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Land mobile service above 30 MHz*(excluding IMT); wireless access in the fixed service; amateur and amateur-satellite services

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 260 ]
Sharing and compatibility studies of Fixed Satellite Service Earth Station and Mobile service operating in the frequency band 3 600 -3 800 MHz under agenda item 1.3 � China (People's Republic of) 2022-05-13
[ 259 ]
Proposed modification to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] - Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) � China (People's Republic of) 2022-05-13
[ 258 ]
Proposed modification to the working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RSTT_FRQ] � China (People's Republic of) 2022-05-13
[ 257 ]
Proposed modification on spectrum needs in the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] � China (People's Republic of) 2022-05-13
[ 256 ]
Proposed modification on raw perception data sharing use case in the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] � China (People's Republic of) 2022-05-13
[ 255 ]
Proposal on the modification of the working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1450-5 � China (People's Republic of) 2022-05-13
[ 254 ]
Proposed modification to M.1801-2 � IEEE 2022-05-13
[ 253 ]
Proposed modification to M.1450-5 � IEEE 2022-05-13
[ 252 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS GUIDANCE] - Guidance on the implementation of technical and operational measures for the use of the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz by the Amateur and Amateur-satellite services in order to protect the RNSS � France AI9.1B) 2022-05-13
[ 251 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C - Report on progress of agenda item 9.1, topic b) for WRC-23 � France AI9.1B) 2022-05-13
[ 250 ]
Proposals for modification of the working document towards a preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 b) � Russian Federation AI9.1B) 2022-05-13
[ 249 ]
Revision to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[LMS.CINDITIONS>275GHz] � Russian Federation 2022-05-13
[ 248 ]
Proposed review of ITU-R Reports and Recommendations under the purview of Working Party 5A for their possible suppression � Canada 2022-05-13
[ 247 ]
Frequencies used by systems based on radio interface standards for broadband wireless access � Canada Q238/5 2022-05-13
[ 246 ]
Proposed update of preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[AMATEUR.CHARACTERISTICS] � Canada 2022-05-13
[ 245 ]
Proposed update of working document towards a preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic b) � Canada AI9.1B) 2022-05-13
[ 244 ]
Proposed update to Report ITU-R M.2442 � N/A � 2022-05-13
[ 243 ]
Proposed modification to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] � Korea (Republic of) Q261/5 2022-05-13
[ 242 ]
Proposed modification to Recommedation ITU-R M.1450-5 � Korea (Republic of) 2022-05-13
[ 241 ] �
Case study: Spectrum for the Smart Grid � Ireland 2022-05-10
[ 240 ]
Response liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5A � European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2022-05-05
[ 239 ]
Working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic b) � France , Germany (Federal Republic of) AI9.1B) 2022-04-29
[ 238 ]
WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic c) � United States of America AI9.1C) 2022-04-26
[ 237 ]
WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic c) � United States of America AI9.1C) 2022-04-27
[ 236 ]
Proposed improvements to the "Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R on connected automated vehicles (M.[CAV])" � United States of America Q261/5 2022-04-27
[ 235 ]
Proposed draft CPM text for agenda item 9.1 topic c) � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland AI9.1C) 2022-04-11
[ 234 ]
Adding symbol to the ninth ITU Radio Regulations band and revising Recommendation ITU-R V.431-8 - Nomenclature: Number 12, THF 300 to 3 000 GHz, Decimillimetric waves � ATDI Q228/3 2022-04-06
[ 233 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5A - Expressing support with additional information to the content of Annex 4 in the working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[RSTT_FRQ] � Asia-Pacific Telecommunity 2022-04-04
[ 232 ]
Draft contribution from the Iran (Islamic Republic of) to all ITU-R Working Parties dealing with WRC-23 agenda items regarding the status of the secondary allocation in relation with WRC-23 agenda items � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2022-02-09
[ 231 ]
Report of the seventeenth meeting of the joint IMO/ITU Experts Group on maritime radiocommunication matters � International Maritime Organisation 2021-11-26
[ 230 ]
Text proposals for working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] � Qualcomm, Inc. 2021-11-08
[ 229 ]
Contribution on the understanding of the term Fixed Wireless Broadband (FWB) for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic c) � Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) , United Arab Emirates 2021-11-08
[ 228 ]
Proposed revisions to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2021-11-08
[ 227 ]
Proposal for the revision of Report ITU-R M.2479 � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2021-11-08
[ 226 ]
Proposed modification on global development status on CAV in the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] � China (People's Republic of) 2021-11-08
[ 225 ]
Proposal on the working document towards a preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1450-5 � China (People's Republic of) 2021-11-08
[ 224 ]
Proposed modification on raw perception data sharing use case in the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[CAV] � N/A � 2021-11-08
[ 223 ]
Proposal on the preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 topic c) � Russian Federation AI9.1 2021-11-08
[ 222 ]
Revision to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[252-296 GHZ.LMS.FS.COEXIST] - Coexistence between land-mobile and fixed service applications operating in the frequency range 252-296 GHz � Russian Federation 2021-11-08
[ 221 ]
Working document towards a draft new Recommendation - Guidance on the implementation of technical and operational measures for the use of the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz by the Amateur and Amateur-satellite service in order to protect the RNSS � Germany (Federal Republic of) 2021-11-08
[ 220 ]
Proposed modifications to the working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 1.3 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) , United Arab Emirates AI1.3 2021-11-08
[ 219 ]
WRC-23 agenda item 1.3 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) AI9.1 2021-11-08
[ 218 ]
Proposed modifications to Section 2 of CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 1.3 � GSM Association AI1.3 2021-11-08
[ 217 ]
Proposed amendments to ITU-R Report M.2442-0 � France 2021-11-08
[ 216 ]
Up-to-date information on spectrum regulatory framework for Railway Mobile Radio (RMR) in Europe � France 2021-11-08
[ 215 ]
Proposed modifications to the working document towards draft CPM text on WRC-23 agenda item 1.3 � France , Germany (Federal Republic of) AI1.3 2021-11-08
[ 214 ]
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[AMATEUR.CHARACTERISTICS] � France 2021-11-08
[ 213 ]
Draft liaison statement to Working Party 4C (copy to Working Party 3M for information) - Information for studies on WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic b) � France 2021-11-08
[ 212 ]
Working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 topic b) � France 2021-11-08
[ 211 ]
Proposed way forward for agenda item 9.1 topic c) � South Africa (Republic of) AI9.1 2021-11-08
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