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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG 17 : R�union�2010-12-08�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG 17� TD�(2010-12-08)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2010-12-08 au 2010-12-17

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-08-292012-02-202011-08-242011-04-11� [ 2010-12-08 ]� 2010-04-072009-09-162009-02-11

Resultats:427 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1282-PLEN ]
Highlights from extended management meeting (6 December 2010) � SG 17 Chairman QALL/17 2010-12-09
[ 1281-PLEN ]
Report on status of updating the Security Standards Roadmap � Roadmap Editor Q1/17 2010-12-09
[ 1280-PLEN ]
Proposal for revised draft text for X.ics : Functions & interfaces for countering email spam using botnet information � Editors Q5/17 2010-12-09
[ 1279-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Draft 1st CD 27014 - "Governance of information security" � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Q3/17 2010-12-09
[ 1278-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Liaison statement from SC 27 WGs to ITU-T SG 17 (N9033) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 QALL/17 2010-12-09
[ 1277-PLEN ]
GSC15 material � TSB QALL/17 2010-12-09
[ 1276-PLEN ]
List of participants � TSB QALL/17 2010-12-09
[ 1275-PLEN ]
Draft agenda of Q.9/17 � Rapporteur of Q.9/17 Q9/17 2010-12-09
[ 1274-PLEN ]
Status of Z-series Recommendations under the responsibility of Q.13/17 (TAJ30) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-12-09
[ 1273-PLEN ]
Summaries for Q.13/17 work items under development (TAJ29) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-12-09
[ 1272-PLEN ]
List of work items for Q.13/17 (TAJ28) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-12-09
[ 1271-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T X.525 (2008) | ISO/IEC 9594-9:2008 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1270-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T X.525 (2005) | ISO/IEC 9594-9:2005 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1269-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T X.520 (2008) | ISO/IEC 9594-6:2008 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1268-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 3 to ITU-T X.520 (2005) | ISO/IEC 9594-6:2005 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1267-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T X.519 (2008) | ISO/IEC 9594-5:2008 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1266-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 2 to ITU-T X.519 (2005) | ISO/IEC 9594-5:2005 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1265-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T X.518 (2008) | ISO/IEC 9594-4:2008 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1264-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 2 to ITU-T X.518 (2005) | ISO/IEC 9594-4:2005 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1263-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T X.511 (2008) | ISO/IEC 9594-3:2008 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1262-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 3 to ITU-T X.511 (2005) | ISO/IEC 9594-3:2005 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1261-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T X.509 (2008) | ISO/IEC 9594-8:2008 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1260-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 3 to ITU-T X.509 (2005) | ISO/IEC 9594-8:2005 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1259-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T X.501 (2008) | ISO/IEC 9594-2:2008 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1258-PLEN ]
Draft Technical Corrigendum 3 to ITU-T X.501 (2005) | ISO/IEC 9594-2:2005 � Rapporteur Q.11/17 Q11/17 2010-12-09
[ 1257-PLEN ]
Proposed enhanced and revised text for ITU-T Rec. X.th3 � Editor Q9/17 2010-12-09
[ 1256-PLEN ]
E-Telehealth and world-wide telemedicines - Generic telecommunication protocol � Editor Q9/17 2010-12-09
[ 1255-PLEN ]
Agenda for WP 1/17 plenary � Vice-chairman of SG 17, Chairman of WP 1/17 Q5/17, Q4/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q1/17 2010-12-08
[ 1254-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for Q.8/17 � Rapporteur Q8/17 2010-12-08
[ 1253-PLEN ]
Agenda for WP 3/17 plenary � Vice-Chairman of SG17, Chairman of WP 3/17 Q15/17, Q14/17, Q13/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17 2010-12-08
[ 1252-PLEN ]
Agenda for WP 2/17 opening plenary � Vice-chairman of SG 17, Chairman of WP 2/17 Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17 2010-12-08
[ 1251-PLEN ]
Comparison between 1st CD and 2nd CD ITU-T X.eaa | ISO/IEC 29115 � Co-Editor Q10/17 2010-12-08
[ 1250-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for Q.6/17 � Rapporteur Q6/17 2010-12-09
[ 1249-PLEN ]
Update on ITU-T Technology Watch Function activities � TSB QALL/17 2010-12-07
[ 1248-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for Q.2/17 � Draft agenda for Q.2/17 Q2/17 2010-12-07
[ 1247-PLEN ]
Q.4/17 14-15 Oct 2010 Interim Meeting Report � Q.4/17 Rapporteur Group Q4/17 2010-12-07
[ 1246-PLEN ]
Q.4/17 12-13 July 2010 Interim Meeting Report � Q.4 Rapporteur Group Q4/17 2010-12-07
[ 1245-PLEN ]
Quantities and their units to be used in physiology - Part 3: Telebiometrics related to chemistry � ISO TC 12/SC Q9/17 2010-12-07
[ 1244-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda of the Q.4/17 meeting � Rapporteur Q.4/17 Q4/17 2010-12-07
[ 1243-PLEN ]
Preliminary analysis for qualification of FIRST, CA/Browser Forum and Cloud Security Alliance according to ITU-T A.4 and ITU-T A.5 � TSB QALL/17 2010-12-07
[ 1242-PLEN ]
The report of Correspondence Group on a Decentralized architecture for global IP-network name resolution system � The Correspondence Group convenor Q2/17, Q12/17, Q10/17 2010-12-06
[ 1241-PLEN ]
Summary of voting on ISO/IEC FCD 29180, Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Security framework for ubiquitous sensor network (6N14498) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Q6/17 2010-12-06
[ 1240-PLEN ]
Draft agenda of Q.5/17 � Rapporteurs Q5/17 2010-12-06
[ 1239-PLEN ]
Withdrawn � N/A � 2010-12-06
[ 1238-PLEN ]
Non-CYBEX Q4/17 Recommendations Planning � Rapporteur Q.4/17 Q4/17 2010-12-06
[ 1237-PLEN ]
Preliminary analysis of Kantara Initiative for qualification according to ITU-T A.4 and ITU-T A.5 � TSB QALL/17 2010-12-06
[ 1236-PLEN ]
Handling of input documents addressed to All/17 � SG 17 Chairman QALL/17 2010-12-06
[ 1235-PLEN ]
Incoming LS - Liaison statement on identity management, privacy technology and biometrics (27N9254, N9229, N9230) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Q9/17, Q10/17 2010-12-06
[ 1234-PLEN ]
Draft Rec. ITU-T X.iodef-phishing, IODEF Extension for Phishing � Editor Q4/17 2010-12-06
[ 1233-PLEN ]
Draft Rec. ITU-T X.iodef, Incident object description exchange format � Editors, Q.4/17 Q4/17 2010-12-06
Resultats:427 documents
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