Contributions�� |
[ 298 ]
� |
Establishment of an electronic data bank of satellite system characteristics for frequency sharing studies and draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1328-3
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 297 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to a working Document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Technical and operational characteristics of networks of the fixed-satellite service operating in the 20-375 THz band (15-0.8um)
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 296 ]
� |
Proposed revision to text on methodology to derive continuous curves of epfd (Question ITU-R 231/4)
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 295 ]
� |
Consideration on aggregate pfd measurement at an MSS satellite receiver
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 294 ]
� |
Proposed modifications to draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.6
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 293 ]
� |
On the sharing studies requested in Resolution 540 (WRC-2000)
� |
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 292 ]
� |
Proposed modification to PDNR 4A/TEMP/86
� |
Korea (Republic of)
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 291 ]
� |
Dynamic channel assignment for FSS systems
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 290 ]
� |
Comments on draft new/revised Recommendations for consideration of adoption by Study Group 4
� |
India (Republic of)
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 289 ]
� |
Transmitting data rates from 14/11 GHz and 6/4 GHz bands ESV systems
� |
Telenor AS
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 288 ]
� |
Sharing between HDFSS and BSS
� |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 287 ]
� |
Comments in responses to Circular Letter CAR/109
� |
India (Republic of)
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 286 ]
� |
PDNR on ESV characteristics
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 285 ]
� |
PFD masks for the protection of GSO networks against interference from HEO satellite systems (WRC-03 agenda item 1.37)
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 284 ]
� |
Report of the 1st meeting of the ICG on satellite matters (Ankara, Turkey, 26-28 June 2001)
� |
Chairman, ICG-SAT
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 283 ]
� |
Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Implementation of GSO FSS earth stations without individual site coordination
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 282 ]
� |
Revision of preliminary draft new Recommendation - Technical characteristics of high density FSS earth stations operating with geostationary FSS networks in the 20/30 GHz bands
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 281 ]
� |
Update specifications for automating article S5 and other provisions of the radio regulations
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 280 ]
� |
Proposed revisions to preliminary draft new Recommendation - Methodologies for calculating aggregate epfd (down) produced by multiple non-GSO FSS systems into a GSO FSS network
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 279 ]
� |
Work. doc. draft CPM text - Potential impact on FSS and BSS serv. syst. planning to operate in the 40.5-42.5 GHz band of meeting the detrimental interf. threshold crit. of Rec.ITU-R RA.769-1 for radio astronomy receivers oper. in the 42.5-43.5 GH
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 278 ]
� |
Draft new Recommendation on operation and control of AMSS networks in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band relative to FSS networks
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 277 ]
� |
Working document towards revision of sections 4.9 and 6.4 in the Chairman's Report from the April-May 2001 meeting, on sharing of ISS allocations between GSO-GSO and GSO-non-GSO inter-satellite links
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 276 ]
� |
Working document towards a draft new Recommendation on frequency sharing without satellite diversity between multiple non-Geostationary fixed-satellite service (non-GSO FSS) MEO systems in the 20-30 GHz band using nearly homogeneous constellation
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 275 ]
� |
Agenda item 1.6 - Regulatory measures to protect MSS feeder links in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 274 ]
� |
Draft new Recommendation on Frequency sharing between NGSO FSS and GSO FSS systems in the 47.2-50.2 GHz and 37.5-42.5 GHz frequency bands
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 273 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft new Recommendation - Characteristics of earth stations on board vessels (ESVs) operating in FSS networks in the frequency bands 14.0-14.5 GHz
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 272 ]
� |
Draft new Recommendation concerning Specifications for automating regulatory checks against Article S5 and other provisions of the Radio Regulations
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 271 ]
� |
Draft new Recommendation - Technical and operational characteristics of fixed-satellites operating in the 20-375 THz (15-0.8 um)
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 270 ]
� |
Proposed revision to the preliminary draft new Recommendation
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 269 ]
� |
A performance comparison of Ku band versus frequencies above 17 GHz in the fixed satellite service for the use of telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) above 17 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 268 ]
� |
Aggregate interference from GSO HD-FSS satellite transmitters into a non-GSO satellite receiver
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 267 ]
� |
Proposed liaison statement from WP 4A to WP 8D - Proposed elements for CPM text on Agenda item 1.11 on Sharing between AMSS and FSS 14-14.5 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 266 ]
� |
Levels of unwanted emissions from space services falling into RAS bands
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 265 ]
� |
Compatibility issue between space services and passive services such as Radio Astronomy
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 264 ]
� |
Sharing situation between FSS (Earth-to-space) Earth stations and HDFSS (space-to-Earth) Earth stations in the band 47.2-50.2 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 263 ]
� |
Passive intermodulation products in the band 47.2-50.2 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 262 ]
� |
Proposed draft CPM text for WRC-03 agenda item 1.37
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 261 ]
� |
Earth station on board vessels operated in the 14 GHz band
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 260 ]
� |
Some considerations on unwanted emissions
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 259 ]
� |
Proposed PDNR "Methodology for the calculation of the worst-case interf. levels from non-geos. fixed-satellite service systems using highly-elliptical orbits into geos. fixed-satellite service satellite networks operating in the 10 to 31 GHz ...
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 258 ]
� |
The use of spread spectrum communications to facilitate sharing between uncoordinated earth stations of the high density fixed-satellite service (HD-FSS) and the fixed service (FS) in the band 17.7-19.7 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 257 ]
� |
Off-axis e.i.r.p. density limitation for earth stations operated in the 30 GHz band
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 256 ]
� |
Adaptive error-control coding as a method for improving FSS transmissions robustness against risk of FS interference in the 18 GHz band
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 255 ]
� |
Proposal for the addition of the parameters for defining the "Active Arc" of the non-GSO satellite system employing the highly elliptical orbit into the APS4
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 254 ]
� |
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation - Methodology for evaluation of interference among certain types of non-GSO FSS systems in situations where non in-line interference exists
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 253 ]
(Rev.1)� |
On the impact of asymmetric aperture antennas in HD-FSS Earth stations
� |
Brazil (Federative Republic of)
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 252 ]
+Add.1� |
Responses to Circular letter CA/99
� |
BR Secretariat
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 251 ]
� |
Liaison statement to WP's 4A for action and to WP's 6S, 7D and 8D for information
� |
TG 1/7
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 250 ]
� |
Liaison statement to WP's 4A, 6S, 7D, 7E and 8D
� |
TG 1/7
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
[ 249 ]
� |
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 6S, 8D, 9B and 9D - Measurement bandwidths for levels of unwanted emissions
� |
TG 1/7
� |
� |
2001-10-03 |
Results:548 total items. Result page:�
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