Administrative Documents�� |
[ 162 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting, Friday, 4 February 2005
� |
Services SWG 1 Drafting Group
� |
2005-02-03 |
[ 161 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Working Group Developing
� |
Chairman, WG Developing
� |
2005-02-03 |
[ 160 ]
� |
Agenda Ad Hoc Workplan
� |
Ah Workplan
� |
2005-02-03 |
[ 159 ]
� |
Services Working Group-SWG Spectrum Calculation - Agenda for the third and fourth meetings
� |
Services, Spectrum Calculation
� |
2005-02-03 |
[ 158 ]
� |
1st meeting of Satellite Coordination Group, Thursday, 3 February 2005
� |
� |
2005-02-03 |
[ 157 ]
� |
Chairmen of Working Groups, Sub-Working Groups and ad hoc Groups
� |
Chairman, WP 8F
� |
2005-02-03 |
[ 156 ]
� |
Agenda for second meeting of SWG 3 Radio Aspects
� |
WG Technology SWG3
� |
2005-02-02 |
[ 155 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting - Thursday, 3 February 2005
� |
Services WG
� |
2005-02-02 |
[ 154 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Technology of SWG 1
� |
Chairman, Technology SWG1
� |
2005-02-02 |
[ 153 ]
� |
Joint meeting of Services SGW1 (Market) and SWG2 (SpecCalc) - Agenda for the first meeting - Thursday 3 February 2005
� |
Services SWG 1 (Mkt)
Services SWG 2 (SpecCalc)
� |
2005-02-02 |
[ 152 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting - Wednesday 3 February 2005
� |
Services SWG 1 MKT
� |
2005-02-02 |
[ 151 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the 1st meeting of Spectrum Sub-Working Group 4
� |
Spectrum SWG4
� |
2005-02-02 |
[ 150 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting - Services Working Group
� |
Services Working Group
� |
2005-02-02 |
[ 149 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Services Sub-Working Group 1 (Market) on Wednesday, 2 February 2005
� |
Chairman, Services SWG 1
� |
2005-02-01 |
[ 148 ]
� |
Ad Hoc Migration Agenda
� |
� |
2005-02-01 |
[ 147 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Working Group Techonolgy - Wednesday 2 February 2005
� |
WG Technology
� |
2005-02-01 |
[ 146 ]
� |
Draft agenda for meetings of SPEC SWG 3 during the 15th meeting of Working Party 8F (Geneva, 1-8 February 2005)
� |
Chairman, SPEC SWG 3
� |
2005-02-01 |
[ 145 ]
� |
Services Working Group - Agenda for the first meeting
� |
� |
2005-02-01 |
[ 144 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meting - Wednesday 2 February 2005
� |
� |
2005-02-01 |
[ 143 ]
� |
Provisional List of Participants
� |
Director, BR
� |
2005-02-01 |
[ 142 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Working Group Spectrum
� |
Chairman, WG Spectrum
� |
2005-02-01 |
[ 141 ]
� |
Attribution of input documents
� |
Chairman, WP 8F
� |
2005-01-31 |
[ 140 ]
� |
Agenda and meeting schedule (1-3 February 2005)
� |
Chairman, WP 8F
� |
2005-01-31 |
[ 139 ]
� |
Agenda for the closing Plenary
� |
Chairman, WP 8F
� |
2004-10-27 |
[ 138 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of Service/Market Aspect Working Group
� |
Services WG
� |
2004-10-27 |
[ 137 ]
� |
List of Temp documents
� |
� |
2004-10-27 |
[ 136 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of WG TECHNOLOGY
� |
� |
2004-10-19 |
[ 135 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of WG SERVICES SWG Spectrum Calculation
� |
Chariman, SWG Spectrum Calculation
� |
2004-10-19 |
[ 134 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of WG SPECTRUM
� |
� |
2004-10-19 |
[ 133 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of SWG MARKET
� |
Chairman, SWG MARKET
� |
2004-10-18 |
[ 132 ]
� |
Agenda for Ad Hoc WORKPLAN
� |
Chairman, AH Workplan
� |
2004-10-18 |
[ 131 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of WG SERVICES SWG Spectrum Calculation
� |
Chairman, SWG Spectrum Calculation
� |
2004-10-18 |
[ 130 ]
� |
Agenda for the meeting of Drafting Group (Environment)
� |
Chairman, DG Environment
� |
2004-10-18 |
[ 129 ]
� |
Draft agenda of the first meeting of SAT COORD Group
� |
Chairman, WG SAT COORD
� |
2004-10-18 |
[ 128 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the fifth meeting of TECHNOLOGY SWG2 SDR
� |
Chariman, SWG2 SDR
� |
2004-10-18 |
[ 127 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of WG SPECTRUM
� |
� |
2004-10-18 |
[ 126 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of SWG MARKET
� |
Chairman, SWG MARKET
� |
2004-10-18 |
[ 125 ]
� |
Agenda for joint meeting of SWG MARKET and SWG SPEC CALC
� |
Chairman, SWG MARKET
� |
2004-10-15 |
[ 124 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Migration
� |
Chairman, AH Migration
� |
2004-10-15 |
[ 123 ]
� |
Chairmen of Working Groups and sub-Working Groups
� |
Chairman, WP8F
� |
2004-10-15 |
[ 122 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the third meeting of TECHNOLOGY SWG 2
� |
Chairman, TECH SWG2
� |
2004-10-15 |
[ 121 ]
� |
Draft agenda for the first meeting of TECHNOLOGY SWG2
� |
Chairman, TECH SWG2
� |
2004-10-15 |
[ 120 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of TECHNOLOGY SWG1
� |
Chairman, TECH SWG1
� |
2004-10-15 |
[ 119 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of SWG MARKET
� |
Chairman, SWG MARKET
� |
2004-10-14 |
[ 118 ]
� |
Agenda for the joint meeting of SWG Radio Aspects and SWG SPEC CALC
� |
Chairman, TECH SWG3
� |
2004-10-14 |
[ 117 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of SWG Radio aspect
� |
Chairman, TECH SWG3
� |
2004-10-14 |
[ 116 ]
� |
Agenda for the meeting of SWG 2
� |
Chairman, SWG2
� |
2004-10-14 |
[ 115 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Services WG
� |
Chairman, SWG Spectrum calculation
� |
2004-10-13 |
[ 114 ]
� |
Draft agenda for meetings of SPEC SWG 3 during the 14th meeting of WP 8F
� |
Chairman, SPEC SWG 3
� |
2004-10-13 |
[ 113 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of WG Technology
� |
Chairman, WG Technology
� |
2004-10-13 |
Results:410 total items. Result page:�
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