living in rural and remote communities � The ITU Association of Japan, Inc. Q5/1 2019-08-08
[ 196 ]
Accessibility in the framework of the Brazilian telecommunication regulation � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q7/1 2019-08-07
[ 195 ]
Expansion of Brazilian broadband network PERT � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q5/1, Q1/1 2019-08-07
[ 194 ]
Broadband and development � United States of America Q1/1 2019-08-07
[ 193 ]
Rural connectivity � United States of America Q5/1 2019-08-07
[ 192 ]
Working document - Draft Question 7/1 Output Report � Rapporteur for Question 7/1 Q7/1 2019-08-06
[ 191 ]
Policy for introducing an effective regulatory framework, digital education and consumer protection � Guinea (Republic of) Q6/1 2019-08-07
[ 190 ]
Challenges and impacts of OTT in the telecommunications/ICT sector in Guinea � Guinea (Republic of) Q3/1 2019-08-07
[ 189 ]
Telecommunications Relay Service -Before and After Its Beginnings � G3ict Q7/1 2019-08-07
[ 188 ]
Descriptive video service - "listening to" movies and videos � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2019-08-07
[ 187 ]
Women, ICTs, and Development � United States of America Q5/1, Q1/1 2019-08-06
[ 186 ]
Overview of the audiovisual sector and the digital migration process in Chad � Chad (Republic of) Q2/1 2019-08-04
[ 185 ]
Broadband deployment � Chad (Republic of) Q1/1 2019-08-04
[ 184 ]
Technologies, regulation and players � Tactikom-Africa (S�n�gal) Q3/1 2019-08-04
[ 183 ]
Regulatory interventions for ensuring proper infrastructure sharing � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q4/1 2019-08-04
[ 182 ]
Use of mobile app to gather crowd source data on broadband speed for information to the telecom consumers � Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Q6/1 2019-08-04
[ 181 ]
BDT report on the implementation of ICT accessibility activities, events and resources since the last ITU-D Study Group 1 Q7/1 meeting � BDT Focal Point for Question 7/1 Q7/1 2019-08-02
[ 180 ]
Implementation of activities in ensuring accessible ICTs � Bosnia and Herzegovina Q7/1 2019-08-02
[ 179 ]
Determination of the wholesale tariff for the African Coast to Europe (ACE) landing station - The Gambian experience � Gambia (Republic of the) Q4/1 2019-08-01
[ 178 ]
Adoption of the Digital Planning Roadmap in Burkina Faso � Burkina Faso Q6/1, Q5/1, Q1/1 2019-08-01
[ 177 ]
Rural broadband deployment and its benefits in Burundi � Burundi (Republic of) Q5/1 2019-07-31
[ 176 ]
Expansion of the territory covered by communication services in remote and hard-to-reach settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic � Kyrgyz Republic Q5/1, Q1/1 2019-08-01
[ 175 ]
The place of universal service/access policy in the new Electronic Communication Code: overview of the Code's provisions and implementing decrees � Senegal (Republic of) Q5/1 2019-07-31
[ 174 ]
Regulation of Unsolicited Commercial Communications - Indian experience � India (Republic of) Q6/1 2019-07-31
[ 173 ]
Updated version of the draft text on ITU activities related to digital broadcasting and digital dividend � TRA, Lebanon Q2/1 2019-07-31
[ 172 ]
Identifying electronic communication service subscribers and customers in Burkina Faso � Burkina Faso Q6/1 2019-07-31
[ 171 ]
Consumer information, protection and rights: Laws, regulation, economic bases, consumer networks � Democratic Republic of the Congo Q6/1 2019-07-30
[ 170 ]
Regulation of the ICT sector to guarantee public satisfaction and develop the national digital economy � Comoros (Union of the) Q6/1 2019-07-27
[ 169 ]
Regulatory framework for the installation of radio stations and dealing with complaints from the public concerning radio facilities in Benin � Benin (Republic of) Q6/1 2019-07-27
[ 168 ]
Access to ICTs by persons with disabilities in Burundi � Burundi (Republic of) Q7/1 2019-07-26
[ 167 ]
The Burundi broadband strategy, a vision for 2025 in the ICT sector � Burundi (Republic of) Q1/1 2019-07-26
[ 166 ]
Establishment of multipurpose community telecentres in rural areas to bridge the digital divide in Burundi � Burundi (Republic of) Q5/1 2019-07-26
[ 165 ]
Contribution of ICT/telecommunication providers and operators to research, standardization, training, awareness-raising and studies � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q5/1, Q1/1 2019-07-26
[ 164 ]
Financing of equipment for specialized multimedia centres for people with disabilities � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q7/1 2019-07-26
[ 163 ]
Training seminar for IT managers and webmasters from government agencies on accessibility of web content for persons with disabilities � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q7/1 2019-07-26
[ 162 ]
Instructions for the provision of telecommunication services, promotional campaigns and offers � Palestine(*) Q6/1 2019-07-24
[ 161 ]
Rights, protection and access of persons with disabilities and persons with specific needs in relation to ICTs and IoT � Central African Republic Q7/1 2019-07-24
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